Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 384 Night Fight

The moment they broke into the room, the leading adventurer had already locked his eyes on several plot characters here.

When he saw Kasamoto Eri mixed in, his pupils shrank.

Without any hesitation, he raised his hand and waved, and directly issued an order.


What? Find Qin Ming? Call him to participate in the action?

Don't be kidding! As competitors, they are still hoping that the other party will disappear, so how could they obey orders to come and find someone.

Let alone not finding him this time, even if they find him, they will definitely clean up the other party together. After all, there is only so much spoils in the end, and Qin Ming is so strong. If he is not eliminated, everyone will not be able to share the benefits, especially the most important fragment of the god.

Compared with the enemy, Qin Ming's threat level is even greater in their eyes!

Taking out weapons, more than a dozen adventurers led dozens of soldiers and rushed towards Kasamoto Eri frantically.

And these soldiers are the most common heavy armor swordsmen in the world of the Knights of the Round Table, all heavy armor swordsmen.

Encountering a sudden attack, Kasamoto Eri and others reacted very quickly. Kasamoto Eri rolled back, took out a machine gun, and started to shoot crazily.

Fujido Kasumi and Asamiya Athena took the initiative to meet him without hesitation, trying to create space for Kasamoto Eri to shoot.

Fighting! Melee! The originally peaceful city was instantly plunged into war! The areas where a large number of fighters lived were attacked!

Adventurers fought with plot characters, the police who rushed to the scene fought with adventurers, and adventurers fought with each other.

At the same time, thousands of adventurers who had entered the King of Fighters world and were now divided into camps finally started a decisive battle when the competition was about to come to an end.

A fight where the winner takes all and the loser is eaten began.

And the fuse of the fight was the two legendary props that could get rid of space...


With a loud bang, a huge flame emerged in the courtyard, directly shattering all the glass.

It turned out that Kasamoto Eri, who was pushed to the limit, had to use C4 bombs.

The power of this horrific explosion was so strong that it directly shattered the dozen heavy-armored swordsmen who rushed from the front, but the heavy-armored warriors had just died in battle, and the enemy took out the props and immediately replenished another batch.

After knowing that a hunting team had been wiped out, they still dared to come to hunt. The adventurers who came this time were extraordinary.

If it was against one or two, with Kasamoto Eri's ability at the moment, it would not be in vain.

Even if it was against three or four, she could barely cope with it in the dinosaur state.

However, there were thirteen people coming this time! And they were all good players! And they also brought a lot of cannon fodder!

Faced with this pure advantage in numbers, Kasamoto Eri, who led two plot characters, couldn't hold on after all.

In the room behind the courtyard, which was tightly protected by three people, Qin Ming was still soaking in the barrel and fusing with the potion.

Next to the red-hot iron barrel, the old man Zhen Yuanzhai sat on a bench, with bandages wrapped around his body, drinking wine bit by bit.

Hearing the noise outside getting closer and closer, he noticed that the liquid in the iron barrel where Qin Ming was began to boil.

Zhen Yuanzhai suddenly stood up holding the wine gourd, raised his hand and gently patted Qin Ming on the shoulder.

"You can hear it, right? Okay, don't get excited, old man, I'll go. The effect of the wine fairy ring can only work once on people. Don't waste this opportunity, otherwise I don't know how to help you."

As he spoke, Zhen Yuanzhai turned around and walked directly to the door, shaking his head as he walked.

"I'm really old and useless. One day, someone will come to my door, but I'm just old, but I'm not dead yet."

Raising his hand to grab the door, Zhen Yuanzhai suddenly turned his head and glanced at Qin Ming.

"Today, let me fulfill my responsibility as your master for the first and last time."

With a creak, the door opened, and Zhen Yuanzhai strode towards the courtyard with a wine gourd in his hand.

As he turned around and closed the door, the room returned to silence.

The boiling potion in the iron bucket gradually calmed down, but the calm potion had turned blood red at some point.

Qin Ming, who was soaking in the water, heard the reminder sound of the nightmare space.

[Due to the effect of the special potion of the Drunken Fist Sect, the skills Iron Body and Flesh Absorption are mutating, and the mutation progress is...78%...79%...80%...]

With a buzz, a flash of light passed by, and Athena Asamiya successfully avoided the wave punch used by the enemy on the opposite side with a teleportation technique.

Just as she appeared, the sound of wind came from behind, and another adventurer flew over and kicked Athena Asamiya out with a tornado kick.

Athena Asamiya's teleportation ability, which has always been invincible, was finally broken today, and the way to break it is simple and crude, that is, several people are staring at you and attacking you alone!

After all, space teleportation has a cooling time and cannot be activated continuously.

When dealing with one person, this move is an unsolvable skill, but if it is against a group of people, and several people are staring at you together, then the instant movement with the skill pre-swing will no longer be unsolvable.

