Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 391 Mythical Battle

Glacier sliding! Man like a ghost!

Goenitz, who used the Glacial skill, was attacking in front of him one second ago, and appeared a hundred meters away and waved his claws the next second.

It was obviously just a displacement skill! But he used it as if he was teleporting!

Goenitz kept shuttling back and forth among the eight figures, as fast as lightning, and even his real body had disappeared here, and the initial afterimage had not yet dispersed.

Looking at his clones being torn apart, Kagura Chizuru suddenly shouted, knowing that even if he took out the artifact, he would definitely not be the opponent's opponent in a single fight.

"Iori Yagami! Kyo Kusanagi! What are you waiting for! Do it!"

Hearing this voice, the other two artifact holders turned their heads and looked at each other.

They had been confronting each other all the time, and now faced with Goenitz's outrageous speed, they finally stopped fighting among themselves.

Iori Yagami, who had long blood-red hair and was dressed very fashionably, suddenly flashed and disappeared in the next second.

Yagami family special skill! Ghost Step!

If Goenitz's power is speed, then Iori Yagami, to be precise, the power of one of the three sacred artifacts: Yasakani no Magatama is time, which is above speed.

The so-called ghost step is actually not a displacement skill at all, but a kind of alternative displacement that relies on the power of the artifact and bloodline to forcibly shuttle through time.

In the face of such power, even Goenitz can't dodge or get rid of it.

He raised his hand and grabbed it instantly, starting with the wind of debris, forcibly intercepting Goenitz's movement. Iori Yagami used a super-killing move: Eight Little Girls, which was extremely cruel.

However, this terrifying move that was transformed by combining the power of the artifact and the bloodline of the Heavenly Kingdom God Clan met its natural enemy this time.

Eight Little Girls? It's a coincidence! Goenitz can also use Eight Little Girls! And the one who can do it is the real Eight Girls!

She was the one that the Yagami family imitated and learned from back then!

Iori Yagami's Eight Girls are brutal and bloody, but Goenitz's Eight Girls are even more brutal than his!

Claws flew everywhere, and Iori Yagami collided with Goenitz from the front. As a result, Iori Yagami used eight claws in a row, but Goenitz took them all. Iori Yagami was even hit by Goenitz's backhand claw.

The terrifying airflow tore open his clothes and tore his flesh and blood on the spot, causing Iori Yagami to fly backwards with blood spurting out of his chest.

Goenitz, who broke the Eight Girls from the front, did not look good at the moment.

Because as the two collided, he was hit by Cang Yan, causing the power of the artifact that had been activated to act on him.

At this time, he only felt that the air around him became extremely sticky, causing his own speed to drop greatly.

The time solidification ability of Yasakani no Magatama! It started to work!

On the side, seeing that Goenitz's speed had finally slowed down, Kagura Chizuru was overjoyed and rushed over here with a clone at full speed, trying to seal Goenitz with the sealing skill of Zero Foundation.

Even though the speed was slowed down, Goenitz's speed was still terrifying, and the most important thing was! His fighting skills were too strong!

He could control the storm, and all the air currents around him were his eyes, which made it difficult to hit him.

Goenitz kept dodging the attacks of Kagura Chizuru's clones, and he tried to dispel the energy in his body while wandering.

But how could the power of this artifact be so easy to expel? Before he could drive the blue flame out of his body, the wind sounded around, and Iori Yagami rushed up again.

And this time, he rushed up with another artifact holder, Kyo Kusanagi!

Ame no Murasaki sword! Open!

The eight-foot mirror represents the time seal, and the eight-foot jade symbolizes the solidification of time.

The power of the Ame-Kume sword is burning. It sounds like it is not as good as the previous two, but it was the final means used to fight against the snake, and it was also the only effective means.

Only this fire that can burn everything and leave nothing behind can completely destroy the flesh of the snake.

Otherwise, you can't even hit the opponent, so what's the point of killing the gods.

The power of Ame-Kume can be expressed more intuitively in the nightmare space as: real damage! Real damage that ignores all defenses!

Multiple delay! Magic ban! Plus real damage! This is the power of the three artifacts that defeated the snake back then! Three kinds of unsolvable power!

Blue flames flying! Red flames roaring! There are still afterimages flickering around!

For the first time, the heirs of the three artifacts joined forces to fight a life-and-death battle with the fateful enemy.

