Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 437 The experts who came to visit

In the nightmare space, the situation was turbulent at this time.

A new force suddenly appeared, frantically collecting low-level items and selling high-level items, which could not fail to attract the attention of the teams.

Not to mention the adventurers who returned from the Knights of the Round Table world, who also brought back information about Qin Ming.

Combining the two, it was not difficult for everyone to guess Qin Ming's approximate ability.

After a simple check of the information, all the information belonging to Qin Ming, the lone wolf, appeared on the table of the leaders of the team.

Looking at the detailed information about Qin Ming on the table, the leaders immediately fell silent.

Then it was...

[Ding, reminder, other adventurers are applying to enter the room. 】

The sudden sound in his ear startled Qin Ming, who was hanging out with someone in the room, and a serious look quickly appeared on his face after he reacted.

He stood up while putting on his clothes.

He did not rush to open the door to let the person go, but took out a prop to open it.

After a while, the door slowly opened.

Outside the door, a large number of adventurers stood there expressionlessly, and almost all of them were team leaders, some of them were even team leaders!

The moment the door opened, a large number of adventurers at the door had already seen the situation inside the door, and then their expressions froze.

Because inside the door, beside Qin Ming, who was lazily leaning on a chair and looking at this side, there were actually many well-known plot characters standing or sitting.

Kasamoto Eri, who was carrying a gun and wearing a military uniform.

Torretia, who was leaning on a big sword and wearing armor, was almost changed to Altria by Qin Ming's bad taste, but didn't obey.

In addition, there are Sun Ji, Mai Zhuo, Weiss, Mai Shiranui, King, Kagura Chizuru, Blue Mary...

Qin Ming almost called out everyone in the King of Fighters Manual! All of them came out to calm the scene!

The black plot characters stood together, with a strong visual impact, which made many big men outside the door stunned.

And this is the result Qin Ming has always wanted, or the King of Fighters Manual is his biggest bargaining chip.

Being able to call out so many plot characters in one breath, even the team had to weigh the consequences of provoking him. After all, they didn't know that the King of Fighters Manual could only summon characters in the nightmare space at will, and there were great restrictions in the mission world.

Qin Ming was also good at this trick of pulling the tiger's skin and waving the flag.

The two sides stared at each other silently for a few seconds across the door, and finally the adventurer at the door took the lead in reacting.

"Excuse me! Please let me pass! Make way!"

As the voice sounded, a female adventurer suddenly struggled to squeeze out of the crowd.

After walking out of the crowd, she suddenly clapped her hands enthusiastically facing Qin Ming and opened her arms violently.

"Hi! Brother! Do you miss me!"

The guy who squeezed out of the crowd was none other than Qin Ming's former fighting partner, the double-gun woman!

Seeing the double-gun woman, Qin Ming was also stunned. After reacting, a smile appeared on his face, and he took the initiative to stand up and hug her.

"Long time no see, how are you these days?"

"To be precise, we just met on the last day off, and I even treated you to a drink."

"Oh, yes, this mission took too long, and the jet lag is messed up, so why are you here........."

"Let me introduce you to my boss, the boss of the Iron Team, the top adventurer Tienan, a tough guy who once used his body to take on a nuclear bomb head-on."

Obviously, the Double Gun Woman, who had a relationship with Qin Ming before, was called here to build a relationship this time.

As she started to introduce, a big man who was taller than Qin Ming and had explosive muscles, with a stern face, stretched out his hand first.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, I wasn't at the center of the explosion at that time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bear it."

Shaking hands with Qin Ming vigorously, Tienan's mouth trembled, and he forced out a somewhat stiff and twisted smile.

"Meet Tienan."

"Nice to meet you, Hyena."

Looking at Tienan, whose expression was very stiff and looked like he was wearing a mask, Qin Ming smiled brightly.

Just after they shook hands, footsteps sounded on the side, and the leader of the King of Fighters team, Sun God, also walked out of the crowd with a smile.

"I heard that your place is very lively, so I came to join in, don't you mind?"

"Your Excellency, I am naturally very welcome to come, please sit down."

As Sun God took his seat, more team leaders and even leaders came over and began to greet Qin Ming enthusiastically.

The number of people who came this time far exceeded Qin Ming's expectations, and they were either high-level adventurers or top adventurers.

The top adventurers who were rarely seen in normal times appeared in large numbers at this moment as if they were free of charge.

This made Qin Ming a little unprepared for the historical data. After all, he was just reselling some goods at most. If you say that it can attract the attention of high-level adventurers, this is normal, but how could it attract the attention of top adventurers?

If these big guys are short of money or care about points, Qin Ming would not believe it even if he was beaten to death!

Just when he was doubtful, a heavy footstep suddenly sounded.

The next second, with the help of two senior adventurers, a man with a lot of instruments connected to his body and a ventilator on his face slowly walked towards this side.

After stopping in front of Qin Ming, looking at Qin Ming carefully for a moment, the man raised his hand to take off the ventilator and suddenly spoke.

"Are you Qin Ming? The one who can upgrade items and even skill books?"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this, and quickly looked up at the other party.

"Who are you?"

"The leader of the Street Fighter team, Overlord."

He grabbed the respirator and took two more breaths, his calm eyes locked on Qin Ming. After two seconds of silence, Overlord suddenly spoke.

"Can you get an S-level skill?"


"What about a higher level?"

"I haven't tried it, but it should be possible."

"That's good, I need you to synthesize an SS-level skill, name a price."

While speaking, Overlord staggered towards the room, dragging a lot of instruments behind him.

Seeing this guy come in, almost everyone in the room stood up, only a few people did not move.

Overlord, a top master of his generation, cut all the way from the bottom to the top monster, and even created a record of killing 37 high-level adventurers by himself. He is a well-deserved peak figure in the nightmare space and the king of his generation.

Even though he was half dead at this moment, if he really got angry, there were really few people in the room who could beat him, even though his strength had been greatly reduced.

Looking at the Overlord who sat heavily on the chair and began to lower his head and take a deep breath.

Qin Ming turned around, his eyes flickering slightly.

"You...are all here for my synthesis skills?"

Hearing this, the team leaders around him looked up at the same time, and after looking at Qin Ming, they all nodded slightly.

The Sun God smiled and said.

"Brother, we need your help, a big help."

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