Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 40 Reinforcements Arrive

Enemies rushed in from all directions amid screams and shouts.

The crowd that jumped off the second floor was also rushing out desperately under the leadership of Qin Ming.

However, the number of enemies was too large. When there was cover before, the farmers could barely deal with them.

But now that they have lost the cover and started to fight with real swords and guns, they are no match at all.

As the two sides fought, casualties immediately occurred in the village. If this situation continues, it would be a miracle if one-tenth of the villagers could escape alive.

Just when Qin Ming, who was rushing in the front, threw the log in his hand fiercely and knocked down two unlucky guys, he held a gun in one hand and a sword in the other and started to kill desperately, and suddenly a deafening shout of killing sounded from behind the enemies who were constantly gathering here!

The enemies who heard the noise were a little stunned for a while, and turned their heads to watch.

As a result, at the entrance of the village, a big man holding a short axe was leading 20 to 30 people rushing in from outside.

The big man at the front chopped everyone he saw, and he was so strong that almost no one could withstand his three moves!

The soldiers in the back were also training elements! They cooperated very well!

Looking at the enemy who suddenly entered the scene, the swordsmen under Sir Scone were dumbfounded.

The villagers who had been completely desperate suddenly regained hope in their hearts. Standing at the exit of the second floor, they cheered as they watched the old, weak, women and children who were fighting to open the way for their men.

"Percival is back! It's Percival who is back! Percival is back to save us!!!"

Hearing this deafening shout, Qin Ming, who was fighting in the crowd, was stunned, and then he let go of the broken sword in his hand, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Good guy! He really knows how to choose the time to enter! The protagonist must appear at the last minute, right!

Seeing the enemy in front turned around in panic, he began to rush towards the entrance, trying to stop the team led by Percival, mainly to rescue the boss who was recovering from his injuries in the back.

Qin Ming's eyes flickered as he suddenly raised the sword in his hand and roared.

"Brothers! The reinforcements have arrived! Follow me to kill!!!"

As the voice fell, Qin Ming took the lead and rushed out, aiming directly at the first level big BOSS, Sir Scone, who was already fighting with Percival and others in the distance.

The villagers in the back looked at each other, nodded to each other, and raised their weapons without hesitation, and followed Qin Ming to charge frantically.

Facing the front and back attacks, the sword soldiers were completely confused for a while and fell into chaos.

Just when the battlefield here was once again in full swing, on the roof of the second floor of the church, the white wolf, who had not chosen to join the battle before, but secretly hid, and now had made a hole in the wall on the other side, couldn't help but change his face.

Drawing out his weapon, looking at the old, weak, women and children gathered at the entrance and watching nervously, he hesitated whether to take the opportunity to join.

But compared to jumping down to join the battle and killing ordinary monsters, this second floor...

In the corner of the second floor, the militia captain was lying there with blood all over his face, groaning softly, and there was a woman taking care of him next to him.

Looking at the militia captain who was scarred and had no fighting ability, the woman smiled brightly at him, wiping the blood on his face with a rag, and spoke softly.

"Captain, don't worry too much. Mr. Hyena is very brave. He successfully defended this place with his men, and Lord Percival has brought people to support. Nothing will happen. The village has been completely defended. You just need to take good care of your injuries!"

Before she finished her words of comfort, the woman's eyes suddenly widened and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Then she widened her eyes and fell straight forward, revealing the white wolf with an extremely ferocious expression behind her.

Seeing this scene, the militia captain, who was covered in bandages, had his eyes wide open on the spot. He opened his mouth and was about to make a sound, but the quick-eyed and quick-handed White Wolf rushed over and covered his mouth.

He pulled out the dagger stuck in the back of the woman's head and stabbed it into the militia captain's chest.

White Wolf pressed his mouth with one hand and stabbed wildly with the other hand, with veins bulging on his forehead.

"Old thing! Who told you to take something you shouldn't have taken! Please do a good deed after you die! Explode the silver weapon!"

After stabbing several times, the militia captain, who was already seriously injured, was stabbed to death. After doing all this, White Wolf picked up the blue key that the militia captain exploded. Seeing that others were still standing at the gap and watching, and did not notice the situation on his side, he was relieved immediately.

Then he immediately ran to another gap he had made before and struggled to get out through the gap.

Jumping down from the second floor and rushing into the woods, he excitedly opened the treasure chest in his hand while running.

Then, with a flash of light, a silver weapon appeared in his hand.

Name: The best sword in the village (broken)

Category: Dull silver equipment


Strength +5

Constitution +3

Agility +3

Introduction: After a high-intensity battle, the broken sword, although slightly flawed, is still sharp.

Looking at the equipment in his hand, the running White Wolf was stunned, and he missed a step and fell to the ground.

However, he was covered in mud, and he suddenly laughed excitedly while lying on the ground, laughing crazily.

Raising the sword in his hand high, looking at the weapon flashing with cold light under the reflection of the moonlight, White Wolf held it tightly in his arms and let his clothes be cut open.

"It's worth it! It's worth it! It's all worth it! Hahahaha! I'm rising! I'm finally rising! Rising!!!"

Just as the White Wolf on this side was in ecstasy with his weapon, a huge change also took place on the battlefield on the other side.

Sir Scown, who was blinded in one eye, ran into the Percival team rushing over because he was sitting in the back supervising the battle and recovering from his injuries.

If we only talk about strength, Sir Scown is definitely stronger than Percival, who has not yet grown up.

But the problem is that he was blinded in one eye and was severely injured by Qin Ming.

In addition, Percival came with his troops, but Sir Scown had already sent out most of the soldiers.

This led to Sir Scown quickly falling into a disadvantage after the two sides fought.

Looking at the culprit who occupied his hometown in front of him, Percival was extremely fierce for a while, and he burst out with 120% of his combat power.

Faced with his crazy offensive, Sir Scown, who was already injured, immediately became timid.

After being chopped several times by the opponent, Sir Scown, who threw out his followers to block Percival's actions, dragged his wounded body and ran away.

Facing the fleeing Sir Scown, although Percival wanted to chase him, he was worried about the current situation of the village.

Finally, after a moment of hesitation, he chose to give up the pursuit and led the soldiers back to the village to help, and cooperated with the villagers to encircle and suppress the enemies in the village.

Outside the village, Sir Scown, who was running desperately with two confidants, covered his still bleeding eyes, his teeth creaked, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

The sudden annihilation of the army made it difficult for him to accept it for a while. After reacting, his first thought was to ask for help and call the surrounding lords to send troops to help suppress the rebellion.

It doesn't matter if the soldiers are gone, as long as he is still alive, everything will be fine. Some soldiers are just some soldiers. As long as he gives himself time, he can always recruit them again.

Perci Village! Percival! And that damn bastard! Wait! This matter is not over yet!

Just as Sir Scone was thinking about what to do next and leading his men to retreat, a confidant who was running ahead to explore the way suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, Sir Scone, who almost bumped into him because of a blind eye and had vision problems, hurriedly stopped and roared.

"Why did you stop suddenly!"

After the roar, Sir Scone had his own answer without the confidant giving an answer.

Because he looked up, he saw a very familiar figure standing at the end of the road ahead, silently lowering his head and playing with the revolver in his hand...

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