Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 398 Complete Atlas Achievement

The fragment of the god of the snake was finally recovered by the nightmare space, and the recovery action was extremely fast, as if it was afraid that Qin Ming would change his mind.

With a flash of light, the fragment of the god disappeared on the spot.

Correspondingly, it also fulfilled its promise and quickly upgraded a piece of equipment on Qin Ming.

And this point of the nightmare space is also what Qin Ming is most satisfied with.

The mortality rate of this company is a bit high, but the return is really great.

The most important thing is! What it said to give you! That is the invoice on the spot! It was given to you without hesitation for a second! And there was no shrinkage at all!

Who doesn't like this kind of boss who is rich and keeps his promises?

In the morning, he said that he would give a bonus after completing the work. The work was not finished at noon, but the money was piled there first. If you complete it well in the afternoon, you may get more money.

It's completely different from those guys who like to draw big cakes!

In the dazzling light, Qin Ming's equipment was quickly upgraded.

The upgraded equipment on him was nothing but the King of Fighters manual he had just obtained.

Looking at the manual that fell from the light and landed accurately in his hand, Qin Ming was excited and quickly opened it to check the properties.

He wanted to see how this so-called tailor-made upgrade that would satisfy him was actually done.

As a result, when the equipment was opened and the properties were clearly seen, Qin Ming, who was excited, suddenly froze.


[Name: All Yellow Manual]

[Category: Special Items (Brilliant Legendary Equipment)]

[Equipment Requirements: Number 441985]

[Effect 1: Competition Invitation (Plot characters can register their names above and randomly summon one person in other worlds to assist in the battle. The number of people who can be signed is unlimited, and the current number of people is 0)]

[Attribute 2: All-female Fighting List (The plot characters recorded in the book will gradually increase your favorability with you, up to 650 points, but only women can be recorded)]

[Attribute 3: Pre-match Warm-up (You can summon any plot characters recorded in the book in a single room in the Nightmare Space, with no limit on the number of people, but only in your own room)]

[Introduction: In order to reward, the Nightmare Space tailors special equipment for No. 441985 according to his personality. There is only one copy in the Nightmare Space]

Looking at the new equipment in his hand in amazement, Qin Ming finally came back to his senses after a long time of being stunned. He raised his hand and threw the booklet in his hand to the ground, and roared.

"Slander! Naked slander! What do you mean by tailor-made for me! Am I so unbearable in your eyes! This is slandering me! Where is the nightmare space! Come out and explain it to me!"

Qin Ming stood up with an angry face and found that his reputation was slandered. He was furious for a while.

He walked towards the door angrily, but when he reached the door, his steps suddenly stopped.

After two seconds of silence, he walked back to the booklet.

He turned around to make sure that no one saw him, and hurriedly picked up the booklet and stuffed it into his arms, and then...

"Come on, King, sign this."

"Sign? What is this?"

"Ah, this is the invitation list for the upcoming King of Fighters 97 tournament."

In the martial arts training hall, King, who had been boxing for a long time, sat on the sofa, wiping his sweat with a towel, and frowning as he flipped through the booklet in his hand.

Looking at the yellow booklet with the name on the surface altered, King looked at Qin Ming with a very hesitant look.

"You want to hold the King of Fighters 97 Tournament?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, you can afford the money? You have to ask Mai Shiranui for money to buy a motorcycle, where do you get the money to hold the tournament?"

"That's not asking! That's my salary! Besides, I don't have money because Kagura Chizuru is busy dealing with the aftermath! I haven't received the King of Fighters bonus yet! Otherwise, I would have had money a long time ago! Oh, don't worry about these trivial matters! Sign your name quickly!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming handed over the pen enthusiastically.

King took the pen and looked at Qin Ming with a strange look. After carefully looking him up and down, he suddenly threw the pen on the table.

"I won't sign."

Qin Ming, who was originally waiting for King's signature with expectation, was instantly furious when he heard the words.


"Because I don't trust you. This is too suspicious. If you are too nice to someone, you are either a traitor or a thief. You are smiling so happily. You must not be doing anything good."

"King! You are going too far! How can you question my character!"


"Even if my character is a little bit problematic, you still don't trust our friendship!"

"Your friendship means you beat me up when we meet for the first time?"

"That's called fighting, no friendship!"

"Okay! Even if we have friendship, let me ask you! Why are all the names of female fighters in this booklet!"

Turning over the booklet to check, King frowned more and more.

"Mai Shiranui, Bluemarie, Weiss, Maizhuo, Fujido Kasumi, Asamiya Athena, Lianna, and even Sharan, who has a grudge against you, have signed on it."

"Sharan wanted to sign it herself, but it has nothing to do with me."

"Anyway, this matter is too suspicious. You are sneaky and you have no good intentions. Anyway, I won't sign it, otherwise what will I do if you sell me out?"

