Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 39 The Lost Village

The hidden mission of the village defense war is actually not difficult to complete, otherwise it would not be ranked D.

Withstanding the attack of nearly two hundred enemies and forcibly holding on until the protagonist comes on stage with his troops, this sounds like a very difficult task, but it is not.

Because this mission only requires that the village is not completely lost before the protagonist comes on stage.

But the question is what degree is considered a complete loss? The answer is that everyone is dead!

In other words, as long as there are still people alive in the village! Then the mission is not considered a failure!

In this way, the mission is much simpler, and it doesn’t matter whether the village can be defended or not.

You just need to make sure you don’t die, and protect at least one villager, and don’t let him leave the village or die before the protagonist comes on stage.

And once the village of Parsi is breached, the house is burned, and thick smoke rises, Parsival, who is nearby, will definitely bring people to support quickly.

The guy who analyzed this in advance could even set a few houses on fire and create thick smoke to attract Percival in advance. This is a shortcut to complete the task, and it is also a way to complete the white title: One Man Guarding the Pass.

However, Qin Ming was obviously not very good at calculation and layout, and did not think of this step.

He only thought of confronting Sir Scone head-on, using underhanded tricks to sneak attack the other party, and almost killed the other party!

It's a pity that it was still a little short after all, otherwise the only green title in the first act of this world would be obtained on the spot.

Dragging the wounded militia captain, Qin Ming quickly rushed to the strongest building in the village, that is, the church.

Then he threw the militia captain to the women hiding here, asking them to help take care of him, and immediately pulled out his revolver and started shooting out through the window, cooperating with the militia and farmers guarding here to prevent the enemy from killing in.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, the gunshots rang out, and the first few swordsmen who rushed over died on the spot. A heavy-armored swordsman who continued to rush forward regardless of anything also died in the second round of bullets.

Faced with Qin Ming's firepower suppression, the enemies who were chasing them hurriedly stopped and dared not move forward rashly.

The straight 100-meter dirt road in front of the church became the last line of defense of the village for a while, and also became the only life-saving straw in the hands of the villagers.

But this straw was too fragile after all. Just when the soldiers were afraid of the strange weapons in Qin Ming's hands and dared not rush over rashly, Sir Scown, who was covering his left eye, had already come from the back with a fierce momentum.

Seeing that the soldiers were afraid to move forward, this tyrannical guy directly raised the axe gun in his hand, and swung it violently, killing the two swordsmen closest to him on the spot!

"What are you afraid of! Charge! Charge!"

Looking at Sir Scown, who had a ferocious expression and had completely fallen into a rampage state, the soldiers around him couldn't help but look at each other.

Then those heavy-armored swordsmen with higher status suddenly roared, grabbed the swordsmen next to them, and rushed forward.

They actually let this group of cannon fodder act as meat shields and followed the charge!

Seeing this, Qin Ming gritted his teeth and hid behind the window and shot desperately.

Unfortunately, although he was a hundred meters away, he had fired three rounds of bullets and killed several swordsmen.

But the enemy finally rushed to the front of the church, some climbed the window and others hit the door, or raised their weapons and stabbed into the church through the gaps. The enemy immediately launched a desperate attack.

They attacked, and the villagers defended, holding dung forks and simple spears, stabbing wildly outside the window without caring.

Using the building as a wall shelter, the two sides directly fought an offensive and defensive battle.

The enemies won because of their strong strength, and the villagers won because of their large numbers.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other. The swordsmen could not rush in through the window at all.

As for the gate? At this moment, the door had been tightly blocked by furniture, so it was impossible to break it open easily.

Seeing that they could not break in, the runaway swordsmen suddenly began to dismantle the houses around them frantically, pulling off the door panels and wood, and throwing them towards the windows, knocking the militiamen behind them to the ground.

What was even more terrible was that after throwing wood for a while, the group of swordsmen threw torches!

Seeing that they could not break in! They chose to set fire directly!

Firewood and wood flew around and were constantly ignited by torches, which caused thick smoke to quickly rise in the church, making everyone cough hard and unable to continue to defend effectively.

Helpless, everyone could only retreat to the second floor, preparing to use the stairs as the second and last line of defense to block the enemy's attack and delay time.

Finally, the soldiers who rushed in from the window saw this and chased this side with their weapons.

However, just as they rushed up the stairs, they were faced with a burst of bullets fired by Qin Ming who was blocking the stairs. The two heavy-armored swordsmen who rushed to the front died on the spot.

Others wanted to rush up while Qin Ming was changing bullets, but there were countless farmers holding spears and dung forks on the stairs, stabbing randomly along the gaps.

This narrow staircase! It is even easier to defend than the window just now!

Seeing this artificial natural barrier, especially noticing that Qin Ming actually pulled a few tables to block the stairs, creating a simple defense line.

The soldiers who were afraid of the guns in his hands looked at each other and decisively gave up the attack.

They began to pick up the wood and firewood that was brought in, and threw them at Qin Ming. More soldiers lit torches and started to set fire everywhere on the first floor.

The raging fire engulfed the entire lower floor of the church in a blink of an eye, and swept upward along the wooden building.

Qin Ming, who was forced out of the stairs by the fire and had to retreat to the second floor, felt the rising temperature around him, and couldn't help showing a gloomy look on his face.

Defend? What the hell is this defending! No matter how good he is at fighting! He can't beat more than 200 people below!

Why is this broken mission so difficult to complete! Is this really just a D-level hidden mission! Could the nightmare space be wrong!

Qin Ming, who found that the fire had rushed up and realized that he could no longer defend here, suddenly roared and slammed his body against the wall next to him.

As his terrifying brute force took effect, the wooden wall was directly smashed into pieces, forming a simple exit.

Standing in front of the exit, Qin Ming looked down and found that there were more than a dozen soldiers standing below.

Those guys looked up when they heard the noise and noticed Qin Ming at the gap. They immediately started shouting and calling people to prevent Qin Ming and his men from escaping through here.

Seeing this, Qin Ming took a deep breath and suddenly turned to look at the villagers behind him.

Looking at the old, weak, women and children in the room, and the young and strong men gathered together, Qin Ming spoke in a deep voice.

"Everyone! Staying here will definitely lead to death! Now we can only find a way to rush out! Everyone can run as much as they can! It's my hyena who can't protect you! I'm sorry! I can only help you open the way one last time! As for life or death after rushing down! Then let it be your fate!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Ming grabbed a three-meter-long log next to him, hugged the log and jumped directly through the gap, and fell heavily in the crowd below.

Then, without waiting for the enemy who rushed up with weapons to attack, he had already waved the log desperately and started to play with his life.

With his strength, it was not difficult to break out of the crowd.

But since he had accepted the mission, Qin Ming felt that he had to do his best, at least to protect two more villagers to escape.

Because this was a matter of principle and his bottom line. If he chose to do something, he had to take responsibility.

Therefore, relying on the logs in his hand to open the way, facing the siege of enemies from all sides, Qin Ming smashed out a safe area.

Seeing this, the militiamen standing at the gap on the second floor looked at each other, gritted their teeth, drew their weapons and jumped down.

Following closely behind were the young and strong farmers holding simple weapons!

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