Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 397: Anxious Nightmare Space

With the flash of light, five boxes were opened one after another, and props appeared in front of Qin Ming one after another.

In Cai Baojian's box, a useless B-level skill book was opened.

The things opened in Kensho Shii's box were of some use. He actually opened Kensho Shii's signature skill, eating buns!

[Name: Carnivore Bun]

[Grade: B-level]

[Effect 1: Consume 5 points of mental power, inject energy into food and eat it, which can restore 30% of your own physical condition. It is ineffective for broken limbs]

[Effect 2: There is a 10% chance to directly restore 50% of the physical condition]

[Effect 3: There is a 10% chance of choking, and 10% of the physical condition will be deducted in reverse]

[Introduction: My title of King of Buns! It is not in vain! ]

Carnivore Bun! The only recovery skill in King of Fighters 96! Although it is only B-level! But the effect is powerful!

The most important thing is! This skill has no cooldown time! You just need enough mental power! Then it can be used unlimited times!

Although there is a certain chance of choking, it is still difficult to conceal its practicality. With it, it is almost equivalent to having unlimited recovery items. It can be said that it is definitely a magical skill that countless adventurers dream of.

Of course, that is only for other adventurers. This skill is useless to Qin Ming.

Eat buns? What buns does he eat for nothing? Can he eat faster than he absorbs?

The nutrition of your meat buns! It can even be replaced by milk!

Putting the two skill books in his hand aside casually, Qin Ming rubbed his hands vigorously, and finally took out the highlight of this time, the top-quality props from the three legendary treasure chests.

First! It's the props of the fighting emperor Lucard! Two items were opened at once!

[Name: Incomplete Killing Intent Fluctuation]

[Quality: Grade A]

[Effect: After activation, you can choose one attribute to amplify, and the amplification effect is 100%]

[Introduction: Either control the power or be controlled by the power, this is the true meaning of Killing Intent Fluctuation]

[Name: Rugal's Emperor's Hand]

[Category: Arm (Brilliant Golden Plot)]

[Equipment Requirements: All Attributes 25]

[Effect 1: Strength +15]

[Effect 2: Constitution +15]

[Effect 3: Emperor Imitation (Can copy a skill and perform it with gloves, the imitated skill level cannot exceed Grade B)]

[Introduction: I Rugal! One day I will rule the world! ]

The highest secret of the Street Fighter world! Killing Intent Fluctuation! Got it!

And I also got a top-quality gauntlet! Just to make up for the loss of at least the destroyed gauntlet!

It's a pity that the Killing Intent Fluctuation skill is only a defective version, but this is nothing to Qin Ming.

Defective? You just give him a steering wheel! He can use his innate skills to restore you back to a car!

For him, the grade is not a problem, as long as the foundation is good enough.


Looking at the Killing Intent Fluctuation skill book in his hand, and looking at the Qi Fluctuation he has already learned, Qin Ming's expression suddenly became extremely tangled.

Both are A-level, which means that as long as Qin Ming wants, he can blend the two to create his third S-level skill at any time, and it is also the legendary supreme power.

But the problem is that the last guy who tried to fuse the Killing Intent Fluctuation was blown into a pulp in front of him!

The Iron Body and the Flesh and Blood Absorption Skills are all upgraded slowly from the bottom, so they are relatively docile.

But the most famous thing about the Killing Intent Fluctuation is that it has a large negative effect. Can it be docile? Look at the ghost look of Gouki! Does it look like a docile ability?

If this enters the body, it will declare its sovereignty with a clang and fight with the other two powers. Qin Ming will not know how he died!

And Qin Ming dares to guarantee it! Just relying on the aggressiveness of the killing intention fluctuations! It will definitely do so!

With a stern face, Qin Ming quickly put away the skill book and did not dare to strengthen it casually.

Even if he really wanted to strengthen it, he had to wait until he returned to the nightmare space to strengthen it. I just hope that the nightmare space can protect me.

Turning his eyes, Qin Ming, who was wearing the hand guard, locked his vision on the other two trophies.

That is Goenitz's key and the final reward of the King of Fighters Tournament.

The trophies opened from the two! One is a scale! The other is a book!

Legendary props! Fragments of the Great Snake Godhead!

And legendary props! The King of Fighters Manual!

The final reward of the Goenitz camp, the top-grade prop that lured countless adventurers to fight for their lives, resulting in the death of hundreds of intermediate adventurers in this battle, was actually exploded by Qin Ming by luck!

And another King of Fighters Manual, the attributes are also very good.

[Name: Orochi Fragment - Madness]

[Category: Consumable (Dim Legendary)]

[Effect: After use, you will obtain the bloodline of the Eight Heroes - Madness, and after death, you will be reincarnated in the King of Fighters world as the Eight Heroes, completely free from the shackles of the Nightmare Space]

[Introduction: Congratulations on escaping the shackles of the Nightmare Space, but are you ready to face the shackles of the Orochi Mission? ]

[Name: King of Fighters Manual]

[Category: Special Equipment (Dim Legendary)]

[Effect: Allows plot characters to sign and register above, and summon them in other worlds. Each world can randomly summon one member from the list to help (the current number is 0/24)]

[Introduction: As the King of Fighters, you are recognized by everyone and are qualified to host a new King of Fighters competition, so try to gather eight teams! Let's have a fight between dragons and tigers that belongs to you! ]

The King of Fighters manual that can record and summon plot characters, and the fragments of the snake that can break the shackles of the nightmare space and restore freedom.

