Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 436 The Holy Grail!

[Name: Holy Fork]

[Category: Weapon (Ordinary Legendary)]

[Equipment Requirements: Number 441985]

[Effect 1: Holy War (You can summon the Pitchfork Knights to fight by consuming points. One Pitchfork Knight can be summoned for every 10 points)]

[Introduction: This is the proof of a special way to clear the world of the Knights of the Round Table. It is also the true body of the first of the three holy weapons among the Knights of the Round Table. It is rumored that as long as someone can obtain it, they will have the supreme power to command the whole world.]

The so-called Holy Fork has really become a Holy Fork, a divine weapon that can burst soldiers infinitely.

And each burst of a soldier only requires a few 10 points, which is even the cost of teleporting in the nightmare space. The Pitchfork Knights come to help for free.

This ordinary legendary equipment with only one special attribute is extremely terrifying.

Of course, there is a price to get this equipment, that is, the clearance treasure box for this clearance game is gone. To be precise, it has been replaced by the Holy Fork.

Qin Ming was shaking the small fork in his hand, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

What is this? A man-made holy object? Did it become real after boasting for a long time?

He raised his hand to hang the fork in his clothes, and added attribute points casually, adding all the attribute points to agility to make his attributes more balanced.

After finishing all this, Qin Ming finally looked at his main gain this time, which was the treasure chest.

King Arthur's treasure chest, the evil grand duke's treasure chest, the evil grand duke's brother's treasure chest, Lancelot's treasure chest, Percival's treasure chest, and many treasure chests dropped by miscellaneous soldiers.

Among them, the treasure chests of the three protagonists were all dazzling silver level.

Originally, King Arthur should have been gold level, after all, there was a certain chance of dropping the sword in the stone.

But as Qin Ming took the sword in the stone away in an alternative way, and he was captured alive by his men, his box became more watery, and he was directly downgraded.

But it doesn't matter. Qin Ming can still make up for the lost level, and it is not affected at all.

The number of treasure chests Qin Ming obtained this time is very large. After all, he has carried out a large-scale battle, so he has no shortage of fusion objects.

However, this time he forced the satellite phone to open and called all the hound troops over, which consumed a lot of points. It can even be said that Qin Ming's family assets were completely emptied, causing him to be seriously injured.

Qin Ming was prepared for this and had a remedy.

As long as this method is opened, Qin Ming will never lack points in the future.

And this method is...

Dozens of small stalls suddenly appeared on the street, filled with messy things.

These things are of various types, including equipment, consumables, and skill books, which are very mixed.

But they all have two things in common, one is that the quality is very high, and the other is that the price is low.

That's right! Qin Ming began to buy low-level props in the synthesis space on a large scale! And resell them!

He went back to his old job, a street vendor who was good at speculation.

Buy low-level consumables from adventurers at high prices, and then synthesize high-level items and sell them at low prices.

In this way, he monopolized the market and took the difference in the middle.

Buying goods at a higher price than others, but selling goods at a lower price than others, Qin Ming is sure to monopolize the entire low-level equipment market within three months! Become the only equipment supplier among low-level adventurers!

Now that he has the strength and confidence, it is time for Qin Ming's unique talent skills to really show their power!

What's the point of entering the mission world to be the king! He wants to be in the nightmare space! Be his arms king!

The leaders of other teams will have to greet him in advance when they see him in the future! The arms lone wolf!

Points? What is that? Isn't that just a number! He can have as many as he wants in the future!

Qin Ming, who asked Kasamoto Eri to go shopping and bought items at a large price, was lying in a chair in a daze at this time.

On the table were several trophies that he had obtained this time and that he liked.

[Name: Dark Crown of the Evil Grand Duke]

[Category: Head (Dim Legendary Level)]

[Equipment Requirements: Constitution 50]

[Effect 1: Strength +10]

[Effect 2: Constitution +10]

[Effect 3: Evil Power (When competing with the enemy in strength, the strength value is doubled)]

[Introduction: Only by mastering the power! Can you be qualified to be the king]

[Name: Lancelot Boots]

[Category: Feet (Brilliant Silver Level)]

[Equipment Requirements: Agility 25]

[Effect 1: Agility +10]

[Effect 2: Running Speed ​​+25%]

[Introduction: Everyone can run in a straight line, but running fast in a curve is really fast]

Among the brothers of the Evil Grand Duke, the crown of the younger brother Allen and the combat boots of Lancelot are both top-grade equipment, which are of great use to Qin Ming.

Especially the former, which is a legendary level like winning a big prize. Although there are not many special effects attached, the last one is extremely explosive.

What is the concept of doubling the strength during a fight? This means that if someone wants to throw Qin Ming with a throwing skill, they must have more than twice his strength, or suddenly attack him so that he cannot use his full strength, in order to launch successfully.

With this attribute, Qin Ming is basically immune to all throwing skills of the same level.

As for the equipment dropped by King Arthur and Percival? King Arthur dropped armor, and Percival dropped an axe. Although both have good properties, it's a pity that Qin Ming couldn't use them, and he had already taken them out to be sold by Kasamoto Eri.

In addition to these trophies, the real highlight is actually the box of the evil Grand Duke Garibaldi.

Among the brothers of the evil Grand Duke, the younger brother's golden box directly opened a legendary equipment by chance.

The gold content of the elder brother's box is even higher than that of the younger brother. What he opened! It's a holy weapon!

[Name: Broken Holy Grail]

[Category: Special Item (Dim Legendary Quality)]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Effect 1: Drinking the water in the Holy Grail will greatly extend life, return to youth, and recover all injuries. One person can only use it once a year (because the Holy Grail has been damaged, the effect is only 25% left)]

[Introduction: When betrayed by his subordinates, the evil Grand Duke resolutely chose to smash the Holy Grail. What he can't get, no one else can get! 】

Another legendary item, and it is also the best item in the Knights of the Round Table: the Holy Grail!

Looking at the golden cup in his hand, Qin Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't know whether to sigh that he was lucky or unlucky.

The bad news is that the cup has been destroyed by the evil grand duke, causing most of its effect to be reduced.

The good news is that if the evil grand duke hadn't destroyed it, the Holy Grail would definitely not have exploded.

This can be regarded as a jackpot by accident. The BOSS in the world of the Knights of the Round Table is really very valuable.

Now that I have a fork and a cup, if I can get a pair of chopsticks and a plate, I can really get a four-piece set for the dining table.

Gently shaking the Holy Grail in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flickered, and his eyes were very deep.

Now that the shackles have been released and the seal has been completely unlocked, then this destroyed Holy Grail must be upgraded and restored.

As for the resources used to upgrade the Holy Grail? Resources are something that can be as much as you want in the nightmare space!

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