Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 382 Cooperation with Zhenyuanzhai

On the street, with the sound of heavy footsteps, the scarred Zhen Yuanzhai struggled to move forward while carrying the body of his apprentice.

After just a few steps, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because in front, under the dark night, a burly figure suddenly appeared.

Qin Ming stood in the darkness, looking at Zhenyuanzhai expressionlessly.

Zhen Yuanzhai, with his apprentice's arm on his shoulder, stood under the street lamp and looked at Qin Ming expressionlessly.

He knew Qin Ming. After all, this guy's playing style in the ring was so unique that it was hard not to notice it, let alone that the other party had helped him just now.

Just looking at the big man in front of him who could be regarded as saving his life, Zhen Yuanzhai did not feel happy. Instead, he felt a chill in his heart and his face was full of vigilance.

Because he could feel the strong murderous aura emanating from the other party.

other side! Planning to kill myself!

On the street, the two faced off silently. After a few seconds, Qin Ming strode towards Zhenyuanzhai. As he approached, he slowly clasped his hands, and his arms were covered with blood.

Noticing this scene, Zhen Yuanzhai's pupils shrank and he gently put down his apprentice's body.

Then he grabbed the wine gourd and took a big sip. After putting down the gourd, he said with drunken eyes.

"Old man, it's no use. If it had been twenty years ago, I could have killed you all by myself."

Qin Ming's lips curled up when he heard this.

"Well, old man, if you think about it twenty years from now, anyone can dig up your grave."

"Young man, do you practice horizontal kung fu? You are also a genius if you can master horizontal kung fu to your level. Unfortunately, you went the wrong way and your training went astray."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect my killing."

As he spoke, Qin Ming's palms turned into tiger claws, and a blood ball instantly formed.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzhai endured the severe pain in his body and struggled to perform the drunken fist stance.

Just when the two sides were at war and about to take action, the sound of police cars suddenly sounded in the distance, and a large number of lights came directly from around the corner.

Seeing this scene, looking at the police car that rushed over quickly, and Athena Asamiya who flashed out of thin air and appeared at the end of the street, Qin Ming's eyes trembled, and the blood cells that had condensed in his palms instantly dissipated.

Turning to look at Zhenyuanzhai, Qin Ming, who was silent for a second, suddenly grinned brightly and stretched out a hand towards Zhenyuanzhai.

"So, old man, do you need my help?"

Looking at the palm that was handed over enthusiastically, and then looking up at Qin Ming who had lost his murderous aura, Zhen Yuanzhai slowly lowered his arm, and a drunken smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Of course, old man, I like warm-hearted young men best."

The two people who had just tried to fight to the death instantly changed their attitudes towards each other, and the change was so smooth.

Qin Ming said it was because someone was coming and he couldn't continue to commit murder, otherwise it would easily lead to trouble.

Zhen Yuanzhai was afraid of Qin Ming's strength. He didn't want his other apprentice to be targeted, so it was best not to fight.

As for the killing intent that the other party just exuded? Just pretend you haven't seen it before.

He raised his hand to support Zhen Yuanzhai and supported Zhi Quan Chong's body with the other hand. Qin Ming strode forward under the lights of the police car.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"What, just now......"

Before Qin Ming finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzhai interrupted drunkenly.

"What just now? Old man, I was drunk. I didn't see anything just now."

"I'm not talking about this just now, but what happened in the gourd..."

"I didn't see the gourd either."

"Well, that's fine."

Obviously, Zhen Yuanzhai understands human accidents very well...

The sudden murder that occurred at night immediately attracted the attention of the authorities.

In fact, it was difficult not to pay attention. After all, the events that happened this night were not as simple as one or two.

The eliminated adventurers began to hunt plot characters in small groups. Some were successful in hunting, while others were killed in reverse.

Coupled with the adventurers in both camps fighting each other for contribution points, more than a hundred people died in this city in just one night!

A large number of police officers began to be dispatched, causing sirens to blare throughout the city.

But even so, the King of Fighters match should continue without any intention of stopping.

The officials have already carried out large-scale publicity for this competition and successfully used the competition to drive tourism.

No matter what happens, they will not stop the game until they have recovered their costs and made money.

As for the fighters, it is even less likely to withdraw voluntarily. After all, everyone is a master and has a good reputation.

If they are afraid to run away because someone died nearby or there are rumors that someone is hunting fighters, then they will not be able to hang out in the future.

Therefore, even if the city is in turmoil, the competition is still going on as scheduled.

However, the situation on Qin Ming's side is a bit special today, that is, there are two new members in their team.

