Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 413 Qin Ming's Sacred Fork

In the town, just as Qin Ming's soldiers were urgently preparing supplies for a decisive battle with the evil duke's troops, an uninvited guest came outside the town.

That was the original protagonist of this world, the legendary Knights of the Round Table.

As the sound of horse hooves sounded, a mighty army quickly approached, with about 5,000 people.

They were the Knights of the Round Table, which had been famous recently... at least they were famous before. They were all wearing neat knight armor and carrying big swords on their backs, looking majestic.

The leaders were wearing gorgeous armor and riding tall horses, all of them were BOSS-level existences.

Especially the big man in the middle who looked very heroic. He was wearing heavy armor and holding a special-shaped sword in his hand.

And that sword was actually emitting a faint fluorescence at this moment. It was the legendary sword of the king.

Only a natural king can pull out a magic weapon! And the one who pulls it out will inevitably become a hero who saves the world!

The elite army quickly approached the city, and after communicating with a group of militiamen guarding the gate, they were immediately allowed to pass.

It was definitely not a wise move to let any army enter the city at random. After all, if they rioted in the city, it would cause chaos.

But that was under normal circumstances. At this time, there were 42 so-called mercenary groups composed of farmers in the town. If King Arthur's elite troops dared to launch a sneak attack, it was uncertain who would die on both sides.

Leading the guards on the road to the castle, King Arthur, who was crossing the street, looked at the militiamen around him with a pair of frowns.

Looking at them, hundreds of people gathered together in the village, wearing messy clothes, hanging chopping boards or carrying iron pots, or carrying wooden barrels on their heads, holding pitchforks and looking at him unkindly.

King Arthur's expression was very serious. After a moment of silence, he suddenly whispered to his companions around him.

"Lancelot, what do you think they look like?"

Lancelot, the handsome and best Knight of the Round Table who followed King Arthur, quickly looked around.

"Well, they don't look like soldiers, nor do they look like farmers."

"What do they look like?"

"They look like bandits, a group of bandits who are eyeing their prey."

"It seems that we think alike. The look in these guys' eyes is like a group of bandits who don't know how to work or produce, and only know how to rob people on the road. What have they been through?"

King Arthur looked back at the crowd, his expression very puzzled.

Originally, when he heard the legend about this righteous Duke, King Arthur thought that the other party was like him, good at pretending to be a god... ... a son of God with a special identity.

When he heard that the other party led the troops with great momentum and was unstoppable along the way, he thought that the other party was a master of training soldiers like Lancelot.

But now that he saw the true appearance of the so-called Knights of the Pitchfork, he found that the situation was completely beyond his expectations.

How come the other party doesn't look like a king at all! Instead, he looked more like a bandit leader who led people to rob and loot!

The only difference was that other bandits robbed the poor, but this guy relied on his fighting ability to rob the rich.

After whispering with several confidants and waiting for a while, King Arthur finally waited for Qin Ming to meet him.

As the soldiers cleared the way, the two most threatening rebel forces to the Terror Duke finally met officially.

In the hall, Qin Ming led Torred and his daughter, as well as Kasamoto Eri, and Mai Zhuo, who was randomly summoned and dressed in a secretary's uniform, sitting on the throne and looking down without expression.

On both sides stood dozens of pitchfork knights wearing armor and holding pitchforks.

Looking at the majestic and extremely burly Qin Ming in front of him, King Arthur and others became very serious.

Two of the Knights of the Round Table who followed King Arthur into the hall, wearing knight armor, widened their eyes in disbelief.

One guy was afraid that he was dizzy, and he rubbed his eye sockets hard.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri, who was wearing knight armor but holding a machine gun in his arms.

There was also Mai Zhuo, who was sitting on the throne and acting as a secretary, dressed in a way that was out of place in this world.

These two adventurers, who had finally managed to get into the Knights of the Round Table and become one of them by their own means, were dumbfounded at this moment.

Kasamoto Eri and Mai Zhuo were quite recognizable, not to mention that they were all intermediate adventurers, so it was impossible not to recognize them.

Now, seeing that the so-called King of Pitchfork, who had never even heard of it, had two powerful female figures from other worlds around him, even if the two of them reacted slowly, they could definitely guess Qin Ming's identity.

This King of Pitchfork! He was actually an adventurer too!

Just an adventurer! He actually made such a big scene in just one month! What a joke!

Isn't the mission this time to join the Knights of the Round Table! How come he even created a knight group himself!

Qin Ming ignored the shock of the two adventurers because he was carefully examining the legendary King Arthur and the holy sword in his hand.

[Name: King Arthur]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Spirit: 50]

[Skills: Knight Block (A-level) Invincible Slash (B-level) Knight Martial Arts (B-level) King's Sword (S-level)]

[Introduction: The legendary chosen king will surely lead the people to victory... right?]

"Are you King Arthur? The legendary chosen king?"


"Where is your chosen sword?"

"This one."

Raising his hand to show his sword in the stone, King Arthur stared at Qin Ming and suddenly asked back.

"Your Excellency is the King of Pitchforks? The legendary messenger of God?"


"Then where is your chosen fork?"

"My fork... Hey, where is my chosen fork?"

Qin Ming subconsciously reached out to touch his waist, but found nothing. He turned his head and looked at Torred and his daughter next to him.

Hearing his question, the father and daughter were confused.

God's chosen fork? Where did the God's chosen fork come from? Aren't those all rumors outside? How could they get a divine pitchfork in such a hurry!