Facing the cross-attack of three terrifying forces, even a strong man like Goenitz couldn't stand it for a while.

In order to avoid Kagura Chizuru's seal, he was hit by the red flame on the spot, and the piece of flesh and blood that was hit was burned to ashes in an instant.

Using the lineup that once sealed the snake to deal with him, it can be said that Kagura Chizuru really hated him to the extreme.

It's a pity that among the heirs of the three sacred artifacts of this generation, only she has comprehended the divine skills, and the other two have not mastered them. Otherwise, the three divine skills and the three sacred artifacts will be killed!

The four kills continued. As time passed, Goenitz, who knew that he would never win if he continued to fight like this, finally chose to launch the final trump card.

That is rampage!

It's not him who ran away! But he listened to the suggestions of those outsiders! And temporarily changed the plan! Forced to pull the blood of the Eight Heroes to run away collectively!

Raising his hand and grabbing it, a snake scale appeared in his palm. Goenitz suddenly pinched it hard and raised it high, letting the blood from the cut palm flow.

As the fragments of the gods were activated, a power belonging to the gods spread in all directions. All the people present with the blood of the heavenly gods felt that the blood in their bodies began to boil.

Weiss and Mai Zhuo, who were fighting in the crowd, were so stimulated that they forcibly opened the bloodline of heaven. This is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the other two people present who also have the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven were also stimulated to open their blood.

That is Iori Yagami and Lianna!

They were unable to perfectly control their bloodline. Faced with its sudden rampage, they were swallowed up by the power almost instantly.

With their eyes red and their strength greatly increased, they directly became monsters controlled by instinct.

Iori Yagami, who was absolutely in love with Kusanagi Kyo, almost immediately rushed towards Kusanagi Kyo without hesitation as soon as his blood ran wild.

The crazy look with red eyes and drool constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth scared Kusanagi Kyo to the point where he trembled and quickly retreated to try to distance himself from the other party.

It's just that after the bloodline went berserk, Yagami'an's strength increased by at least 50%, and the power of Cang Yan was easily obtained.

Kusanagi Kyo, who was already about the same strength as him, was able to get away from him in a hurry, not to mention not being beaten to death. It was already pretty good.

On the other side, Lianna, who was in a state of madness, was slashing at anyone with red eyes. She was using the killing skills in the military, killing people regardless of whether they were friends or foes. Her two teammates had to try their best to Get a hold of her.

Clark and Ralph, two warriors in the army, were more than just Lianna's friends. There was a reason why they had been working together with Liana.

One of these two guys is good at grappling and can subdue Liana as quickly as possible when she goes crazy.

If the rampage is too brutal, Clark really can't beat him? It doesn't matter! There is also a second safety mechanism!

That's Ralph! Ralph, the cosmic phantom!

I can't control you! I'll just knock you out! A cosmic phantom goes down! No matter how crazy you are, you still have to lie down!

It can be said that this duo is specifically designed to control Lianna after she goes berserk! A carefully prepared combination!

Within the storm, the battlefield was in chaos. The three artifacts were fighting among themselves, the adventurers were fighting each other, and the fighters were fighting to the death. Everyone was fighting for a while, and it became a complete mess.

Seizing this great opportunity, Goenitz quickly captured Kagura Chizuru.

With the burst of full strength, the woman was severely injured in just a blink of an eye, just like it was when it severely injured her sister before.

However, Kagura Chizuru, who was almost torn apart by a set of eight girls, took the opportunity to give Goenitz a hard blow just like when she and her sister were sneak attacked by Goenitz.

That is the ultimate sealing skill! The enhanced version of Artifact Zero Foundation!

Withstanding the attack, Kagura Chizuru slapped Konitz's chest with a heavy palm. Kagura Chizuru successfully activated her skill on the spot. The next second, she flew backwards with blood spurting from her mouth. By the time she hit the ground, her body was already covered in scars. , there were cut marks everywhere on his body.

On the opposite side, Goenitz was hit by a palm, and the storm that had been surrounding him dispersed on the spot. He raised his hand to cover his chest, and his face turned pale for a moment.

His bloodline is sealed! It was sealed for a full day!

This is one of the three magical skills! Seal the power of divine skills!

When he attacked the Kagura sisters before, the reason why he only killed one and ran away instead of killing both of them together was because he was injured by Kagura Mangai in exchange for injuries, and his ability was sealed at the risk of death.

