Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 460 Evil Spirit!

As Qin Ming got angry, he picked up the manhole cover and started to hit people. He suddenly found that this manhole cover seemed to be quite useful!

Because it was covered with sealing arrays, this cover was extremely lethal to evil things.

It was true that Qin Ming would be burned if he touched it, but the problem was that others would also be burned if they touched it.

He raised the manhole cover and hit the skeleton god of death. His hands were burned, but the skeleton god of death was hit on the head!

Waving the cover, Qin Ming chased the skeleton god of death and hit him. Basically, all the obstacles he met along the way could be knocked down by a cover.

Even a strong existence like a boss could not withstand this blow and would be thrown out on the spot.

Qin Ming, who suddenly obtained a magic weapon, was completely suppressing the skeleton god of death. With the help of Zhao Honghua on the side, he quickly forced the skeleton god of death into a desperate situation.

Finally, with a cover down, the skeleton god of death was hit on the head, and was hit into black smoke on the spot and sucked into the manhole cover.

The guardian of the manhole cover! In the end, he died under the manhole cover!

Of course, it can't be said that he was really dead. Since the vampire count and others can be resurrected, the skeleton god of death is probably the same.

It just takes some time to recover.

Looking at the exploded skeleton god of death and the monsters around him who were quickly sucked back into the cave with screams as the summoner died, Qin Ming let out a long breath and threw away the manhole cover.

He raised his hand to pick up the key dropped by the skeleton god of death. Just as he was about to talk to Zhao Honghua, he suddenly felt a shock under his feet.

The next second, the whole ground began to tremble violently. Qin Ming, who was shaking constantly, turned his head in surprise, but he saw that the dark door, that is, the circular deep pit, actually spurted out a black column that rushed to the sky.

With the smoke filling the air, a translucent ghost flew out at a high speed.

"Ahahahaha! I'm finally out! I'm finally free! This emperor!"


Before he finished speaking, a manhole cover had already rotated and flew over, accurately hitting the ghost's head and forcibly breaking it apart.

Qin Ming threw the manhole cover away, looking at the thick black fog in front of him, and couldn't help frowning.

"What are you again!"


As soon as the voice fell, the ghost shadow that was scattered in front had regrouped, and red light flashed in his eyes.

"How dare you attack me? I am an evil spirit! The supreme ruler of the dark world!"

"Then go back to your dark world, what are the rulers of other places doing here?"

"I came here because! This will also become my territory!"

With a roar, more black fog spewed out of the cave, rushed to the clouds in an instant, and spread in all directions.

The ghost standing in the black fog suddenly merged into the wall on the side.

"Let this place! Become a paradise for evil!"


As soon as the voice fell, the wall on the side had exploded, and a huge robot with black fog floating on it walked out.

Evil spirit possession!

[Name: Iron Warrior (Evil Spirit)]

[Strength: 80]

[Constitution: 80]

[Agility: 60]

[Spirit: ? ? ? ]

[Skills: Dark Spirit (SSS-level) Iron Punch (B-level) Fire Coverage (A-level)]

[Introduction: An evil existence born in the dark world, immortal and indestructible]

With a click, before Qin Ming could finish reading the attributes, the evil spirit possessed the special robot that the younger brother had prepared in advance, and the iron plate behind him had opened.

The next second! Countless rockets wrapped in black air! Shooting at Qin Ming in various arcs!

Skills! Fire Coverage!

The roar was connected on the spot, covering most of the hall.

Before the explosion ended, a blood shadow rushed out.

Qin Ming, who turned into a blood mist, crashed into the evil spirit.

However, the evil spirit, whose body was extremely heavy, had no intention of retreating or falling to the ground. Instead, it ejected air from the back of its mechanical arm and accelerated to punch Qin Ming.

With a bang, the evil spirit successfully hit Qin Ming in half on the spot. Before he could smile, Qin Ming, who was broken into two pieces, had once again turned into blood and merged together to shoot towards this side.

Qin Ming's ability at this time was very strange. His iron body made him not afraid of speed players, and his blood mist ability made him not afraid of slow and explosive players at all.

In other words, if you want to defeat Qin Ming at this time, you must find a guy with fast speed and terrifying explosive power!

And the iron version of the evil spirit in front of him obviously did not have these two abilities at the same time.

It moved slowly, and frantically fired rockets to attack the enemies rotating around it.

But after a series of attacks, it did not hurt Qin Ming at all. Instead, he controlled the blood and destroyed a large number of parts.

Seeing that the mechanical body was ineffective against Qin Ming, the evil spirit's eyes flashed red, and the next second a light suddenly lit up on his chest.

Seeing this, Qin Ming secretly said that the situation was not good, and hurriedly pulled back.

But his action was still a step slower, and before he could pull away, the evil spirit's mechanical body had already exploded.


The shock wave formed by the indiscriminate and terrifying explosion was extraordinary.

Even though Qin Ming quickly turned into blood mist, the whole person was blown away on the spot.

Or it was because of the blood mist that he was injured more seriously!

As his body rotated, he gathered into a human form again, and relied on blood to recover from his injuries. Qin Ming frowned for a while.

Raising his hand and waving the smoke, he was about to look for the enemy's trace, but he never expected that with the roar in his ears, a continuous bullet suddenly swept towards him.

He controlled the blood to turn into a shield and forcibly blocked the bullets. When he looked up and looked forward, his eyes suddenly widened.

Because on the opposite side, with the sound of footsteps, a figure actually walked out slowly.

And this figure! It was Kasamoto Eri! Black mist emanated from his body! Kasamoto Eri with red light flashing in his eyes!

Possessed by evil spirits! Kasamoto Eri!

[Name: Kasamoto Eri (evil spirit)]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Agility: 80]

[Spirit: ? ? ? ]

[Skills: Dark Spirit (SSS) Heavy Weapon Mastery (A-level) Combat Mastery (B-level)]

[Introduction: A modern weapon master who has integrated the power of darkness! ]

Grinning with a hideous smile, Kasamoto Eri's eyes were scarlet, and black mist was wrapped around his body and weapons.

"Internal strife time! Here!"

As she spoke, she raised the machine gun in her hand again, and as she pulled the trigger, bullets poured directly towards Qin Ming.

The final BOSS evil spirit in this midnight killing world! It can even control the characters summoned by adventurers!

And it can further enhance the attributes of the controlled person! Even enhance the opponent's weapons and equipment!

Kasamoto Eri, who originally had high attributes and was well-equipped, suddenly transformed into a super BOSS with terrifying attributes and powerful at both near and far!

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