Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 412 The False King

Outside the wide-open city gate, a mighty army was pouring into the city.

They were the first corps of the Pitchfork Empire, the Pitchfork Knights.

There were 4,000 people in total, wearing the finest armor and holding the sharpest pitchforks in their hands, with great momentum.

The one who took the lead and rode a tall horse was not someone else, but the leader of the Pitchfork Empire, the natural king who pulled out the King's Fork in legend: His Majesty Qin Ming!

Qin Ming, who formed a knight corps himself, seriously underestimated the speed of his snowball.

If he was pushing the snowball at the beginning, then when the snowball grew bigger, it had become the snowball rolling with him, and even he could no longer control the direction of the snowball.

At the beginning, he had people advertise that everyone who came to his hands could enjoy delicious bread and milk.

As a result, his younger brothers spread the news that Qin Ming had countless delicious bread and milk.

Then, other people who heard the rumors spread the rumor that Qin Ming could produce bread and milk out of thin air!

Now, the peasants who have been devastated by wars and ruled by the evil Grand Duke with terror have begun to believe that Qin Ming's King's Fork! Can produce bread and milk from heaven! And they believe it without a doubt!

Then they responded to the call, gathered people to rebel, formed the Pitchfork Knights, and hanged the knights who had been domineering.

Often, before Qin Ming's army arrived, the city in front had been captured by the rioting peasants.

Qin Ming, who originally just wanted to get a piece of land, strengthen his momentum, and find an opportunity to merge into the Knights of the Round Table to gain a place, has now become a leader of a single force, and even developed faster than the Knights of the Round Table.

After all, even King Arthur! The legendary sword with supreme power in his hand! Can't produce bread and milk!

Qin Ming, on the other hand, can actually upgrade bread and strengthen armor!

When a piece of cloth armor blocked the blade, even if Qin Ming didn't admit it, he had become the legendary messenger of God in the eyes of the peasants.

Forced to become the chosen one! Forced to pull out the so-called King's Fork! Forced to become the messenger of God!

Qin Ming at this moment! Just got a lot of prefixes and titles in such a muddle!

His full name now is: Captain of the Grassfork Knights! Acting God! King of Knights! Guardian of the Holy Fork! Lord of Bread! God of Wheat! Incarnation of Justice! Farmer of All Farmers! Spirit of the Earth! Tanaka Xiannan and the Supreme Duke!

In just one month, he had seized hundreds of villages and swallowed up a large piece of land.

Even yesterday, he led his troops to defeat a nearly 30,000-man expeditionary army head-on.

The scene was shocking. As the two sides launched the first test battle, the other side found that the more than 50,000 peasant soldiers who were put together here were extremely tough, whether they were iron armor, leather armor or cloth armor, and their defensive performance was extremely terrifying.

First, more than 10,000 peasant soldiers on the opposite side rebelled, then nearly 10,000 soldiers surrendered, and finally more than 2,000 elite soldiers were surrounded and beaten by more than 60,000 people, resulting in their annihilation.

From beginning to end, Qin Ming didn't even look at the enemy.

Leading the elite troops... Well, in fact, they were not that elite, that is, their equipment was upgraded once, and they were essentially a group of peasants' pitchfork knights. Qin Ming rode his horse and swaggered into the city.

Looking at the towering city wall in front of him, Qin Ming smacked his lips.

He thought that he would encounter great resistance when attacking this city, but he never thought that before his large army approached, the city itself strife and surrendered, wasting the tens of thousands of troops he had desperately shaken.

Now, not only did they not fight a war, but they also had to pay the soldiers travel expenses and commissions, and lost a lot of food.

That's right! The so-called tens of thousands of troops under Qin Ming's command! In fact, they were temporarily recruited before each war!

It was like this in the previous fight, and it was the same in this fight.

The so-called army is essentially the old farmers in the nearby villages. After they surrendered to Qin Ming, Qin Ming would give them a batch of synthesized food and a batch of upgraded weapons and armor.

Then, the stronger guys among them were randomly assigned the status of militiamen, and allowed to go to the big city every week to exchange ordinary food for upgraded bread, and then they were driven back and let them go back to their homes.

Only when a tough battle is to be fought will a call be issued to gather them together to fight.

And for this kind of good thing that you can get benefits as long as you participate in the war, and you can get extra wages every month after being promoted for meritorious service, this group of militias also responded positively.

Basically, once the slogan is shouted here, the farmers and soldiers around will all come together the next day.

If the enemy has 10,000, Qin Ming will gather 30,000.

The enemy has 30,000, and Qin Ming will gather 60,000.

If he really gets angry, Qin Ming will forcefully gather troops regardless of food consumption, and he can get you an army of hundreds of thousands in one go!

And these hundreds of thousands of people are really capable of fighting! Even the logistics soldiers responsible for transporting food! The armor on their bodies and the forks in their hands have been upgraded!

In a duel of equal numbers! The people of the evil grand duke may not be able to beat them!

After all, which side has better equipment! This is still uncertain!

Qin Ming's snowballing speed can roll so fast, one is to rely on food temptation, and the other is to rely on equipment crushing.

With the help of the synthesis skill, any soldier thrown out by Qin Ming can be regarded as an armored soldier. The most important thing is that the equipment is not heavy and anyone can wear it.

Who can withstand hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers acting together!

