Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 438 The Tragic Top Adventurer

The nightmare space has been operating for who knows how many years, let alone how many worlds it has been connected to.

Anyway, every once in a while, it will throw in a large number of people.

This leads to the fact that the adventurers in the nightmare space are also divided into old and new ones.

The last batch of adventurers died, and the upgrades continued.

The next adventurer will take over from them and continue their new adventure of life and death.

In this situation, as time goes by, the number of masters will inevitably increase, and the number of high-level adventurers will also increase.

This is the current situation. In fact, there are many masters in the nightmare space, and monsters with terrifying talents can be seen everywhere.

But compared to the massive number of high-level adventurers, the number of top-level adventurers in the nightmare space is pitifully small.

Because I am trying to become a top adventurer! Basically, he is either dead or disabled!

Just like the Overlord and Tetsuo at this time!

Sitting opposite Qin Ming, Tetsuo, Overlord and others had expressionless faces. Overlord was unwilling to laugh, while Tetsuo couldn't even laugh even if he wanted to.

Looking at Qin Ming, Tetsuo spoke in a deep voice.

"There are three S-level skills in my body, one double SS-level. The conflict is not too serious. At most, it makes me lose control of my body and my expression. Oh, by the way, my strength is also often out of control, which leads to my attacks being careless. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the overlord next to him spoke immediately.

"There are six kinds of power in my body, four S and two SS. Each of them is very strong. As for the price... you have also seen it."

"And me, five S's."

"I have three S's and a double SS."

"My boss didn't come. He's a Sixth SS. As for the reason why he didn't come, well, you know."

You said something to me, and everyone spoke quickly.

Looking at the scene in front of him that resembled a patient exchange meeting, Qin Ming looked confused.

Through everyone's descriptions, Qin Ming has figured out the current situation, and also figured out the main reason why so many big bosses were alarmed by his exposure of his abilities.

They really came here for Qin Ming’s talent and skills! Because they want Qin Ming!

These guys are all wounded! It was counterattacked by the power within one's own body! To the third-level cripple who has been crippled!

And the stronger the person, the more serious the injury.

Do you think the Overlord is the strongest among the top adventurers? No no no no! According to what they say! There are more old monsters in the nightmare space! How many years have they probably lived?

The power of the overlord is not ranked at all.

The reason why they didn't come was not because they didn't want to come, but because they couldn't come!

Everyone is almost paralyzed, and it is easy to lose strength when walking. How can this happen?

If they come, Qin Ming sitting next to them might be accidentally injured and die!

Talking about their own situation, these top adventurers all looked like they had eaten bitter gourd, and their faces were longer than those of donkeys.

Oh, that’s not right, there is still a guy with a smile on his face, and that is Sun God, the big boss who once had a conflict with Qin Ming.

And the main reason why he is so happy is because he has not been counterattacked by the power at all.

Because the power in this guy's body is very pure! It is the power of the serpent in the King of Fighters world! Other than that, no other random power has been strengthened!

If there is no conflict in strength, it will not be affected, and it will not be affected. Of course he is happy.

Even if he only has one SS-level bloodline and SS skills in his body, he will basically be at the bottom among the top adventurers and cannot be beaten by anyone.

Can you fight? Can it be amazing? You should stand up from the wheelchair first!

Touching his chin, Qin Ming frowned as he listened to the words of the people around him.

"In other words, you want me to help you synthesize skills?"

"Yes, especially the skills that can balance power. Top-level skills that can balance power are too rare, and they may not be suitable for us."

"If you can't find the right skill to balance your power, why haven't you thought about erasing the power of the offending force?"

"...You found a bug when editing the program. If you delete the bug, can you really be sure that there are no bugs in the program? Instead of a lot of new bugs appearing?"

Qin Ming was stunned by the overlord's words, while Tetsuo next to him sighed.

"When you find that something is wrong with your body but you are not dead yet, it means that the forces in your body have reached a balance. If you want to remove one at this time, it will only cause the other forces to completely fight, and then you will die instead. Faster, it’s not that we don’t want to save ourselves, it’s that we are not saved.”

"Hey, if you want to become stronger, you have to gain power. But once you gain power, other powers in your body will be dissatisfied, causing conflicts between them. This is an endless cycle."

"Boy, among the adventurers in the nightmare space, there are countless high-level adventurers, but the number of top-level adventurers is frighteningly small. Why? Because if you continue to move forward, you will die."

"Now I give you two choices. One is to become a high-level adventurer and enjoy all the glory and wealth from now on. You only need to do some work and fight in the nightmare space every once in a while. If you die, you will even be resurrected by the nightmare space. The other is Try to go further, take risks and combine strength to fight hard. If you don't fight well, you will die. If you don't die, you will be permanently disabled. Which one would you choose? "

The welfare benefits in the nightmare space are rising in a straight line.

New adventurers in low-level areas are temporary workers with no benefits. They love them to death and don’t care about space at all.

Adventurers in the intermediate zone are formal workers, and they already have certain benefits, but the work is still dangerous.

Senior adventurers are considered senior employees, and their benefits are great. After working once, they even have a year of rest time, and they also have the right to refuse tasks, and they can also buy return scrolls at a low price.

If you want to go further, there will be two choices. One is to become a top adventurer. You can be considered a shareholder, and you have a certain say. You can even negotiate with the nightmare space and form your own team.

But the price is also very dangerous. If you merge your power randomly, you will die if you don’t play well. The most important thing is that you can’t be resurrected after you die.

Because you were killed by your own power, even if the nightmare space resurrects you, your power will still conflict! You will still die! There is no salvation at all!

The second choice is to become a transcendent, which is an upgraded version of a senior adventurer, also known as a retired employee.

You can be resurrected after death, the task time is self-determined, the welfare benefits are extremely high, and you have officially entered the retirement stage. And every once in a while, you can freely choose to enter a world you like and do whatever you want.

No one wants to die, and no one wants to die in the hands of their own power after gaining powerful power.

Therefore, most of the adventurers in the nightmare space eventually chose to become transcendents and gave up the opportunity to go further.

The nightmare space has been established for countless years, and there are only a thousand teams in it, and there are only a thousand top adventurers, but the number of transcendents is countless.

Among these thousands of top adventurers, more than 80% of them have physical problems.

After all, everyone wants to be a hexagonal warrior, and no one wants to have shortcomings. They are gifted, and almost every ability is extremely comprehensive.

However, the comprehensiveness of the enhanced power also means that the power is messy, and the more messy the power is, the more likely it is to get into trouble.

Only the lucky ones like the Sun God, who were discovered and cultivated by other top adventurers because of their terrifying talents not long after entering, can avoid this minefield by chance.

When ordinary adventurers find this situation, it is too late to wash away the power.

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