Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 403: Sound Nest Transformer

Qin Ming's abilities are very special. When facing masters of the same level, he seems to be able to only rely on his strong ability to withstand beatings and recovery to wear down his opponents. His other abilities are simply useless.

But this is limited to opponents of the same level. For the weak, Qin Ming is simply a nightmare.

High defense and thick blood! Good at group attacks! The more people there are, the stronger he is!

For others, relying on the advantage of numbers, it is possible to beat the master to death with random punches.

But for Qin Ming, the more people you come, the more excited he is!

It can be said that Qin Ming is a pure chicken killer, a typical meat shield flow BOSS, and a monster that novices in the game are discouraged!

Against other bosses, he may not be very popular because he is only good at taking beatings, and he will always be defeated because of his lack of ability.

But for those players who try to challenge him! This guy is more disgusting than the final boss!

It's just like in a third-rate game! Deliberately designed to disgust players! Designed specifically for difficulty! It's a thing that makes no sense at all!

Your stats are not enough! Even if your skills are against the sky! You can't do anything with him!

You hit him! He kills you in seconds! And it's AOE damage! If it's really in the game! The designer's family tree must be cursed every day!

At this time, the members of the Nest Base have been completely stunned by Qin Ming.

The blood blades in the sky cut back and forth, although the accuracy is not very good, but there are huge numbers.

This move may not be useful against masters, but it is a killing move that can instantly break limbs and kill ordinary Nest soldiers.

Raising his hand to hold the blood ball, and the other hand behind his back, Qin Ming strode forward with a stern face.

Anyone who dares to approach him on the road, or even appears in his field of vision, will be cut into several or even dozens of pieces in the next second.

At this moment! Qin Ming, who is extremely large in size! And can suck other people's blood to fight! He is more like a villain!

And he is now doing what villains would do! That is to kill everyone in the Nest Branch!

It has nothing to do with justice or not, and it doesn't matter whether the goal is good or evil.

Qin Ming just wanted the treasure chest, so anyone who might reveal the treasure chest would be his hunting target.

Before returning! He wants to have a good meal!

Qin Ming's side advanced unstoppably until he was finally intercepted when he reached the middle of the base.

And the ones who intercepted him were the transformers of the Nest Organization, and three of them appeared at once.

The burly product of the mechanical transformation plan: Maxima No. 3! More than 70% of the body is mechanized! A variety of offensive weapons are installed!

The thin product of the genetic transformation plan! K43!

There is also a man wearing a black battle robe, with his arms crossed and staring at Qin Ming with sharp eyes. He is the leader of the Nest Organization and a senior member of the Nest Organization: Nest No. 19!

Looking at Qin Ming who stopped on the opposite side, the trio's expressions were very cautious, and it was obvious that they had recognized Qin Ming's identity.

After all, Qin Ming, who had just won the King of Fighters championship, was still quite famous.

Qin Ming finally stopped his meaningless shooting when he saw the dense blood blades he shot out, which only caused sparks to fly and could not break the defense.

Raising his hand and clenching it, the blood ball turned into blood and wrapped around his arm and merged into his body. Qin Ming looked at the three people on the opposite side, and his mouth suddenly curled up.

"In other words, the big fish this time is you three, right?"

Hearing this, Nest 19 did not give an answer, but waved his hand suddenly with a straight face.

"Go! Kill him!"

As soon as the voice fell, Maxima 3 and K43 rushed towards Qin Ming at the same time.

Maxima 3 had just approached Qin Ming, and suddenly stopped moving with a sliding step, and at the same time grabbed the wrist of the other hand, raised that arm and aimed it at Qin Ming.

Skill! M3 Maxima missile!


Fire gushed out! Maxima III's arm spread out, and several small shells flew out of it with flames, heading towards Qin Ming.

Looking at the enemy who started with high-tech bombing, Qin Ming raised his hand and grabbed forward fiercely, and his blood turned into a physical shield, taking all the missiles from the front.

Before the flames dissipated, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came into his ears.

The next second, the flames in front suddenly spun up, and the product of the genetic modification plan: K43! A sliding straight punch had already been stabbed at Qin Ming!

The arm that stabbed straight at Qin Ming! It actually twisted and turned into a drill! It stabbed Qin Ming's chest at high speed!

Skill! Flesh and blood modification-drilling!

Looking at the flesh and blood drill that was stabbing at him crazily, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he raised his hand to grab it without hesitation.

Accompanied by a sharp friction sound, under the astonished gaze of the three people on the opposite side, Qin Ming actually relied on brute force! Forced the high-speed rotating drill to stop!

He raised his hand and threw K43 to the ground. Before Qin Ming could raise his leg to finish him off, K43, who had fallen to the ground, struggled and suddenly aimed his arm at him.

The flesh on his arm twisted, and his arm turned into a flesh cannon barrel.

As the power in his body gathered, three flesh cannonballs gushed out continuously, bombarding Qin Ming at such a close distance! Qin Ming was forced to retreat two steps!

Before the flames surrounding Qin Ming dissipated, a loud roar suddenly came from behind him.

It turned out that Maxima No. 3 seized the opportunity, directly tore off his combat uniform, revealing the energy cannon modified on his chest, and fired at full force.

Special move! Golden missile!

Flanking attack from front and back! Good cooperation!

The transformation routes of Maxima 3 and K43 are completely different! One is genetic modification! The other is mechanical modification! But now they can cooperate perfectly! Extremely coherent!

