Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 405 K-type gene arm!

With a loud crash, No. 19, who failed to defeat Qin Ming head-on, eventually died, and his death was extremely miserable.

First, the combat suit was torn, then the flesh and blood were torn off, and finally even the bones were forcibly sucked in and crushed!

It was just a moment! No. 19, who was originally alive! Has completely disappeared!

Only some pieces of shredded clothes were left on the ground, and they were broken like paper scraps.

Raising his hand and grabbing, Qin Ming, who stood up, looked at the scene in front of him with a look of astonishment.

This move imitated Bai Luo's move to destroy the spirit, and the lethality was beyond his imagination. It can even be said that it perfectly exerted his blood control ability.

Control the blood to rotate, and while rotating, it turned into a small blood blade, cutting the opponent at a very fast speed.

This move of Bai Luo's move to destroy the spirit does not seem to be a move designed for the Yinchao combat suit, but looks more like a killing move tailored for him!

After all, the Nesting Combat Suit has to rely on the tiny blades and metal balls embedded on its arms to increase its power, but Qin Ming can use it at will.

The most important thing is that he can absorb while firing, and can recover blood while killing the enemy.


"It should be said that your Nesting Organization is really good. Otherwise, how can you say you are doing scientific research? You have rich imagination."

Qin Ming, who unexpectedly obtained a powerful move, nodded with satisfaction.

Bending down to pick up the spoils of war that No. 19 exploded, a dazzling silver-level key, Qin Ming turned and left.

He passed through the broken wall and came to the next room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Angel who was chewing steak hard.

Angel, who was holding a steak in his mouth, also looked up at him at this moment, and was so scared that he hurriedly raised his knife and fork, sobbing.

"Woo woo woo woo woo!"

"Speak properly!"

"Gulp! I said you've already killed someone! Then you can't hit me!"

Looking at Angel who was shaking her fork vigorously, Qin Ming rolled his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to this seriously overweight woman, and turned around and walked out the door with his hands in his pockets.

Seeing this scene, Angel's eyes turned, picked up the remaining steak on the plate, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and trotted to catch up.

"Boss! Where are you going?"

"Huh? Boss? When did I become your boss?"

"Just now, oh, you killed everyone in the branch, and I was the only one who survived. How can I return to the Nest Organization? Of course, I can only follow you!"

Looking at Qin Ming, who was almost twice as tall as her, Angel was very excited at the moment.

She had wanted to escape from the organization for a long time, but she didn't dare because she was not strong enough.

Now that she suddenly met such a fierce man like Qin Ming, how could she not seize this opportunity!

Just follow this guy! Just based on his deterrent power and ruthlessness! The Nest Organization probably wouldn't dare to provoke him casually!

I'll find a chance to have an operation and find a way to remove the tracker in my body. Then I can fly freely! I can go wherever I want!

Angel was getting happier and happier, and a smile appeared on her face.

Qin Ming, who looked her up and down, shook his head and turned away.

"The other branch you mentioned is located in a building, right?"

"Yes, what? Boss, do you still want to go there?"


"Don't go, the people have already run away."


"Everyone has run away. As soon as you invaded this base, this place has already notified the base over there. After discovering your strong strength, that base will definitely organize the evacuation of personnel immediately. Not only will you not find anyone if you go there now, but you may also be hit by the self-destruct device they have already activated. These guys are very sinister."

Angel's words made Qin Ming's steps suddenly pause, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

Originally, he wanted to take down that base as well, but now it seems that the other party's reaction is not slow.

Come to think of it, it is at least a super large organization that can lurk for so many years. If they don't even have this little execution ability, then they don't have to mix.

Looking down at the three silver keys he got this time, Qin Ming shook his head and turned away helplessly.

"Then let's go back, go back to the Shiranui Gym first. By the way, did I forget something important... Oh no! Shallan is still waiting for me at Kendekun!"

Just when Qin Ming, who had finished a fight here, finally reacted belatedly, a beautiful nun wearing a close-fitting nun's uniform was standing quietly at the door outside the Kendekun store, waiting stupidly with a dazed look on her face.

Not to mention the staff around, even the police who came to check the situation had already cleaned up the bodies and went home after get off work...

[Ding! Congratulations to No. 441985 for returning to the space! This mission has been completed! Data is being counted... Data is counted! ]

[Main mission: Participate in killing a plot character! Completed! Reward 5,000 points! 5 free attribute points! ]

[Optional mission: Completely join the Three Artifacts camp or the Eight Heroes camp! Completed! Reward 10,000 points! 10 free attribute points! ]

[Hidden mission: King of Fighters Tournament! Completed! 】

【Complete the title mission: Sorry! I am a policeman! Obtain the silver title: Double Agent! 】

【Total rewards for this time: 15,000 points! 15 free attribute points! One silver title! 】

Looking at the statistics that were quickly completed in front of him, as well as the scene that was frozen in the final showdown between him and Goenitz, Qin Ming looked back from above and couldn't help but frown.

