Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 392 Mission

The battle between Qin Ming and Goenitz finally started.

Goenitz was not a hesitant person. He chose to let Qin Ming become the last member of the Eight Heroes, not because Qin Ming was so good, but simply because he wanted to meet the resurrected gods after gathering the Eight Heroes. That's all.

Since Qin Ming didn't know how to show respect, he didn't mind killing him and replacing him with another person.

As for denouncing Qin Ming's disloyalty? Or was he angrily denouncing his disrespect for the gods?

Goenitz never stood on the high moral ground to blame others. This seemingly fanatical believer of the gods was actually very calm and saw more clearly than anyone else.

He even allowed his adopted daughter to believe in Christianity.

Goenitz knew better than anyone that there was no right or wrong in the so-called beliefs and choices. Everyone had their own life and beliefs, and there was no distinction between high and low.

As long as you don't affect his resurrection of the gods, let alone believe in Christianity, even if you believe in the Flying Pasta Church, he won't care about you, and will even give you a certain respect.

As for what if it affects his resurrection plan? Then I'm sorry.

Even if it's his own people! Even the members of the Eight Heroes! He will kill you without hesitation!

Amidst the howling wind, two figures collided on the ring.

Qin Ming, who instantly opened the dinosaur bloodline, forcibly repelled Goenitz with brute force.

Looking at Goenitz who staggered back, Qin Ming's eyes flashed.

He didn't act rashly at this time, but had already observed for a long time.

After all, he was just crazy, but not crazy.

Challenging a boss who is evenly matched or even slightly stronger than himself is called seeking excitement.

But if you, the mouse, challenge the cat alone! That's not called seeking excitement! That's called being short of life!

It wasn't until he saw Goenitz's bloodline being sealed by Kagura Chizuru that Qin Ming dared to jump out and choose to turn against him.

Otherwise, with the terrifying speed that Goenitz had shown before, ten Qin Mings couldn't beat him!

Relying on brute force, Qin Ming repelled Goenitz, who was not good at hard fighting, head-on. While striding towards him, he suddenly raised his hands.

As the blood and flesh absorption skill was activated, countless blood beads suddenly emerged on the large number of corpses lying around him and swarmed towards him.

The blood gathered and solidified and deformed, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a large number of irregular blade-like objects, floating above Qin Ming, and as he suddenly waved his hand forward, it shot out like a storm.

Seeing this scene, Goenitz's pupils shrank, and his body flexibly dodged left and right, quickly avoiding the blood rain bombardment.

He stopped and was about to rush towards Qin Ming, but Qin Ming waved his hand hard with one hand, and those blood blades inserted into the ground were broken on the spot and shot towards Goenitz on the side.

Facing such a dense covering attack, Goenitz could not avoid it after all, no matter how good he was at speed.

Goenitz raised his hands to protect his vitals, groaned, and countless blood arrows burst out of his body on the spot.

Before his muffled groan could fall, the countless blood fragments that had already pierced his body were trembling again under the pull of an invisible suction force, bringing out a large amount of blood.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, the blood condensed into a gun. Qin Ming, who raised his arm high and posed in the posture of Runtu stabbing a wild boar, looked ferocious at this moment.

"Goenitz! Let's be here today! Let's decide life and death!"


As soon as the voice fell, the blood gun was thrown out by Qin Ming with all his strength.

Blood and flesh absorption + white flame + air fluctuation + dinosaur form!

Qin Ming at this time! He was already at full strength as soon as he made a move!

Looking at the blood attack that was whistling and had already exploded in the air, turning into countless tiny blood lights shooting at him, Goenitz, who was unable to control the raging wind and whose strength was reduced by at least 70%, suddenly roared and waved his claws continuously.

With the flash of cold light, the countless blood shots that came to his face were forcibly torn apart by him from the front!

Even without the blessing of the blood of the kingdom of heaven! Goenitz is still a super master!

Goenitz, who broke out of the blood mist, now had his eyes wide open, his sight locked on Qin Ming, and rushed towards him without hesitation.

Goenitz, who knew that he could not fight against his opponent at a distance without being able to control the gust of wind, chose to attack head-on, trying to solve Qin Ming with close combat.

And his move just happened to be in line with Qin Ming's wishes. In terms of head-on combat, Qin Ming really has never been defeated by anyone.

On one side, the Kingdom of Heaven started with a slide! On the other side, the Eight Young Girls attacked!

The two who collided with each other attacked each other frantically.

One of them had amazing speed and terrifying fighting skills.

The other had thick skin and flesh, and was incredibly durable.

Goenitz desperately roamed and attacked, while Qin Ming continued to stand and output.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds before they finally separated again.

Qin Ming, who had claw marks all over his body and had completely turned into a bloody man, looked even more ferocious with blood flowing.

Goenitz, who was caught by Qin Ming and punched several times, was also hit hard by the blood attack.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was standing in the middle and never moved from beginning to end, and was just doing the purest defensive counterattack, Goenitz breathed heavily.

He knew that Qin Ming was very strong and could even defeat Weiss, a member of the Eight Heroes, by taking her by surprise.

But he never expected that the opponent would be so difficult to deal with.

Indestructible body! The ability to attack and defend! And the amazing speed of self-healing!

This guy in front of me is simply a porcupine! It's covered with sharp thorns!

If you go up and punch him, I don't know if it will hurt him, but he can definitely stab you to death.

