Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 383 Hidden dangers from power

"Old man...Old man! Are you sure this is really effective?"

"Don't worry, old man, I have lived for decades, how could I lie to you."

"But the problem is that those charlatans all seem to have lived for decades. Where did you learn this secret recipe?"

"Do you understand medicinal bathing? The essence passed down from our ancestors!"

"Is this called a medicated bath? I've never heard of anyone having a brazier under the medicated bath! You must have learned medicated bathing from the kitchen, right?"

As night fell, because there were many murders nearby, the competition was temporarily changed to a performance, so Qin Ming, who had just accompanied Zhenyuanzhai to watch the girls dance all day, was sitting in a big iron bucket at the moment.

Outside the barrel, a raging fire burned.

The old man Zhenyuanzhai standing next to him kept throwing various condiments into the bucket.

Angelica sinensis, wolfberry, ginseng, fleece-flower root, and he even threw two pieces of Sichuan peppercorns into it for seasoning!

Qin Ming, who was soaked in the water, looked at Zhenyuanzhai who was busy at the side with a very speechless expression.

Now he is increasingly doubting the identity of Zhen Yuan Zhai, the kung fu master. On the contrary, the more he looks at him, the more he looks like a charlatan.

After all, this was the first time he heard that Sichuan peppercorns would be added to medicinal baths.

After half an hour of busy work, Zhenyuanzhai finally breathed a sigh of relief after putting out all the ingredients.

He casually took the chair handed over by Asamiya Athena and sat on it.

"Boy, there are two very strong forces in your body. One is inside and the other is outside. One comes from flesh and the other comes from blood. The two seem to be mutually reinforcing, but in fact they are incompatible with each other!"

At this point, Zhen Yuanzhai, who grabbed a cattail leaf fan and fanned himself vigorously, suddenly looked at Qin Ming with a strange look.

"To be honest, old man, I'm very curious, how did you learn these two powers and not die yet."

Qin Ming, who was soaking in the potion and feeling the surrounding liquid gradually heating up, looked at him with some confusion after hearing this.

"Death? Why should I die? How well these two powers work together!"

"Okay? You said they work well together?"

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzhai seemed to have heard some big joke and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"Boy, the power of blood in your body is like gunpowder, which can bring you powerful explosive power."

"Yeah, that's right."

"The power of flesh on your body is like armor, which can give you strong defense."

"That's right, old man. I'm beginning to believe that you are somewhat capable. What you said is true, but is there a problem with it?"

"Of course! The last one stuffed gunpowder into the tin can! That's called a grenade!"

After Zhen Yuanzhai finished speaking, the scene suddenly became silent.

The two of them stared at each other in silence for four or five seconds before Qin Ming finally reacted and frowned.

"Um, you mean I can explode?"

"Well, under normal circumstances, it will explode. That's why I asked you, old man, how you learned these two completely conflicting powers."

Standing up with his hands behind his back, Zhen Yuanzhai shook his head.

"Today's young people will do anything to pursue strength without considering the consequences. If you say you want to practice horizontal kung fu, then practice horizontal kung fu, and if you practice internal kung fu, practice internal kung fu. You must have two We practiced together and became so strong. It’s a miracle that you’re still alive today.”

"Um, I..."

"The more power, the better! Especially this kind of powerful power! Others will lose control if they are swallowed by the power! If you are swallowed by the power! Will the other power in your body be subdued? One of them is trying its best to drill out. ”

When he came to the bucket, he put his hand into the water to test it. After feeling the temperature, Zhen Yuanzhai frowned.

"No! The temperature is not enough! Keep adding! The higher the temperature, the better!"

Looking at Kasamoto Miji and Todo Kasumi next to him, he heard this and began to pour coal. Zhenyuan Zhai nodded with satisfaction, looked at Qin Ming with his hands behind his back, and spoke again.

"This special potion can temporarily soften your body, allowing your blood and flesh to gradually become compatible and adapt to each other. After the two confirm that they are their own people, they will no longer continue to fight. Of course, they will just not They will just continue to fight each other. If you want to integrate the two, this is not enough."

Qin Ming, who was sitting in the bucket, felt his skin begin to turn red as the temperature of the surrounding water increased.

He could clearly feel that the body that had become extremely tough since he obtained the body of steel, and therefore always gave him an inexplicable sense of confidence, suddenly began to soften.

And the thought that had been filling his mind, that he wanted to hit whatever he saw, and that even when facing a missile, his first reaction was not to dodge, but to fight back, began to gradually dissipate.

The boiling blood in the body also rarely calmed down.

This potion has a very unique formula and really works!

Looking at Zhen Yuan Zhai who was staring at him in front of him, Qin Ming, who was rarely in a calm mood, suddenly frowned.

"Do you have a way to integrate the two?"


"What's the price?"

"...My disciple cannot die in such an unexplained way. His revenge must be avenged."

"But I have already killed all my enemies."

"But their leader is not dead yet. Kagura Chizuru came to me and told me about Gonitz. They are Gonitz's people, right? It was Gonitz who sent them to hunt fighters and weaken these fighters. Side strength."

Looking up and looking at Qin Ming, Zhen Yuanzhai, an old man who was always drunk, had an extremely serious expression at this moment, which could even be called cold.

"I can use the secret treasure to help you merge the two powers, but you also have to promise me something."