The points harvest this time was quite satisfactory, but the number of title tasks completed was pitiful.

The main reason is that the title tasks this time are too abnormal, and it is not easy to complete one.

The silver title obtained after completing this title mission has very good attributes.

After opening the camp title mission, you can actually open the title mission on the other side at the same time.

If you operate it well, you may be able to get many titles at once, and it will be a win-win situation for both the enemy and us!

It's just about operations... Qin Ming still prefers simple and crude title effects, such as strength +1.

Taking out the low-level title he had obtained before, and then taking out the silver title of Double Agent this time, after piecing together things, Qin Ming successfully came up with an ordinary-level silver title.

Later, he merged it with his own title, followed Qin Ming for several worlds, and repeatedly performed extraordinary feats, and finally upgraded again.

Became a brilliant level silver title! General Fuhu!

[Name: General Fuhu (Brilliant Silver Level)]

[Effect: After entering the world, you can freely choose to join the decent camp or the villain camp, and gain a certain status. At the same time, you can randomly select a female character in your own camp, which will increase the initial favorability by 650 points]

[Introduction: My destiny is up to me! Is it good or evil! I have the final say! 】

Obtaining the title of being upgraded again, the effect has changed dramatically.

It seems that the increased favorability has not changed much, it just becomes possible to choose the initial camp, and the effect does not seem to be enhanced.

But this additional new effect has made a qualitative leap in the ability of this title.

After all, in some worlds, joining the protagonist group may not be a good thing. On the contrary, joining the villain group will bring greater rewards.

With this title! Qin Ming can flexibly adjust his identity! Maximize initial benefits!

Putting away the title, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, took out three boxes and began to open them one by one.

With the light flashing, three trophies quickly appeared in front of Qin Ming, and this time the three trophies had very unique effects.

[Skill: Maxima Type 3 Mechanical Fist]

[Grade: B grade]

[Effect: The arm is permanently metalized, and the defense power is doubled. The airflow can be ejected from the gap, and a punch can be accelerated, causing X2 physical damage]

[Introduction: The Mechanicum is number one in the world! 】

[Name: K model genetic arm]

[Grade: B grade]

[Effect: The arm is permanently alienated! And gain the ability to heal yourself! At the same time, you can switch back and forth between the three forms of drill, blade, and barrel to obtain different strengthening effects]

[Introduction: Genetic ascension is the right way! 】

Maxima 3 and K43 trophies! They are actually special permanently enhanced skill books!

And all of them change the structure of the arm!

This kind of skill books and consumables that affect the appearance are generally very unpopular. After all, everyone still has to hang out in the real world. If you build a robotic arm, how will you meet people in the future? Unless you never return to the real world! Otherwise, most people would not dare to strengthen!

Although props that only affect the appearance are not popular, one thing is undeniable, that is, their effects are generally very powerful.

Just like charging skills, although they are difficult to use, their power is much higher than skills of the same level. If there are flaws, there will inevitably be advantages. This is the basic rule that Nightmare Space has always followed.

The power that requires you to give up something to gain must be unique.

A mechanical arm that strengthens defense! Arms that can freely change shape and heal themselves!

These two skills are completely different from those skills that are just one more move. Even Qin Ming was extremely jealous when he saw it.

Especially the latter, Qin Ming has personally experienced how powerful the K43's drill arm is.

When he forcibly reached out to intercept it! My hands were torn!

If only my arm could mutate like his! Then pair it with your own blood control ability!

hiss! Turn your hand into a straw and insert it into someone's body to inject blood?

Or become a straw and forcefully draw blood from others?

Then I have turned into a mosquito, right? Hundreds of pounds of super mosquitoes?

Quickly learning the K-type mutant arm skill, Qin Ming's eyes flashed as he looked at the black lines emerging on his arm.

Flesh control, steel body, air fluctuation, heavenly sliding, plus newly acquired mutated arms.

Qin Ming at this time! Skills are full again!

As the control arm twisted, it quickly turned into a flesh-and-blood cannon barrel, and then turned into a rotating drill. Qin Ming, who found the effect of this new ability to be very cool, nodded with satisfaction.

After retracting his gaze, he looked at the last trophy, which was...

[Name: Sound Nest Battle Suit Type 2]

[Level: Brilliant Silver Plot]

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