Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 404: Sound Nest Combat Suit!

The Sound Nest Combat Suit, also known as the High-tech Combat Suit, is one of the countless plans of the Sound Nest, and it is also the most successful one.

The Sound Nest Combat Suit is loaded with high-intelligence software, which can record and analyze the enemy's fighting style in detail, and also loads a lot of detailed combat data of fighters in advance.

Based on these data, the combat suit can simulate the corresponding fighting skills by itself to help the wearer defeat the opponent.

The most advanced combat suit! It can even allow an ordinary person to defeat a first-class warrior from the front!

The combat suit on Sound Nest No. 19 is not the most advanced product, but it is also a second-level rare product.

At this moment, he has confirmed Qin Ming's intelligence, and his combat suit lights up, and he instantly accelerates and rushes towards Qin Ming.

Qin Ming threw a blood blade to test, but was easily dodged by Sound Nest No. 19.

And while dodging, it was as if there were eyes behind him, and he jumped flexibly and dodged the blood flying back from the back again.

Seizing the opportunity to successfully approach Qin Ming, No. 19 swung her skirt fiercely, and the special blade skirt on the combat suit swept up at a high speed.

Sound Nest Convection Fist! Cut the Wind Swallow Break!

The body rotated, and approached while rotating.

The battle skirt that was constantly swept up, with the upper blade connected into one piece, was like a high-speed rotating electric saw, and the offensive was connected into one piece.

Whenever Qin Ming kept raising his hand to block and retreat, and was ready to counterattack, No. 19 could always change his moves in advance and forcibly interrupt Qin Ming's half-executed skills.

The Sound Nest combat suit greatly enhanced No. 19's basic attributes, and the combat data loaded inside made No. 19 a fighting master.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing about the Sound Nest combat suit is actually its ability to see through!

Everyone has their own little habits, ordinary people are like this, and masters are the same.

When doing things, chatting, and fighting, everyone has their own habitual little movements.

These small movements from instinct may not even be noticed by them themselves, but they will be accurately captured by the combat suit.

And through these small movements before the attack, or the special charging gestures, the combat suit can accurately predict what moves the target is about to launch and interrupt it in advance.

This! Is the most terrifying part of the sound nest combat suit!

Qin Ming, who made more than a dozen consecutive moves, was intercepted in advance every time he made a move. For a while, he was disgusted by the special fighting style of No. 19.

It's like sneezing. You have already opened your mouth, but the opponent has inserted his hand into your nose in advance, making it impossible for you to hit. The lethality is not great, but it is extremely annoying.

No. 19 on the opposite side! At this moment, it's like opening a script plug-in! It can read Qin Ming's action instructions in advance!

Compared with Qin Ming's madness, No. 19, who is fighting Qin Ming head-on at this time, is actually very shocked.

Because he found that! The opponent's basic fighting skills are too solid! The combat suit that he is proud of can't stop him!

It is true that the combat suit can predict Qin Ming's movements in advance and intercept them, but the problem is that the boxing Qin Ming knows is the military boxing that is common on the street!

And military boxing! To put it bluntly, it is basic skills! The main point is practice makes perfect!

Blocking, counterattack, burst, grappling, there are only a few moves in total, Qin Ming's moves are straightforward, without any fancy moves.

And it is this kind of fighting style without any advanced skills, just fighting with you with the most basic punches and kicks, which is very restraining to the sound nest combat suit!

After all, there is no killer move and no flaw! Without a flaw, there is no way to seize the opportunity to kill back!

Qin Ming switched from attack to defense! And from defense to attack! The movements are extremely coherent! It can be said to be done in one go!

For a while, he actually fought back and forth with the sound nest combat suit! Both sides purely fought with basic punches and kicks! It looks like two people who learned military boxing are feeding moves! No one can do anything to anyone!

But the problem is that Qin Ming has a very strong endurance, but No. 19's Nest Combat Suit has a power limit!

He found that it was not a good idea to fight like this. If he continued to consume like this, he might have been worn out by the opponent before he could break the opponent's moves.

No. 19's face turned pale, and he switched to the combat state without hesitation on the spot.

No longer fighting according to the opponent's data! Instead, he loaded the combat data inside the combat suit! He imitated the fighting styles of other fighters!

King's Muay Thai! Jin Jiapan's Taekwondo! Zhen Yuanzhai's ancient boxing! Even the extreme flow of the extreme flow fighting technique!

The core inside the combat suit was running wildly, and No. 19 began to switch routines continuously, and started a head-on fight with Qin Ming, trying to defeat Qin Ming with other boxing techniques.

He switched more than 20 boxing techniques in a row! And No. 19 performed each set of boxing techniques in a very good way! At this moment, he seemed to be a boxing master like Zhen Yuanzhai! He was so aggressive!

…………Then he found out! He couldn't beat Qin Ming anymore!

Qin Ming, who found out he couldn't keep up with the rhythm, simply stopped fighting with him! He started to chase him and beat him with injuries!

He looked at his opponent who was resisting his attack and rushed up with a set of turtle punches, swinging his arms and hitting his head continuously.

No. 19, whose core of the combat suit was already smoking, was confused at the moment, and his movements were even more flustered and extremely uncoordinated.

Because his own intention conflicted with the combat suit! Facing Qin Ming's reckless pig rush! He tried to hide after being hurt! But the combat suit thought he should take the opportunity to explode and kill!

If you listen to the combat uniform, you will be beaten.

If you don't listen to the battle uniform, you don't know how to fight your opponent.