That is Zhen Yuan Zhai and Asamiya Athena.

The two came here to take refuge. After all, through yesterday's battle, they already understood how difficult the enemy was, and even one of their companions had been hunted and killed.

Zhen Yuanzhai was seriously injured this time, and he was also poisoned. He might not be able to recover in a short time, so for safety reasons, he had to find a supporter for himself and his precious apprentice.

Qin Ming's Fujido team was the umbrella he chose, even though Qin Ming had wanted to kill him yesterday.

Sitting in the contestant's seat, Qin Ming looked at the dance program being performed on the stage with a blank expression.

Sitting next to him, Zhen Yuanzhai, who was wearing bandages and watching with great interest, glanced around.

After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he suddenly took out the wine gourd and tried to drink a sip, but was forcibly taken away by Asamiya Athena next to him.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who failed to drink, smacked his lips and looked helpless. At this time, Qin Ming beside him suddenly spoke.

"Old man."


"Uh, old man, you said you could help me learn to control the power in my body, is that true?"

While speaking, Qin Ming turned his head to look at Zhen Yuanzhai, with a slight hesitation in his eyes.

The main reason why he agreed to provide protection for the two was because Zhen Yuanzhai suddenly told him last night that he could teach him how to control power.

Qin Ming, who had been affected by the power in his body, agreed to the other party's proposal without hesitation, but now that he had calmed down, he could not help but hesitate.

If you say that Gangquan can help him control his power, Qin Ming believes that Gangquan's strength is obvious to all.

But Zhen Yuanzhai? This old man's martial arts are indeed very strong, Qin Ming is willing to admit defeat, but his overall strength is not extraordinary.

Even relying on his own characteristics, Qin Ming felt that if it was a one-on-one duel, he might not be able to beat him. Can he really know how to help himself control his power?

As if sensing the doubt in Qin Ming's eyes, Zhen Yuanzhai spoke happily.

"As for me, the old man, I am indeed old and my body is useless, but my brain is not confused. Do you know what I am famous for in China? It is to teach apprentices."

Turning his head to look at Athena Asamiya, Zhen Yuanzhai showed a smug look in his eyes.

"And my disciples are not ordinary. They are all gifted and cannot be taught by others. If they have no one to lead them, they will either die under their natural abilities or be enslaved by their abilities and become brutal monsters. Young man, you have good talents and outstanding strength, but it's a pity that you haven't met a good master, otherwise your achievements will definitely be more than this."

"Then how do you want to teach? When do you teach?"

"At night, when it's late at night."

"Why? Is there any special effect of practicing at night?"

"No, it's because during the day, I have to watch the game."

"…………I shouldn't have saved you yesterday!"

Looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who no longer cares about him, turned around happily and started watching the game.

After Qin Ming retracted his gaze with a dark face, he suddenly glanced at Athena Asamiya on the other side.

At this time, Athena Asamiya was in a very bad mental state. After all, her childhood sweetheart who had known each other since childhood was suddenly killed for no reason, which brought her a great mental blow.

Zhen Yuanzhai has lived for decades and has long been accustomed to life and death, so even if he is sad, he will not show it on the surface.

But Athena Asamiya is different. She has never suffered any great hardship, and this incident has stimulated her to the point that even her supernatural powers have begun to become unstable.

Qin Ming just looked at Athena Asamiya's bad situation silently and did not choose to pay attention.

After all, this type is not his cup of tea. It's okay to look at female high school students, but it's better not to provoke them.

If a guy like Kasamoto Eri saw Qin Ming killing someone, she would only hand over a knife to the side, or even come up and stab and kick him.

But if it was Athena Asamiya, a flower in a greenhouse, she would have to stop him.

Flowers are not suitable for her, so she should continue to play with the Piranha Plant.

Besides, how can he comfort her? Tell her that it's okay! He has already avenged his revenge! He has broken the people into sugar cane! He even snatched the key that her childhood sweetheart dropped!

If you don't believe me, open the box now and show her the holy relic of her childhood sweetheart. Maybe a head will pop out!

Do you think Athena Asamiya will be happy with this?

That's right, Kensou Shii's key has fallen into Qin Ming's hands.

Because when the two sides fought, it might be because the adventurers who formed a temporary team were afraid that someone would take the key and run away, so they actually sealed the key with a special prop, making it impossible to put the key into the inventory.

The seal will last for twelve hours before it dissipates, and these twelve hours are the time they scheduled to divide the spoils.

However, in the end, the spoils were not divided, but Qin Ming got a bargain.

After everyone was killed, the key naturally became Qin Ming's trophy.

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