"Kill Goenitz?"

"No, I am your teacher."

"Want you to be my teacher?"

"Once a teacher, always a father, this is the Chinese tradition. When the time comes, I will try my best to help you as if I were helping my own son. And if you, your brother died in the hands of others for no reason, What will you do?"

Zhen Yuanzhai's words made Qin Ming's eyes flicker slightly, and he gave an answer after a few seconds.

"Why don't I promise that I will help you get revenge?"

"No! I don't believe in so-called promises! I only believe in inheritance! You are also Chinese, right? I am willing to bet on you, betting that you are a person who respects teachers and respects Taoism."

"Aren't you afraid of losing the bet?"

"The moment you heard that once you are a teacher, you are always a father, and you were unwilling to agree to become my teacher, old man, I will no longer lose."

"...Okay, I agree to your exchange, Master."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, a bright smile appeared on Zhen Yuanzhai's face.

He raised his hand and took off the jade ring on his finger, and gently put it into the water.

"Then let me, my master, see how much potential my new apprentice has."

With a thud, he dipped his finger into the water. The next second, the potion in the entire bucket instantly spread a strong aroma of wine.

Drunken Fist Sect’s Treasure! It is also something inherited by the leader! The wine master’s fingers! launch!

Qin Ming’s special version of marinated and delicious food has officially begun!

When soaking in the potion on the first day, Qin Ming didn't have much reaction. After soaking, he was even able to crawl out and perform a simple apprenticeship ceremony to Zhenyuan Zhai.

After soaking in the potion the next day, Qin Ming's whole body began to soften severely, and the Iron Body skill temporarily lost its effect.

On the third day, as the soaking time in the potion ended, Qin Ming did not open his eyes and walk out. Instead, he continued to soak in it motionless.

This forced Zhen Yuanzhai and others, who were watching the game resume again and the top twelve finals officially begin, to find Kagura Chizuru to discuss one thing, that is, temporary substitutions.

Qin Ming is in a special situation and cannot enter the ring for the time being, but he cannot just not participate. After all, although Qin Ming has lost his movement and cannot speak, Miles Kasamoto knows very well how important the King of Fighters competition is to Qin Ming.

Therefore, they approached Kagura Chizuru and made an application, that is, Athena Asamiya could temporarily participate in the competition instead of Qin Ming.

Logically speaking, this kind of on-the-spot substitution is not allowed.

After all, if it were allowed, it would be a waste for the expert to turn around and run directly to another team after being eliminated, replacing the weak one and continuing to compete.

But the problem is that the superpower team was not originally eliminated, but due to special reasons, the number of people was insufficient.

Therefore, what they applied for was not to replace the players, but to merge the two teams.

Due to the special circumstances of the superpower team, mainly because of Asamiya Athena's terrifying reputation, and because they didn't want to see her withdraw from the competition, the officials finally agreed to the application.

The third member of Team Toudo! Temporarily replaced by Asamiya Athena!

As time passed, the game resumed in the early morning of the fourth day, and the top twelve finals officially began.

Each team launched a peak showdown, and after a fierce battle, the final six were finally selected.

Athena Asamiya, who replaced Qin Ming, finally stopped focusing on participation and began to take the game seriously.

And with her special ability, she defeated the big boss Geese in the ring and led the team to the top six.

But even though she relied on the rules of the ring to win, she only lost miserably and was severely beaten by Geese.

The trio of Team Todo who returned to the courtyard looked at each other's embarrassed looks and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These twelve top teams can be said to be all monsters, and none of them are fuel-efficient.

That guy Geese even defeated Toudo Kasumi's body-killing no-throw head-on, and forcibly withstood Kasamoto Miles' dinosaur form, almost failing to complete the feat of one-piercing three.

If Asamiya Athena's teleportation ability wasn't so bad and Geese was really not good at speed, she wouldn't have been able to win.

It’s so hard to beat a Gith! The one who needs to face off tomorrow is the extreme flow team led by Ryo Sakazaki! How can we fight this!

Raising his hand to grab his messy hair, Miles Kasamoto had a troubled expression on his face.

"I'm telling you! Isn't the boss finished taking a bath? He's not afraid of getting skinned! When will he be willing to take a beautiful woman out of the bath?"


As soon as Kasamoto Miles finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly hit his ears.

But the sound was not the sound of Qin Ming rushing out of the bathhouse, but...

The door of the nearby room exploded, and a group of heavily armed Western knights armed with weapons rushed into the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the room, he rushed towards this direction without hesitation.

And behind these thirty knights, there were still thirteen adventurers following.

Special one-time item: Knight Certificate of the Evil Archduke!

The effect is to summon the soldiers of the evil archduke to assist in combat! You can summon up to thirty people!

Seeing that the competition is coming to an end, those masters who pose a threat to themselves have been screened out.

Goenitz finally couldn't wait any longer! He decided to strike first!

Activate all soldiers! Hunt all contestants in a sneak attack!

And the Fujido team that made it to the top six! It was one of them!

The sudden disappearance of Qin Ming surprised Goenitz. The team he sent was not only to deal with the Fujido team, but also to find Qin Ming.

If it is found that this team is one of ours, then notify them to act together.

If it is found that they are not one of ours, or have already betrayed, then kill them! To eliminate future troubles!

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