Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 459 The Origin of the God of Death

The Minotaur screamed in pain after being hit head-on, and the flesh on his chest had been riddled with holes from the blood beads.

And before it could scream and wave its weapon, trying to drive the enemy away.

The blood that hit him actually began to spread along his skin! They all went into his wide-open mouth!

Mouth! Nose! Ears! Eyes! The blood that went into the enemy's body along the five senses began to destroy all organs crazily.

With a large amount of blood injected, the Minotaur, who was waving his weapon and struggling, swayed back and forth, and his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, with a scream! He actually exploded from it!

In the midst of flying flesh and blood, the blood in the sky swirled and solidified again, and turned into Qin Ming's appearance again.

Qin Ming was not happy that he easily solved this tough BOSS, and could even be called uninjured.

On the contrary, after killing the Minotaur, Qin Ming's expression became gloomy.

Because on the other side, just a moment after he solved the Minotaur, four BOSS-level monsters emerged from the black fog, and one of them was playing with fire!

The most important thing is that the Minotaur is a boss-level existence, but Qin Ming did not get any loot after killing it.

The enemies summoned by the Skeleton Death God! They don't explode!

This discovery made Qin Ming's mood suddenly become bad.

Seeing that there is no benefit to be gained, how could Qin Ming be willing to continue to fight with these guys in a thankless way.

Qin Ming suddenly raised his head, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, and once again locked his vision on the big BOSS of the Skeleton Death God.

While turning into blood mist, he suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

"Zhao Honghua!"

Hearing this roar, Zhao Honghua, who had been waiting for a long time beside him, knelt on one knee without hesitation and inserted the peach wood sword in his hand into the ground.

The next second, with the emergence of flames, the raging fire was actually centered on the sword, spreading and gushing in all directions.

S-level stunt! Really~ Fire Phoenix Summoning!

This time, the stunt that Zhao Honghua used was no longer a small fight before, but a real killing move.

The raging fire spread throughout the hall! This was actually a super large-scale aoe damage!

Only Angel and Kasamoto Eri, who were humans, were not directly burned by the flames in the room.

In addition, even Qin Ming could not avoid the bombardment of this move.

Facing the all-round burning of the Phoenix Fire, the monsters around screamed and were all set on fire.

Ordinary dark creatures were directly burned to ashes, and elite dark creatures were also burned to death. Only BOSS-level dark creatures were slightly better, but they were all burned to pieces, resulting in a horrible appearance.

After a trick, Zhao Honghua almost cleared the field directly.

The most important thing is that facing the bombardment of this move, the Skeleton Death God also had no way to escape. Its attributes were not very high to begin with, and it was also seriously injured by this move.

Before the Skeleton Death God could forcibly stabilize the restless black mist on its body, Zhao Honghua, who used a killing move, suddenly drew out his sword and pointed it at it.

As the lightning flashed on the sword, several small thunder dragons emerged from the sword and rushed towards this side frantically.

The startled Skeleton Death God tried to escape when he saw that the situation was not good.

He just turned around and saw the blood mist shaking behind him, and a hideous face had condensed in front of him.

Qin Ming! Killing!

As the saying goes, every profession has its own specialty, and every profession is like a mountain.

Since Zhao Honghua is the protagonist of this world, her special attack ability against demons is absolutely unquestionable.

Qin Ming may easily defeat or even kill Zhao Honghua, but if compared with her ability to catch ghosts and exorcise demons, I am afraid that three of him added together are not enough to beat the other party alone.

This was the situation at the moment. Qin Ming felt helpless with the Skeleton Death God, but Zhao Honghua relied on a sneak attack to successfully fix it with a set of combos.

Fire Phoenix clears the field! Thunder Dragon locks the enemy!

Zhao Honghua, who controlled the lightning to tie up the Skeleton Death God tightly, gritted his teeth and held the sword with both hands, pulling it back hard.

Trapped in the middle by the lightning, the Skeleton Death God found that he could not turn into black mist, and began to struggle desperately.

The lightning touched its body, making crackling sounds, just like water touching hot oil, and a lot of sparks would explode from time to time.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Ming had already rushed forward.

Clamping the Skeleton Death God's head with both hands, Qin Ming had a ferocious expression, controlling the blood to be injected into its body frantically, trying to find the core in its body.

Even though the Skeleton Death God kept hitting his body, causing his body to continuously touch the lightning rope and be burned with sparks, he did not choose to let go.

After a lot of hard searching, Qin Ming was surprised to find that he didn't find the core of the guy in front of him!

Or! This skeleton god of death is different from them! There is no core at all!

But this is not right? Even machines have engines! How could a guy whose body has been energized! There is no driving core in his body!

Either Qin Ming didn't check carefully and missed it.

Or this skeleton god of death in front of him! It is not the same species as Qin Ming! Its body is not energized at all!

Or! His core is placed somewhere else in a special way!

Qin Ming, who realized that something was wrong, threw the Skeleton Death away and quickly looked around.

Finally, his eyes locked on an object on the ground in front of him.

This object looked very familiar to Qin Ming, because he had seen it once before. Isn't this the manhole cover used to seal the Dark Portal?

At this time, the manhole cover had been pulled away from the cave entrance, causing the cave to continuously emit black gas.

The most important thing is that the manhole cover is still shining now, and the light above vaguely outlines the outline of a human figure, which is exactly the same as the Skeleton Death.

The core of the Skeleton Death was found! Its core is not in the body! Instead, it is on the manhole cover on the ground.

This so-called Skeleton Death! It is actually driven by the sealed manhole cover!

Qin Ming, who finally found the source of everything, had a bright look in his eyes, and his body suddenly turned into blood mist, rushing straight towards the manhole cover.

Seeing this scene, the Skeleton Death was shocked, and he actually roared and forcibly broke free from the shackles of thunder and lightning, and rushed towards Qin Ming frantically.

Amid the howling wind, Qin Ming was the first to arrive at the manhole cover.

He subconsciously reached out to grab the manhole cover, and suddenly screamed.

It turned out that as his palm touched the manhole cover, the dense patterns on the manhole cover actually lit up at the same time.

A terrifying burning sensation spread to Qin Ming, burning Qin Ming's entire palm black.

There were countless magic arrays on the manhole cover to seal the Dark Gate! It was also extremely lethal to Qin Ming!

Qin Ming, whose arm was burned badly, looked at the manhole cover in front of him that could not be used at all, and he didn't know how to destroy it. He was furious for a while.

Especially when he heard the voice behind him approaching, he was even more angry.

Therefore, this guy stretched out his hands without hesitation, and lifted the manhole cover against the burning sensation from the manhole cover.

Then he turned around without hesitation and slapped the manhole cover on the head of the skeleton death god who rushed over.

"You want the manhole cover, right! Come! I'll give it to you!"


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