Looking at the two top-quality props in his hand, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly.

But before he could laugh for a few seconds, a rapid and piercing nightmare space prompt sound suddenly rang in his ears.

No! This ghost movement can no longer be considered a prompt sound! It should be said that it is an air defense alarm!

[Ding! Special props detected in the hands of No. 441985! Nightmare Space applies for recycling! Is No. 441985 willing to accept recycling? ]

[Ding! Warning! If you refuse to recycle! Then your overall evaluation in the nightmare space will be reduced! You will not be able to participate in the final trial of the nightmare space in the future! ]

[Ding! Warning! If the adventurer chooses to merge with the special props! The Nightmare Space will remove you from the training list! You will not be able to carry out the task of being promoted to a top adventurer! You will always stop at a high-level adventurer! 】

[Ding! Warning! Number 441985 has great potential! It is on the key training list of the Nightmare Space! Therefore, the Nightmare Space strongly recommends that you accept the prop recycling! The Nightmare Space is willing to give extra compensation! It can upgrade one of your props to the legendary level! And tailor the improvement effect for you! You are absolutely satisfied! 】

The ears kept ringing, and there was a deadly four consecutive rings. The movement was so loud that Qin Ming's head was swollen.

After being stunned for a long time, Qin Ming finally came back to his senses from the shock.

Seeing that the Nightmare Space, which found that he had no reaction, started to ring again, Qin Ming, who couldn't stand it, hurriedly threw the big snake fragments over.

"Ah, give it to you, give it to you! It's like urging someone to die! Why are you so anxious! I didn't plan to use it in the first place!"

This time, the nightmare space was obviously a little anxious, otherwise it wouldn't have been so desperate.

And Qin Ming chose to accept its request directly.

After all, from the beginning, Qin Ming didn't plan to merge this thing and become a member of the so-called Eight Heroes.

After all, being able to get rid of the nightmare space and reincarnate infinitely in the King of Fighters world, this sounds like a good thing, right? It's just eternal life.

But the problem is that you only see the thief eating melons! Why don't you see the thief being beaten!

Don't you see how high the mortality rate of the Eight Heroes is! This generation of Eight Heroes members! In the end, six died in battle! One was killed by his own people! Only one dodged! And that's because they didn't use the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven at all!

Not to mention the previous ones, basically every generation failed, and many people died in battle.

The mortality rate of the nightmare space is not so high!

And even if you successfully defeat the opponent and resurrect the god.

Turn around and the gods clear the world! You have to start reincarnation again! Continue this cycle!

This is an endless circle! You have to die whether you succeed or not! It's just that the way you die is different!

The most important thing is, after reincarnation, can Qin Ming still be considered Qin Ming?

At most, he can only be considered a newborn who inherited his memory. For example, Mai Zhuo and Weiss, they might have been men in their previous lives, and they were extremely loyal. They are not bad in this life.

Let alone reincarnation, even if he uses the resurrection coin to revive, Qin Ming is afraid that it is not himself who comes back to life, but a clone! So he never dared to use this trump card!

Therefore, the so-called identity of the Eight Heroes is a pit in Qin Ming's eyes, especially when the nightmare space is so repellent.

Qin Ming has a simple and rough personality, and his thinking is also very simple and rough.

He believes that since he is a younger brother to the nightmare space, he must be wholehearted.

You are working for someone here, but after get off work you start looking for another job and preparing for a job change. No wonder the Nightmare Space is getting angry. Anyone would be angry.

If you really decide to change jobs one day, don't hesitate at all. Make a decision on the first day, find a good way on the second day, and run away on the third day.

Because the longer you delay, the easier it is to get into trouble. After all, it is not impossible that the Nightmare Space will not like you one day and deliberately throw you into a desperate situation to kill you!

Qin Ming likes the exciting days in the Nightmare Space, and the most important thing is that the treatment in the Nightmare Space is really good.

So why did he run to work for the big snake when there is a good choice? Why is the big snake more powerful than the Nightmare Space?

Then why is it so powerful that it is sealed? Why did the Nightmare Space send people to it to cause trouble? Instead of sending people back?

The strength of the two bosses is not equal, and the treatment they give is also not equal. Now Qin Ming is already a middle-level employee of Nightmare Co., Ltd. and is expected to enter the senior management. Why should he run to a small company to be a so-called senior manager?

Tall ass! This shabby company has only one boss and eight employees! Where does the low-level come from! He doesn't even have five social insurances and one housing fund! He relies on slogans and big promises to get his younger brothers to work!

So before he can find a better way out, Nightmare Company is Qin Ming's job.

And becoming a senior staff, or even a top staff, or even a shareholder! It is Comrade Qin Ming's lifelong pursuit!

He wants to climb up step by step! He wants to become Zhao... Qin Gao!

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