Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 47 Punisher World

The money was all spent, the equipment was upgraded, and the most important thing was that the skills were successfully learned.

Qin Ming, satisfied, finally left the nightmare space and chose to return to the real world.

Then the first thing he did when he returned home was to buy a few live chickens in the market. When he got home, he immediately used the newly learned skills on them.

After all, skills must be practiced, otherwise what can you do if you can't use them in a real fight.

As the skills were used, Qin Ming soon fell into surprise.

Because he found that the effects of these two new skills were not ordinary strong.

Let's talk about the real sonic hand knife first. This upgraded version of the sonic hand knife that can be charged is so powerful that it is terrifying.

Especially after it is fully charged, it may be able to compete with its owner, the supersonic hand knife, the ultimate move of the soldier Gu Lie.

In the normal state, the real sonic hand knife will throw out two air waves, which will merge together and rotate into a high-speed wheel, and slash the target fiercely.

The power is so strong that it can cut through the iron plate in an instant.

What? A live chicken hanging on an iron plate?

Before the sonic hand knife could get close to it, it was already split in two by the air wave.

As for the real sonic hand knife after it was fully charged, it penetrated several steel plates in succession, and even formed an obvious cut on the wall.

If a living person was hit! Splitting in two on the spot would be a light injury!

After all, this is nearly 40 points of strength, four times the damage!

As for the essence absorption that followed, Qin Ming was a little unsure about the specific effect of this skill. Anyway, he only knew that the chicken that he bit with the skill was instantly turned into a dried chicken...

Looking at the wooden chicken in his hand that had been in storage for who knows how many years, Qin Ming grinned and hurriedly stuffed it into the trash can.

Then he looked at his body, and his expression became extremely weird for a while.

Because after absorbing the essence, Qin Ming became fatter...

The body became a little stronger, and this was because he didn't absorb it fully. If he absorbed it all, he would probably continue to be stronger.

After moving his arms, Qin Ming frowned as he looked at his body, which had already become extremely sturdy due to the addition of points.

Did he develop a special transformation technique without obtaining the bloodline of Haoxue Temple?

Essence absorption is only a B-level skill now, and the transformation effect may not be very obvious.

If he upgrades this skill to A-level or even S-level, the transformation effect will be amazing!

Standing in front of the mirror, he kept moving his muscles and posing to show off his muscles.

Looking at his body that returned to its original state after five minutes, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, then put on his coat and walked out of the room, ready to find a way to make some money.

Although he has become a real master in the nightmare space, at least among the junior adventurers.

But in the real world, he is still a poor guy.

Well, maybe not too poor, after all, he has been doing small business before, and there are still hundreds of thousands of savings.

But spending without earning is also a problem. Life in reality has to go on after all, so Qin Ming wants to go out and see if there is any quick way to make money.

Of course, Qin Ming is not planning to rob a bank. He is just a little arrogant now, not crazy yet.

He doesn't want to try whether he can withstand the frontal bombing of tanks and the all-round encirclement of the army in the real world.

The most important thing is that he is not the only adventurer in the world. His ranking is already hundreds of thousands. Even if some of them have died, there are definitely many masters left.

Moreover, there is no death order in the nightmare space that prohibits leaking information from this space and violators will be wiped out. In other words, people like them can actually use their abilities at will in the real world.

So the question is? Have there been special people in this world? The answer is no!

Why not? Are they all honest people? Do they not do evil even if they have power? Are they all honest?

This is of course impossible. There are definitely many people who are arrogant after gaining power.

There is only one answer to why they didn't appear on TV, that is, someone concealed it from them.

As for who concealed it, it is obvious...

Qin Ming dares to guarantee it! There are many adventurers in the hands of the government!

If I dare to show my head and cause trouble! I will definitely not survive for more than three days!

A month passed quickly. Qin Ming, who had walked around for a few rounds but didn't find any money-making business, returned to the nightmare space soon after adapting to the new power.

After all, there is food and drink here, and there is no worry about exposing the identity. Of course, it is more comfortable to stay here.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Qin Ming put on a new windbreaker and got a gentleman's hat to wear.

Then he stood in the room with a hat and sunglasses, a windbreaker, a revolver on his waist, his hands in his pockets, and waited silently for the task to start.

It was the familiar twelve o'clock again! The familiar white light came again!

With a flash of light! Qin Ming had disappeared in the room! Go to the third world!

And this new world is called...

In a rental house, Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes and immediately scanned the surroundings.

But before he could finish observing the surroundings, the TV next to him suddenly turned on automatically.

After the snow screen flashed for a moment, several rows of numbers emerged from it.

World name: Punisher Act I

Difficulty level: D level

Number of people entering: 5

Background story: Frank is a veteran retired Marine who has participated in many battles, big and small. He originally had a very beautiful family, a beautiful wife and well-behaved children, but all of this was broken by an accident.

When his wife and children were brutally shot by the gangsters because they witnessed the gangsters committing crimes, the man named Frank was dead, and in his place appeared a cruel and decisive executioner: Punisher!

Main task: Participate in killing the first act BOSS, the ace bodyguard-Russian guy.

Mission completion: reward 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Mission failure penalty: deduct 2000 points, and if it is less than that, deduct attribute points.

Optional task: Kill the Punisher's enemy-Bruno.

Mission reward: 2000 points, 2 free attribute points.

Mission failure penalty: None.

(Note: This world is in peace mode, adventurers will not get any rewards if they fight each other)

Looking at the data in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows.

After going through the first two mission worlds, the difficulty of the mission in this third world has obviously increased a lot.

The main mission that could be completed by killing a few minions or an elite monster has become a task that requires participating in killing the boss. There is no longer the good thing of killing a few monsters to complete the main mission.

In other words, the real nightmare space mission has just begun!

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