The knights under the evil grand duke have limited armored soldiers under their command. If one dies, there will be none left.

But the peasants who come to Qin Ming to surrender are unlimited!

If they are not afraid that the food cannot be sustained! If the number of troops is large! The food will be consumed too quickly!

Let alone hundreds of thousands of troops! Qin Ming can mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops in one breath to show you!

Anyway, just catch a peasant and upgrade his clothes and forks, and he will be a soldier who can fight. He is not picky about soldiers.

Facing such monsters with more and more people, let alone the evil grand duke and his men, King Arthur's forces on the side began to be unable to withstand it.

Because even their people began to surrender to Qin Ming on a large scale.

Qin Ming led his troops into the city, and entered the castle amid the cheers of countless people who gathered around him.

Sitting on the throne, looking at his adjutant Torred and his daughter Torretia, who had been promoted to the logistics captain because of her bravery and quick thinking, Qin Ming rubbed his forehead with his hand, looking very headache.

"Tored, have your people maintain order and distribute food. Count the original soldiers and patrol teams in this city, and select some suitable ones to continue to serve as the defending army. By the way, count the food and weapons as well. I will strengthen them tonight."

"Yes, but Your Majesty, if they want to join the army and follow us... "

"What army to join! They are not joining the army! They are just coming for our food! I have said it several times! The Pitchfork Knights cannot afford so many knights! There are people who want to join the army wherever they go! There are people who want to join the army wherever they go! Then when we fight to the capital! Do I have to lead millions of people to fight against the enemy? You pay for the food!"

When it comes to joining the army, Qin Ming has a headache.

If anyone is really required to surrender, Qin Ming now has not a few thousand people under his command, but hundreds of thousands.

After all, seeing that he is so powerful, it is really true that all kinds of people want to come to join the war.

If it is really not stopped, and it continues to develop like this, when the final decisive battle comes, Qin Ming's side is likely to have an embarrassing thing.

That is, there are no farmers on his side! He is all soldiers!

After all, everyone knows that the treatment of soldiers on Qin Ming's side is countless times better than that of farmers, and there is no threshold for being a soldier.

You can't wear armor, but you can always hold cloth armor + pitchfork.

You can't arrange troops and fight, but you can always fight with dozens of people in armor and holding pitchforks.

When there are few people, the military formation is more important than everything.

But once there are more people! That number can crush everything!

Soldiers are better treated, and anyone can be one, so why continue to be farmers!

Now there are even many villages on Qin Ming's side that are acting in groups. Under the name of mercenaries, they do nothing all day long with their families, just following Qin Ming and his people to get money, and when Qin Ming and his people bite the hard bones, they will run over to join the battle.

Qin Ming opened the map with a stern face and looked at the distribution of forces that had been altered on it, his eyebrows were furrowed.

His finger moved on the map and soon pointed to a city.

And this city was the castle of the evil grand duke, his royal city.

"Tored, if we attack here next, how many soldiers can we gather?"

Tored, who was standing next to him, was stunned when he heard this. Before he could give an answer, Torretia, who was standing next to him, had already given an answer with a stern face.

"How many days do you have to gather the troops? If you give us three days, the nearby villages should be able to gather about 60,000 people, and in seven days, we can gather about 200,000 people in the entire territory. If we squeeze them together and mobilize them, the conservative estimate is 400,000."

"How many? 400,000? Can this number of soldiers be gathered?"

"Yes! Anyway, with the clothes and weapons blessed by you, anyone who can move can be used as a soldier. After the young and strong are mobilized, women will be mobilized. If there are not enough women, the elderly will be added. Under your call, 400,000 is just a conservative estimate. After learning that so many people have been mobilized, I am afraid that more people will come to form groups to reap the benefits, or even lead the entire village to join the war to gain benefits."

Torretia's words made Qin Ming quickly fall into confusion as he looked at the map.

"If we mobilize so many people, how long can our food last?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, because we have been distributing a lot of food to farmers while attacking the city, so we don't have much stock left. Not to mention supporting 400,000 troops, even 100,000 troops can't last for a few days."

"There's only so much food left? That's troublesome..."

Qin Ming muttered to himself and quickly fell silent.

The problem he is facing now is not that there are not enough troops, but that he dare not mobilize troops at all.

Because Qin Ming understands that although he is now powerful and has countless people responding to the call, it seems that he can directly push everyone away.

But all of this is actually based on one foundation, that is, his food is unlimited.

At least he has to maintain the illusion that his food is unlimited!

Now there are so many people willing to follow him and join the army to fight for him. The ability to earn benefits is one reason, and another big factor is that he has been mythified by the farmers!

Not the kind of myth of King Arthur! But a more advanced myth! Just like Jesus in Christianity! Sakyamuni in Buddhism!

In the eyes of farmers now, Qin Ming, who can bless weapons and clothes, make clothes invulnerable, make pitchforks extremely sharp, and make food extremely delicious, has been covered with countless dazzling halos.

He is now the messenger of God from heaven, who came to save the world under the order of God, so he will inevitably win in the end.

But once everyone finds out that Qin Ming is not a god, he can't make any milk and bread at all, and he can't even take out food.

Then all these halos will collapse in an instant. How fast this empire rises, how fast it will collapse.

A country built on fantasy! It will also die with the collapse of fantasy!

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