Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 399 The surprise prepared by Shalan

"What's that! Shalan! I have something to go out to take care of! You stay here and don't move around! Wait while I buy you some oranges! Boss! Give her a children's nutritional meal!"

Quickly leading Shalan to a Kendekun store, Qin Ming told her to wait for him here and ran out happily.

This made Sha Lan stunned when she saw this scene. She stood up and was about to follow, but after hesitating for a moment, she slowly sat back down.

Shalan grabbed the burger handed over by the clerk next to her and took a bite, her face expressionless.

She followed Weiss's advice and has now changed her fighting style.

Knowing that with her own strength, she would never be able to kill Qin Ming head-on, she began to try to solve Qin Ming in other ways.

And this method is to find a way to make Qin Ming take off his guard, so that the killing moves he specially prepared for the opponent can come in handy.

As for what this killer move is...

Just when Shalan was taking a small bite of the burger, frowning and thinking about things, the shadow behind Shalan suddenly shook slightly in the silent burger shop.

The next second, three figures emerged from it silently, holding non-reflective blades coated with special materials, staring fiercely at Shalan's neck.

The remaining adventurers did not choose to stop hunting.

Especially the best among them, they still cling to the characters in the plot, trying to get another bite of meat before leaving.

And the phantom trio who had a relationship with Qin Ming and were able to escape into the shadows was preparing to hunt Sha Lan!

In fact, they were originally planning to hunt other people, but there were too many masters in the Shiranui Gym. The most important thing was that there were two top masters, Weiss and Mai Zhuo, to control the situation.

They tried to lurk in before, but just as they were about to take action, they were immediately discovered and had to flee.

Now they finally caught the opportunity of a plot character being left alone. Looking at the unsuspecting Shalan, the three of them immediately prepared to take action.

Although this Shalan is not a plot character, she is still the adopted daughter of the final boss, Goenitz.

Killing her, even if it just revealed a little skill of Goenitz, would definitely be a bloody gain.

After all, the skills of the members of the Eight Elites Collection are still very high.

If the skill book of Eight Young Girls can be revealed, it will be a huge profit.

With their eyes flickering, the three people emerged from the shadows silently and launched a surprise attack from behind with their swords almost at the same time.

But as soon as the sword flashed here, Shalan, who was eating a hamburger with her back to them, her pupils shrank sharply.

The next second! It was a direct reaction! In an instant, he lowered his head to avoid the sweeping blade!

Immediately, his figure flashed, and his body disappeared with the strong wind. When he reappeared, he was directly several meters away.

Gonnitz's signature displacement skill! Glacier!

The phantom trio, who did not expect Shalan to react, looked at each other with their swords away and nodded at the same time.

"Strong! Kill her quickly!"

With a roar, the three of them rushed towards Shalan at the same time, preparing to quickly eliminate her with their numerical advantage.

The trio is not bad in terms of strength and can definitely stand up among intermediate adventurers. The three of them have hunted down many bosses together.

Not to mention third-rate fighters, even ordinary second-rate fighters will definitely fall into trouble if they are caught in advance.

The three of them work together to deal with a woman who is not even a plot character. It is definitely a matter of success.

Of course, this premise is for ordinary women. As for Shalan...

Looking at the phantom trio rushing toward them, Shalan's eyes suddenly flashed. The next second, the close-fitting nun's uniform automatically moved without wind, and the hem of the skirt flew up.

A stream of air surrounded Shalan, spinning and appearing out of thin air.

Bloodline of Heaven! wind!


The strong wind swept away and the figure disappeared. In the shocked eyes of the three people on the opposite side, Shalan actually relied on a glacier skill to escape from the three of them at a ghostly speed!

And before the three of them could react, the strong wind swept behind them, and Shalan's body dragged the afterimage and appeared with the airflow.

Cross your hands and raise them! What a childish girl!

With both hands waving! Strong winds emerged one after another! Keep cutting on an adventurer!

After giving eight claws continuously! Shalan grabbed the opponent's neck with both hands! Throw the opponent away with a flick of your hand!

What he used was Goenitz's signature trick, Eight Childish Girls! And whether it’s actions or abilities! They are almost identical! The only difference is that it is much less powerful!

Seeing that their companion was severely injured in an instant, the other two finally woke up from a dream. With a look of horror on their faces, they turned around and swung their swords to attack Shalan.

As a result, before the attack arrived, Shallan had already used the Glacier skill and disappeared again. When she reappeared, she was already behind the second person. She reached out and grabbed the other person's neck and lifted the other person high.

The next second! A tornado whizzed around the adventurer's body! Start cutting him at top speed!

Skill! I watched the TV...Dark Crying!

Flash! attack! Flash again! Attack again! Keep flashing! Keep attacking!

At this moment, Shalan is like a ghost! Keep shuttling back and forth between the three of them!

In the face of her terrifying speed, even if the three of them had all their abilities, they couldn't use them at all.

In the blink of an eye, the phantom trio had already ended up dead and wounded!

Looking at the other side, Sharan flashed and appeared again! The trajectory of her movements could not be seen at all!