This is because Goenitz is very vigilant. He didn't let Qin Ming catch him even if he risked his life for his own.

Otherwise, once he was completely caught and fell into a close-up tearing phase, Goenitz had no doubt that he would be stabbed into a sieve by this porcupine!

Qin Ming, who has the ability to absorb flesh and blood, has an amazing healing ability, and he also has consumables, so he is not afraid of consumption at all.

But Goenitz can't do that. He has his blood sealed, and now he has no means of recovery.

As for escaping? With his speed, it's easy to escape, and Qin Ming will definitely not be able to catch up.

But the problem is what happens next? The seal of the snake that was originally broken is being urgently reinforced!

If you don't seize this opportunity! Wait until the seal reinforcement is completely completed! Even if Goenitz beats everyone, he will not be able to revive the snake!

The most important thing is! Where would he find so many high-quality souls to break the shackles of the gods?

It can be said that this duel is a decisive battle, and it is the decisive battle field carefully prepared by Kagura Chizuru for Goenitz.

She is sure that Goenitz will not miss this excellent opportunity, and will fight to the death with everyone regardless of the consequences. As long as he fights to the death, with so many fighters on the scene, as long as she can successfully seal the opponent! Then he can be piled to death!

And the facts have proved that Kagura Chizuru made the right bet.

He shook his hand vigorously, staring at Qin Ming, and Goenitz, who was unwilling to retreat in the end, chose to play with his life instead.

He used all means to kill everyone present regardless of the consequences to obtain energy for the revival of the snake.

"Weis! Maizhuo! Kill him!"

With a roar, he chose to give up the vanity of the spokesperson of the gods, and Goenitz directly used the simplest and most brutal way to deal with Qin Ming, that is, shaking people!

Hearing Goenitz's roar, Mai Zhuo and Weiss looked at each other, and instantly got rid of their opponents and jumped onto the ring.

Looking at Qin Ming, whose injuries were recovering rapidly, and then looking at Goenitz, who was now injured, the two were very surprised.

"Lord Goenitz, this is......"

"Kill him! Kill everyone present! Get energy for my Lord!"

Before the two finished speaking, Goenitz, with a stern face, spoke coldly.

Hearing his order, Weiss and Mai Zhuo's bodies trembled instinctively, and they hurriedly put their hands on their chests and bowed their heads.

"Yes, sir!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two turned their heads at the same time, opened the blood of the kingdom of heaven, and aggressively aimed at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, also hurriedly raised his hand and posed the starting posture of the military fighting technique.

"That is to say, before killing Goenitz, we must first decide who lives and who dies, right?"

Hearing what Qin Ming said, Mai Zhuo and Weiss' eyes flickered and their teeth clenched.

Especially Mai Zhuo, who had a good impression of Qin Ming, was actually very reluctant to fight with Qin Ming.

The same was true for Weiss. She was also reluctant to fight with Qin Ming. After all, she still remembered how Qin Ming picked her up and beat her last time.

"We have no choice! Qin Ming!"

"No choice? What do you mean by no choice?"

"This is our fate, and it is also the order of Lord Goenitz. If we don't execute it, we will die!"

"Oh? From what you mean, you can survive if you execute the order? You don't think that I am the only master in the fighting family, right?"

Qin Ming's words stunned Mai Zhuo and Weiss, who were already approaching Qin Ming aggressively.

Seeing them stunned, Qin Ming grinned.

"Goenitz has already guaranteed himself. I need you to help me deal with me. Why do you think you will win in the end? Even if you win, why do you think you two can survive the battle, huh?"

Hearing this, Weiss and Mai Zhuo looked stunned.

Suddenly, they reacted and turned to look at Goenitz behind them, and then looked at the battlefield around them.

Looking at Goenitz's wounds and unprecedented embarrassment at this moment, and looking at the battle situation around them, which was quickly suppressed by the fighters with quality despite the advantage in numbers, the two couldn't help but turn their heads and look at each other.

It was only 96 years at this time, and the major fighters had not yet reached their peak.

Sakazaki Ryo has not yet comprehended the strongest secret of the Extreme Flow: Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist.

Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi have not yet understood the supreme skills of the family.

Even Mai Shiranui has not comprehended Shiranui's ultimate secret: Nine-tailed Fox.

It can be said that the fighters are not in their best condition at this time, and there is still a long way to go.

But even so, fighters are still fighters after all. When fighting alone, ordinary adventurers are not their opponents at all.

The only one who can really decide the outcome of the Eight Heroes is Goenitz. Everyone is counting on him to use the power of natural disasters and his unparalleled speed to defeat the enemies.

But now Goenitz's ability has been sealed. Although he is still very strong, he is no longer as unreasonable as before.

Can he still lead the team to victory? Or even if he can really lead people to win, do Ves and Mazo really need to be resurrected by the gods?

Ves and Mazo are not Goenitz, and they don't have such a strong sense of mission.

They like to enjoy life, they like to drink coffee, they like to travel and go shopping, and they are obsessed with everything in modern society.

These two women even took the time to take the professional secretary certificate exam and have their own businesses. They are genuine white-collar rich women.

The reason why they followed Goenitz to carry out the mission was only 10% because of their innate sense of mission, and the other 90% was because they were scared by Goenitz and were afraid of dying in his hands in advance, so they had to obey his orders.

And now, Goenitz seems to no longer have the ability to kill them...

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