King is a cautious person. She has been in the gang for many years and has a lot of tricks.

She is completely different from the silly Mai Shiranui who gets cocky when praised. Not to mention signing, she even wants to press an extra fingerprint.

However, Qin Ming also has a special way to deal with the cautious King, which is to persuade with feelings.

"King! You disappoint me so much! How could you doubt that I would sell you! You are not worth much!"


"No! I mean I don't care about money! Even if I really plan to sell people! The first person to be sold should be Mai Shiranui! After all, you are not as easy to sell as her!"

Qin Ming shook the book in his hand with a very serious expression.

"Even if it is a human trafficker! You can't sell so many people at a time! Do you distrust me so much? The relationship between us is not even enough for you to sign?"

When Qin Ming said this, King frowned instinctively.

He looked at Qin Ming suspiciously. To be honest, King still didn't trust him.

But on second thought, signing a name didn't seem to be a big deal. After all, so many people had already signed. Even if Qin Ming had any bad intentions, it wouldn't be his turn.

"Well, since you said so, I'll give you a favor once, but it won't happen again."

Raising her hand and grabbing the pen, King wrote her name on the book.

Just as she finished writing, Qin Ming hurriedly took back his precious book. Looking at the newly added name on it, he suddenly showed a happy silly smile on his face.

And his smile from the heart made King's eyes more suspicious for a while.

Before King could figure out what Qin Ming was grinning about, Qin Ming, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of something and hurried back.

"Oh, by the way! King! Yuri Sakazaki from the Sakazaki family seems to be visiting the Shiranui Gym, right? Where is she now? I'll go find her and sign!"

"She wants to sign, too? You know her, don't you?"

"Oh! This collection catalog is missing this one! I feel uncomfortable if I can't make it up! We'll know each other if we meet!"

"Qin Ming! I warn you not to make trouble! Yuri Sakazaki may be a vegetarian! But her brother and her father are not!"

"I'm looking for her! What does it have to do with her brother and her father! They want to sign but I won't let them!"

In the end, King, who was really stubborn, led Qin Ming to Yuri Sakazaki and took the initiative to introduce the two.

Yuri Sakazaki, a little girl without any scheming, was so happy that she didn't know what to do with Qin Ming just by being praised by Qin Ming, and quickly signed the manual.

After dealing with this little girl whose IQ was only at the same level as Mai Shiranui, Qin Ming, the Pokémon Master of the King of Fighters, who finally completed the King of Fighters 96 illustrated book, left with satisfaction.

Yuri Sakazaki's strength is actually just that. Although she is known as a genius whose talent surpasses Ryo Sakazaki, she is essentially a third-rate fighter. It is a question whether she can defeat Mai Shiranui now.

Qin Ming asked her to sign not to call her out as a helper in the future. On the contrary, signing Yuri Sakazaki would pollute the deck.

The best way to use the King of Fighters manual is to sign only one person, a top master, so that she will be the random one every time, so that the combat power can be maximized.

Signing a weak person will only affect the quality of the reinforcements.

But which game player can resist the temptation of collecting all the illustrated books! Anyway, Qin Ming can't!

Qin Ming finally felt satisfied after getting the best props and collecting the entire list at the same time.

Seeing that there were still a few days before his return, he did not become lazy and started to wander around the streets, trying to find wild female plot characters.

Maybe he was lucky! He ran into some hidden characters!

But after wandering around, he did not find the hidden characters, but found that he was entangled by Sharan.

Sharan, who had a deep hatred for him a few days ago, suddenly became very docile in recent days, as if she had let go of her hatred and turned back into the kind nun she used to be.

She neither shouted for fighting and killing nor made sneak attacks, but became very attached to Qin Ming.

This situation was very wrong. At first, Qin Ming thought that Sharan had Stockholm syndrome, but when he found out that it was not, he thought that the King of Fighters manual had taken effect.

After finding out that it was not, he was completely confused.

The more docile Sharan was, the more vigilant Qin Ming was.

After all, Qin Ming's sunglasses can check the favorability! If you see a woman who has a blood feud with you! But she sticks to you every day!

On the surface, she looks extremely gentle, but in fact, her favorability has reached -600. If it were you, would you not be on guard!

When did Sharan learn to play this trick? Damn! She has become a bad person!

This must have been taught by those two bad women, Weiss and Mai Zhuo! After all, in the entire Shiranui Gym, only the two of them can do such a wicked thing!

When I go back today, I must find an excuse to give them a good beating!

Just when Qin Ming activated his glasses ability, looked at Sharan's negative favorability, frowned and made up his mind, he was walking on the street, and he was suddenly stunned.

Raising his hand to straighten his sunglasses, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he found that in the crowd! It seems that an extraordinary guy has appeared!

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