The captain of the trio, whose body was already covered with scratches, looked livid at this moment.

"Who are you!"

As the leader of the Eight Heroes, Goenitz should have been dead! He clearly saw it with his own eyes!

But the woman in front of him knew Goenitz's skills, and that was fine! Why could she try to display Goenitz's bloodline power!

Isn't she just an adopted daughter? Where did the power of the heavenly bloodline come from!

Hearing the captain's exclamation, Sharan stopped on the opposite side, turned sideways and posed in the posture that Goenitz often posed, holding the Bible in her right hand on her abdomen, and raising her bloodstained left hand to the front of her.

A violent airflow swirled around her, causing the nun's uniform to ripple wildly.

"Daughter of Goenitz, the Breathing Storm! Sha... Storm Child!"

Sharan! Inherited Goenitz's heavenly bloodline!

Before he died, Goenitz passed on his bloodline inheritance to Sharan completely by touching his forehead.

In other words, Goenitz was really dead and couldn't even reincarnate.

From now on, the Wind Kingdom God Clan was completely replaced by Sharan, the only adopted daughter he cared about and worried about before his death.

This was also the main reason why he asked Qin Ming to help protect Sharan at the last moment, because it would take time for Sharan to fuse blood. As long as she was given time, she could quickly become the second Goenitz!

Goenitz knew the character of his adopted daughter. If Qin Ming really kept his promise and protected Sharan well, then even if Sharan gained absolute strength later, she would definitely not be able to kill Qin Ming to avenge him.

Goenitz also didn't want to see Sharan avenge him, and handing over the inheritance to Sharan was not for her to help him avenge.

He was just afraid that his former enemies would come to him, so Sharan needed the power to protect herself.

Handing over the blood inheritance to her and finding her a strong backer before she grows up is the last and only thing Goenitz can do.

Controlling her father's power, Sharan is murderous at this moment, with fierce light in her eyes.

She has not yet completely merged with the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven, and has never dared to use this power in front of Qin Ming, and even the new blood is not marked in the attribute column.

After all, this power is her only means to kill Qin Ming, and it must not be easily exposed.

Even if it is to be exposed, it must be when she is completely turned against her and desperate.

It's just that the power inherited from her father needs to be mastered after all. Since these three guys in front of him have come to the door to die! It's just right to use them as a knife to practice!

Sharan, who was also afraid that Qin Ming would suddenly return and saw that she used the blood of the Kingdom of Heaven, had a cold light in her eyes and disappeared again.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the Phantom Trio, who understood that Sharan's strength was not right and that the two of them were definitely not her opponents, also quickly took countermeasures.

That is to push his companion forward on the spot, and then he flew towards the shadow, trying to activate his innate skills and escape by hiding in the shadow.

The captain reacted very quickly and moved very quickly, without any drag.

However, in terms of speed, the bloodline of the Kingdom of Wind was too domineering, and his escape action was still captured by Sharan and intercepted on the spot.

He passed by the adventurer who was pushed over, waved his hand to control the airflow and instantly cut off the other's throat.

Sharan, who killed him on the spot, flew and knocked the captain to the ground, preventing him from falling into the shadow.

Then he actually rode on the captain who was lying on the ground. In the other's stunned eyes, he supported the captain's chest with both hands, and his clothes suddenly shook while he was sitting astride.

The next second! A gust of wind centered on Sharan! It whistled wildly in all directions! It was so close to the captain's body!

Especially the captain's lower three roads where he was sitting astride! It was the main target! The entire lower body was almost shredded by the scattered airflow on the spot!

And this move! Is the final killer move that Shalan prepared for Qin Ming! Tianxiang Luanji!

Only at certain specific times! Will a man's vigilance completely return to zero!

But even if he completely lets down his guard! With Qin Ming's defense! It is difficult for Shalan to kill him with one blow!

So Shalan must ensure that Qin Ming can completely lose his combat effectiveness in one blow!

And this zero-distance or even negative-distance sudden full-strength burst out! And the terrifying storm that mainly attacks the lower three roads! Is the ultimate killer move that Shalan is going to use to break Qin Ming's steel body!

Even if he can't be killed in one blow! Qin Ming, whose vitals are cut into mud! Will definitely be directly disabled! Even completely lose the ability to resist!

This is also the only way Shalan can think of to kill Qin Ming! So as to avenge her father.

It turned out that Sharan's move was really vicious. The captain of the adventurers who was riding under her had his vital parts almost crushed on the spot. The sudden pain made his eyes widen and his mouth open. For a moment, he lost his voice and his brain went blank.

Before he could recover from the severe pain, the violent airflow that followed had completely enveloped him and began to cut him madly...

Just when Sharan caught an unlucky guy and used him to test the surprise she had carefully prepared for Qin Ming, Qin Ming was not idle either.

He left the beautiful nun Sharan alone in the hamburger shop, and now he is doing something big, that is, turning into a pervert and following the girl.

A white-haired girl named Angel who works in an organization called Nest of Sound.

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