He was beaten until he was dizzy for a while. He also used grappling techniques and counterattack techniques, but they were useless. In the end, No. 19 was picked up by Qin Ming in a bear hug and hit the wall with a bang. , broke through the wall on the spot.

Then the two of them sprinted so fast, knocking down walls one after another mercilessly, until they finally stopped after rushing hundreds of meters away.

After all, the Sound Nest battle suit worn by No. 19 is not of the highest quality, so the computing power of the intelligent core has an upper limit.

It can analyze various boxing techniques and target them, and even directly simulate various boxing techniques.

But its simulation upper limit is actually only B level.

That is to say! This is a set that anyone can wear! A battle suit that instantly possesses countless B-level fighting techniques!

Compete against all fighting skills of the same level! They can immediately detect each other's vulnerabilities! And defeat it!

But once the opponent's fighting skill level is too high, or the basic attributes are too terrifying, it won't be able to target it.

This is how it is against Qin Ming at the moment. No matter which boxing method it switches to, Qin Ming's A-level military boxing can stun it from the front.

When it comes to basic attributes, it is completely unable to impress Qin Ming.

Swiss army knife versus hammer! No matter how many tricks you use, you can't defeat the opponent!

There was another loud bang, and the two people who broke through the wall again hit the opposite wall hard.

Qin Ming, who grabbed the opponent's neck with both hands and completely lifted No. 19 into the air, pushed No. 19 against the wall and shook him vigorously.

No. 19, whose head banged against the wall, struggled and tried to fight back. However, no matter how hard his battle suit waved the chain blade, Qin Ming had no reaction.

Qin Ming neither blocked nor dodged, but continued to strangle No. 19 despite the attack, making it clear that he was willing to risk his life.

Faced with this kind of unskillful style of play! The Sound Nest battle suit on No. 19 is useless no matter how intelligent it is!

After all, Qin Ming has no fighting skills at all! How could it be broken!

No. 19 was pinched until his eyes widened and his legs kicked wildly. At this moment, his tongue was about to stick out.

He raised his hand and kept hitting Qin Ming's thick arm. He turned his head in panic and suddenly saw someone in the room next to him.

And this person is the strongest combatant in this punishment base. He was supposed to rush to support after receiving the information, but in the end, he didn't show up at all: Angel, a middle-level employee of the company.

She was still wearing a midriff-baring shirt and had short white hair. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding a knife and fork in her hand.

Moreover, there was a steak and a bottle of red wine placed on the table in front of the bed, and there was even a very emotional red candle inserted beside it.

Looking at the people here with their heads beaten off, Angel was still enjoying the steak dinner leisurely beside him. No. 19, who was being pinched by the neck and pressed against the wall, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Angel, who didn't expect the two to break through the wall, also looked at the two with a knife and fork in his hand, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Even Qin Ming, who was trying to strangle his opponent to death, noticed Angel at this moment and turned to look at her in shock.

There was a sudden silence in the room. The three of them kept looking at each other and were silent for four or five seconds.

In the end, No. 19 was the first to recover from the shock and screamed loudly.

"Angel! What are you doing! Why are you just watching from the side! Kill him quickly! Quickly!"

Hearing this scream, Qin Ming also came to his senses and once again pinched No. 19's neck and began to shake it.

"You still dare to shake people up? I'll kill you first!"

Looking at the two people who were pinching each other again, Angel, who was sitting on the bed, was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Follow her reaction! Stand up from the bed suddenly!

Then he grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, hugged his own table and the steak and red wine on it, and ran to the next room...

Seeing the last reinforcements running away, No. 19's eyes were splitting for a moment, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and let out a scream.


Before No. 19's cry could finish, Qin Ming, who was pinching him, responded immediately.

Qin Ming raised his arm and slapped him hard. Qin Ming successfully knocked out several of No. 19's teeth and helped No. 19 physically close his mouth.

No. 19, who was beaten until his mouth was full of blood, suddenly saw a fierce light in his eyes, and the next second, the chest of the Sound Nest battle suit suddenly lit up with light.

"Boy! Don't even think about living if I die! Just take one of my moves! Bai Luo kills the essence!"

With a buzzing sound, the core of the chest suddenly lit up and ran to the extreme at high speed.

The Sound Nest Battle Suit has not perfected the final and successful move! It was forcibly opened on the 19th!

Focus on the core! A violent flow of air was created on the spot! Simulate the way a black hole operates! The special move developed and designed: Poirot's essence-killing skill! Started!

Qin Ming, who only felt a pain in his arm, saw that his arm was cut open with numerous bloody wounds on the spot, and immediately stopped and retreated in fear.

Qin Ming's eyes suddenly flashed red when he saw No. 19, who was seeing the air flowing around his chest forming a black vortex, rushing towards him with a ferocious expression.

The next second! He raised his arms high! A blood ball also condensed in the palm! And controlled the blood to start spinning at high speed! A bloody vortex formed!

This - Xueluo destroys essence!

Blood and black holes! Whirlpool versus whirlpool! Two strong storms collided in an instant!

The next second! A shrill scream suddenly came to the ears!

Qin Ming, who was hit directly by the black hole vortex of Bai Luo Mian Jing, had countless bloody wounds on his body, and looked extremely miserable.

But he was already lucky, because the opposite No. 19, who was hit by the modified Bai Luo Mian Jing, had a large area of ​​blood and flesh torn off!

Blood mixed with minced meat! It flew into the blood ball with the airflow! And was thrown out at high speed in the next second! It turned into a blood blade and continued to increase its power!

Qin Ming, who was hit by a special move head-on, was only injured! But No. 19, who was hit by a pirated special move! Was cut on the spot!

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