The two who successfully hit Qin Ming continued to attack from the front and back, and their expressions were very cautious, and they did not relax their vigilance.

And the leader of the branch organization: Nest 19, looked at this side with his hands on his chest and expressionless, and did not move at all from beginning to end.

As the flames in the middle position dissipated, a burly figure gradually appeared in the vision of the three people.

Qin Ming, who was hit by the two people, was stretching his hands to pat the smoke and dust on his body, with a pair of eyebrows frowning.

Maxima 3, a mechanical modifier, is obviously a long-range special attack type, and his lethality is really good.

K43 is a medium-range special warfare type, which can go far and close, and is responsible for roaming operations.

Logically, there should be another close combat special attack type, that is Angel.

She is mainly responsible for entanglement of the opponent. The three people working together is the best form and the real means to protect this sub-base.

However, Angel, who had already fought with Qin Ming, obviously had no intention of coming to help.

After all, Qin Ming was specially called by her! If she could make a move, it would be strange!

Looking at Qin Ming who took his one-shot kill and was unscathed, Maxima No. 3's face was livid and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

Seeing that the strongest Angel in the trio had not shown up after fighting for a long time, Maxima No. 3 gritted his teeth and had to rush up with K43 again.

Facing the second round of joint attack by the two, Qin Ming, who had already tested their abilities, finally started to get serious.

Raising his hand and waving, a blood-colored sonic hand knife shot out, instantly slashing on the opposite Maxima No. 3, causing sparks to fly and successfully cutting his front armor.

The blood on his backhand turned into a shield and gradually solidified. , forcibly wrapped around the blood drill that pierced into it.

Before he saw his arm was locked, the frightened K43 pulled his arm back with force, and Qin Ming had already swung his other hand and smashed it with all his strength.

The blood on his arm was wrapped around and turned into a blade.

Qin Ming chopped off K43's arm with a bloody hand knife, cutting it off at the root on the spot.

Without waiting for K43, who was covering his broken arm and screaming, to retreat and distance himself, Qin Ming followed up with a straight punch and successfully hit his chest.

With the blood on his arm bursting out, with a loud bang, K43 was actually cut off in the middle by the blood injected into his body!

Before the half of the body that was blown up to the ground fell, Qin Ming had already raised it and grabbed it. The blood in his hand condensed into a long spear, and he turned around and threw it out with force.

The wind was howling, and the second special chest cannon fired by Maxima No. 3 behind him was crushed from the front by the blood spear before it could hit Qin Ming's body.

The blood-colored spear continued to fly with undiminished power, and hit Maxima No. 3's chest cannon with one shot, piercing his entire body on the spot.

The next second! Maxima No. 3, whose energy cannon was detonated! He only had time to scream! His body had already exploded!

The powerful shock wave even blew Qin Ming more than a meter away!

After Qin Ming figured out the means, the two hidden bosses were easily solved by him in just a moment, and it can be said that they had no power to fight back.

After all, this hidden boss is also divided into levels, and the strength of the transformed body is not completely consistent. Instead, there is a huge upper and lower limit fluctuation. The strong ones are really strong, and the weak ones are really weak.

Maxima No. 3 and K43 are just mass-produced experimental bodies, and their strength is not very good.

Maybe against ordinary adventurers, with their own special abilities, they can still give adventurers a headache in a one-on-one duel, but they are not good enough against Qin Ming.

The two of them are simply not as good as Angel, a special modified body!

Angel is one of the few successful bodies that survived by chance in her batch of experimental bodies! And she is also the most perfect one among them!

It can be said that it is already the highest-level product of that model!

Later, as the transformation technology of her model matured, although the transformation success rate was much higher, it could even be mass-produced.

However, it is impossible to continue to strengthen it at will regardless of cost and casualties. It can be said that Angel's combat effectiveness is far above all the transformers of the same model, and it is a unique prototype.

If it weren't for her lazy personality, low task completion rate, and disobedience, she would have been promoted to a senior staff member long ago.

The product of the mechanical transformation plan that matches her! She should be the first successful transformation! It is also the origin of the name of the Maxima model: Maxima No. 1!

Not to mention the K model, which is not yet perfect. It is extremely unstable and there is no finished product. All of them are failures.

Let alone against Qin Ming, the combat power of the mass-produced Maxima 3 and the failed K43 cannot win against Angel together!

Quickly get rid of the two and pick up the dim silver treasure chest they dropped.

Qin Ming, who collected the spoils, slowly raised his head and looked at the sound nest No. 19 opposite him. Looking at him motionless, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

"You didn't go with them?"

Hearing this, the sound nest No. 19, who still had his hands on his chest, finally spoke with a stern face.

"Because it's not necessary. I have already collected your combat data, and their mission has been completed. I am enough to deal with you."

While speaking, Nest 19 raised his hand and pressed the helmet.

As the high-tech glasses on his face separated and retracted into the helmet, a mechanical sound quickly rang in Nest 19's ears.

"Ding! Data collection completed! The target's identity has been confirmed... Qin Ming! The champion of this King of Fighters Tournament! Strength A! Speed ​​B Defense S! Fighting skills B! Amazing self-healing ability! Targeted fighting skills are loading!"

Listening to the sound, Nest 19 raised the corner of his mouth, swung the black cloak behind him, raised his hand and posed a fighting posture.

"King of Fighters Tournament champion, right? You seem to be very proud of your fighting skills? Then come and see what the power of technology is! See your so-called ultimate skills! How you were completely defeated by the Nest battle suit!"

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