This is the situation at this time. Athena Asamiya, who was targeted by four people, had someone guarding her no matter where she moved. The most important thing is that these four people... to be precise, these dozen adventurers! All have very consistent abilities!

They all know moves from the Street Fighter world! Wave assassination style moves!

B-level wave punch! B-level whirlwind kick! And B-level rising dragon punch!

One long-range attack! One close combat! Plus a strong control! The combination is perfect!

These dozen adventurers are all from the same force, members of the Street Fighter team.

And this famous Street Fighter team, almost all members are equipped with the three special skills of the assassination style, and are famous for this.

Slightly more advanced members! They even master the very rare amplification skill of Qi wave!

It can be said that the number of people in the Street Fighter team may not be as large as other teams, but this single combat power can completely crush ordinary team members.

After all, even low-level adventurers, as long as they join the team, can master the three major skills. Just thinking about it makes people feel terrified.

After kicking Athena Asamiya away, the adventurer who successfully attacked had a fierce light in his eyes, and with his hands gathered, he shot a charged wave punch without hesitation.

The energy cannon, which was half a meter in size, shot at the fallen Athena Asamiya at a high speed, and before the attack on this side hit, the same wind sound was heard on the other three sides.

Four people attacked together! Charged wave punch!


The explosion sounded, and four energy cannons hit the ground at the same time, causing the ground to fly and form a big pit.

It was just that the target that was supposed to be blown to pieces successfully escaped, or to be more precise, was rescued by someone.

Zhen Yuanzhai threw out the wine gourd, locked Athena Asamiya's legs with the rope on it, and pulled her out of the encirclement with force. He looked up at the four adventurers standing in a row opposite and glaring at him, and couldn't help frowning.

"From the same sect? Such a brutal move, but before killing my apprentice, shouldn't you ask me, the master, for my opinion first!"

Hearing this, the four adventurers on the opposite side looked at each other, and roared at the same time the next second.

"You dare to show your head when you are injured! You are looking for death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the four of them had already gathered their hands and put on the same Kamehameha posture.

Gathering power! Hadoken!


Four more energy balls were shot out, tearing through the air and killing Zhen Yuanzhai. Wherever they passed, the strong airflow even plowed deep gullies on the ground.

Zhen Yuanzhai's pupils flashed when he saw this scene, and he suddenly poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth. The next second, he used his energy to move his dantian and sprayed it forward with all his strength.

Skill! Bombard Flame Cannon!

The fire column gushed out! It collided with the four energy balls on the spot! A violent explosion occurred the next second!

Zhen Yuanzhai, whose legs slipped and retreated more than a meter due to the strong wind, gritted his teeth and exerted a strong force, directly throwing Athena Asamiya in his hand away.

Almost in the next moment, the flames in front of him spread out, and four adventurers attacked at the same time.

One jumped up to attack the upper road, two rushed to attack the middle road, and one attacked the lower road.

In the punches and kicks, the four aimed at Zhen Yuanzhai and launched a strong attack. The airflow was wrapped around their hands, and they all had the amplification of the air fluctuations!

Facing the joint attack of the four, Zhen Yuanzhai kept blocking with his hands and feet with a stern face, and for a while, the crackling sounds of the two sides were endless.

After dozens of rounds of head-on confrontation, Zhen Yuanzhai actually parried all the attacks of the four without any difference!

He even took the opportunity to duck down, avoiding the fist of one person swinging, and directly crashed into the other's arms.

Skill! Bomb Fence Summon!

Wrapped in flames, he spun and crashed directly into the enemy.

Zhen Yuanzhai came up with a fatal blow, and because the distance was very close and the attack was sudden, it almost made the enemy eat a grand slam.

Caught off guard, the adventurer who was almost killed by the move rolled and flew out on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzhai tried to pursue the victory and kill one of the opponents first.

But he didn't expect that the other three reacted very quickly and forced him back at the same time.

The most fatal thing was that the adventurer who was lying on the ground and had been severely injured struggled to take out the consumables and stuffed them into his mouth. In Zhen Yuanzhai's stunned eyes, he quickly recovered his combat power and rejoined the battle.

And seeing that they couldn't kill Zhen Yuanzhai with their fists and feet alone, these four guys actually started to shake people without martial ethics!

The number of sieges increased from four to five! And from five to six! Until it suddenly increased to eight!

Faced with the overwhelming numbers, Zhen Yuanzhai, even with his S-level fighting skills and rich combat experience, could not bear it after all.

On this side, a just eight-on-one fight was going on, while on the other side, one person held back Fujido Kasumi, who was only good at defense and not good at attacking, while three people chased after Asamiya Athena, who was dodging around, and finally led the heavily armored swordsmen to attack Kasamoto Eri's machine gun position.

The fight between the two sides became more and more intense and crazy, and they began to show all their cards.

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