After raising his hand and trying hard for a long time, but unable to gather any airflow, Goenitz looked at Kagura Chizuru who was slowly getting up opposite, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No longer able to maintain the gentle smile on his face, he turned into a ferocious smile, suddenly raised his arms and roared.

"Woman! That's what you originally planned to do, right? You try your best to seal me! Then the other two guys take the opportunity to kill me! This is a common method used by your family! It's just that this time the two of them can't seem to pull it off. Come and deal with me! Who else can you ask to kill me? "

After hearing this, Kagura Chizuru, who had blood flowing down her cheek, looked up at Goenitz and did not give an answer, but suddenly looked behind him.

Noticing Kagura Chizuru's gaze, Goenitz was slightly startled.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him. When he saw the person clearly, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Qin Ming? You're here? You're here at the right time. Go kill her. It will be your vote to join the Heavenly God Clan. When His Majesty the Orochi is resurrected, how can there be one less member of the Eight Elites to greet it? This You will be the eighth one."

As he spoke, Goenitz stepped aside to get out of the way, and even gracefully bent over in a gesture of invitation.

Obviously, Gonitz was in a very good mood at this time.

Just facing his gesture, Qin Ming did not choose to move.

After taking a look at Kagura Chizuru, who was sitting on the ground opposite and had been severely injured, and could definitely be easily killed if he passed by, he suddenly withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Goenitz.

"Sorry, Lord Goenitz, I'm not here to help you, I'm here to help her."

As soon as these words came out, Kagura Chizuru's eyes widened, while Goenitz's pupils shrank.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and Goenitz slowly straightened up with a straight face, looking at Qin Ming expressionlessly.

"Reason, give me a reason, Qin Ming, am I not good enough to you? Or am I not giving you enough chips?"

"None of that, it's not because of these."

Shaking his head, Qin Ming looked very serious.

"I asked you a question before. What would you do if your adopted daughter was also within the scope of the resurrected God's judgment? Do you remember your answer?"

"Remember, everyone should accept their fate."

"But I don't believe in fate! I can only decide my things! If I break it, it's my business! It's not okay for others to break it!"

"So, you just rejected the invitation to become a descendant of God because of a woman?"

"To be precise, it's not one, but several. Okay, there's also an old man who won't die."

"Is it worth it? Just for these, you give up the chance of eternal life? Give up the chance to reincarnate and live forever?"

Goenitz's words made Qin Ming lower his head and remain silent for a few seconds.

Of course, he knew what benefits he would get after helping Goenitz. He would become a member of the Eight Heroes, which means he could get the fragment of God.

From now on, even if he really died in the nightmare space one day, he could be resurrected in the King of Fighters world as the Eight Heroes, and live forever, completely getting rid of the nightmare space.

It's just...

On the drooping cheek, the corner of the mouth suddenly lifted up, revealing a smile, and it became more and more obvious and more and more distorted.

Until finally raised up suddenly, and looked into Goenitz's eyes.

Qin Ming, with an extremely ferocious smile on his face, had red light flashing in his eyes.

"Of course it's not worth it! I'm not stupid! One lifetime or countless lifetimes! Which one is more valuable! Of course I can tell the difference! But, after I went back and thought about it carefully, compared to staying in one place until the end of time, I still prefer to go to various worlds to make trouble and kill people at will. Rather than being locked up in one place and bored to death, I would rather die completely on the way to make trouble!"

Raising his hand and grabbing, blood flowed on his palm. Qin Ming stared at Goenitz with scarlet eyes and grinned.

"So, Lord Goenitz, I don't want the fragments of the gods. If you really feel embarrassed, how about you give me your head?"

For a woman? For the relationship between master and apprentice? No, no, no!

Those are just minor factors. The main reason why Qin Ming chose to turn against Goenitz was only one from beginning to end, that is, he wanted Goenitz's treasure chest!

What's so attractive about the fragments on the surface! If you want it, you have to get the unknown loot by your own strength! Open your own blind box!

If you fail to pass the level, you fail to pass the level. If you can't revive, you can't revive. He will be dead by then! Who cares about these things!

But before he dies! He has to slap anyone he sees!

He has decided to fight the final boss today! Even if he really wants to get the fragments of the gods! That has to be done by beating the boss!

Afraid of death? If you are afraid of death, what kind of adventurer are you!

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