Both sides stared at each other with confused expressions. In the end, it was Kasamoto Eri, who often cooperated with Qin Ming, who reacted the fastest and saved the situation in time.

She quickly handed Qin Ming a fork from the side, but it was not a large pitchfork, but a fork for eating...

Qin Ming instinctively reached out to take it, looked down at the fork in his hand, and couldn't help falling into silence.

Kasamoto Eri did save him, but not much.

At this time, not only was he silent, but even King Arthur and others on the opposite side were silent.

Looking at the fork in Qin Ming's hand, King Arthur widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Is this the Fork of God's Choice?"

"Uh... That's right! It is the Fork of God's Choice!"

"Are you sure you didn't take the wrong one?"

"No! It is the Fork of God's Choice! Only the one chosen by God can pick it up!"

"But didn't the woman who handed it to you just now already pick it up..."

"Don't worry about these details! I heard that you want to cooperate with us! Together to end the rule of the evil grand duke, right? I accept your joint proposal! And I'm going to launch a general attack on the evil grand duke's royal city at night!"

Seeing that his boasting was about to be exposed, Qin Ming hurriedly changed the subject.

When he heard Qin Ming talking about business, King Arthur also stopped asking with a stern face and was very sensible.

Although he always felt that the guy in front of him was not very reliable, the opponent's military strength was indeed terrifying enough. If he wanted to defeat the evil grand duke, his military strength was indispensable.

In this case, then what he said was the sacred fork was the sacred fork.

The two kings who quickly reached an alliance quickly passed on the news of cooperation.

In the afternoon, under the gaze of countless troops that had already assembled, the two kings also began the general mobilization before the war.

King Arthur brought a total of 20,000 troops, including 5,000 elites.

Qin Ming mobilized 150,000 militiamen, but no elites.

As for the food reward promised by Qin Ming, how should he pay it to these militiamen afterwards?

Qin Ming had already thought about it. He decided to take a gamble and bet that there would be enough reserve food in the royal city after taking it.

If he wins the bet! Then he, Qin Ming, is the king of kings! He will be crowned directly!

If he loses the bet! There is not enough food in it! Then he is a sausage! Completely cold!

Therefore, this battle is crucial for Qin Ming! It completely determines whether he can become a true chosen person in the future! Or become a big liar!

Looking at the endless sea of ​​people below, King Arthur, who has never seen so many soldiers, couldn't help but feel excited at this time.

Standing on the high platform of the castle, he suddenly pulled out the sword in the stone and began to swear loudly.

He often used this trick. With the legendary bonus and the aura of the king, basically as long as he showed the sword, he would inevitably receive endless cheers.

After all, the people who had been oppressed by the evil grand duke for countless years needed a hero.

However, this time, as he showed the sword in the stone, King Arthur suddenly found embarrassed that his tried-and-tested trick did not work.

Except for his own people, no one else responded at all.

Fortunately, King Arthur had a strong ability to adjust his mentality and did not perform abnormally.

After calmly delivering a speech, King Arthur, who put away the sword of the king, walked aside with a serious expression and made room for Qin Ming.

He wanted to see how this so-called messenger of God could mobilize the soldiers' emotions with that funny fork.

Under the silent gaze of the Knights of the Round Table, Qin Ming walked up to the high platform with a somewhat stiff step, still holding the fork in his hand.

It's not that he doesn't want to change, but King Arthur and the others are present, so he can't change at all, otherwise he would be slapping himself in the face.

As Qin Ming came on stage, the hundreds of thousands of militiamen below cheered immediately. Qin Ming kept pressing his hands, and it took half a day to make them quiet down.

Then, under the attention of everyone, Qin Ming suddenly raised the small fork in his hand high and roared.

"With the sacred fork as a witness! Soldiers! We will win in the end! Towards freedom!"

The roar fell, and the scene became silent.

The militiamen looked over here, their expressions were very confused.

"Did the Holy King take out the sacred fork? Where is it? Let me see it!"

"It's in your hand."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"Look carefully! It's in his hand!"

"You're talking nonsense! He has nothing in his hand... Hmm? What is that? A rice fork?"

Looking at the small fork held high in Qin Ming's hand, the militiamen who gradually reacted couldn't help showing shock on their faces.




Amid the shouting, countless militiamen suddenly put away the large pitchforks in their hands, pulled out eating tools from their waists, such as table knives, forks, and even rice spoons, and raised them high, followed by roaring.

The roar resounded through the sky, and the countless tableware held high was shining.

Seeing such an outrageous scene, King Arthur and others were stunned for a moment.

Obviously, they didn't understand the situation on Qin Ming's side.

King Arthur was supported by the knights because he had the legendary sword of the king.

And the so-called sacred fork in Qin Ming's hand was supported by the militia because it was a symbol of Qin Ming.

King Arthur became King Arthur because he had the sword of Kings.

Qin Ming became the king first, and then he had the sacred fork.

For the militia, it doesn’t matter whether the fork is big or small, and they don’t even care whether it is a fork.

What’s important is Qin Ming, the king. As long as Qin Ming wants, he can just hold a rice spoon and say it’s the sacred fork, and the militia will believe that it is the sacred fork.

Let alone the sacred fork! Qin Ming is holding a rice spoon! A pot lid! Even a toilet plunger! Claiming that it is the sacred toilet plunger!

As long as the mythical halo around him is not shattered! The people will still welcome him!

The joint expeditionary army officially sets out! Target! The evil city!

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