Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 48 Gold Bar Mystery

After quickly confirming the world he was in, the first thing Qin Ming did was to check his identity and the current environment.

And after some exploration, he finally gained something.

First of all, he was in a casino, which was most likely the scene of the first level of the Punisher game.

That is, the Punisher's enemy, the culprit who killed the Punisher's wife and children and caused the awakening of this bloodthirsty demon, the casino owner Bruno's casino.

And Qin Ming's identity here is also very simple, just a gambler.

Well, to be precise, a gambler who has no money in his pocket.

So he wants to continue to hang around here, waiting for the protagonist to appear and the mission to start.

Qin Ming's top priority now is to get money first, so as not to be thrown out by the casino's thugs.

He was worried about money in the real world, but he didn't expect that after coming to the mission world, he would also have to worry about this kind of thing.

Qin Ming, with a helpless look on his face, stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, constantly thinking about how to deal with this matter.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't think of any good way to make money immediately.

After all, he was not very proficient in gambling. To be precise, he didn't understand these things at all and was too unfamiliar with these ways.

Qin Ming could only choose to open the door and walk out of the room, go outside and take a look around.

At this moment, the casino was extremely lively, with guests everywhere, and everyone was dressed very gorgeously.

Qin Ming, who was walking through it, didn't look at his retro outfit, and his style was like the weird businessman in Resident Evil.

But now his style, integrated into the crowd of the Punisher world of this era, actually seemed very harmonious and easily integrated into it.

Looking at the rich people around him, reaching out and touching his empty pockets, Qin Ming's eyes scanned back and forth, and soon he had an idea of ​​making money in his mind.

In fact, with his current strength, it is not difficult to get money, and there are many ways.

And this time, Qin Ming chose the simplest and most brutal way to make money, that is, robbing!

He locked onto a wealthy tycoon and quickly followed him into the bathroom.

Seeing that there was no one around, Qin Ming went up and stabbed the other person with a knife, knocking him down on the spot.

After a search, he did not choose to take the dollars in the other person's arms, but instead tore open a suitcase beside him and took away all the gold bars inside.

After doing all this, Qin Ming quickly left the crime scene. It took no more than a minute from beginning to end, and his movements were concise and well-organized.

Returned to the room, closed the door, and took out the four gold bars he got.

With the activation of the innate ability, these gold bars that could not be taken out of the mission world and could not be exchanged for points were strangely fused and eventually became a very heavy gold brick.

After weighing the gold brick and looking at the beautiful pattern on it, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction.

Then he pulled the bell, called the service staff, and asked for special service on the spot.

A moment later, a very beautiful casino girl, wearing extremely cool clothes, walked in quickly from the door with food.

Holding the girl in his arms, drinking red wine, and even ordering a steak, Qin Ming used the stolen money to enjoy the luxurious life of a rich man with peace of mind.

But before he could enjoy it for too long, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the room.

This made Qin Ming, who was drinking red wine and teasing the beautiful lady in his arms, frown and speak with some dissatisfaction.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, the door opened quickly, and several big men in suits and ties strode in from outside with a stern face. They were the thugs of this casino.

The casino manager who led the group took a step forward after entering the room, and suddenly showed a bright smile on his face.

"Sir, your savings have been used up, and you have already owed a lot, so do you think you should... ..."

Hearing the words "deposits have been used up", Qin Ming had no reaction, but the big foreign horse who was hugged by him and was laughing, his face changed instantly, and he sat up quickly.

She had seen many unlucky people who were forced out because they had run out of money.

Could this guy be one of them? He had no money in his pocket, so he wanted to get some for free at the last moment!

With a suspicious look in his eyes, the foreign horse took the initiative to distance himself from Qin Ming with a strange look.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming threw away the knife and fork in his hand with an unhappy look, and looked up at the person in charge of the casino with a stern face.

"Tsk! It's just money! Can I still owe you a debt! I have money! But no cash! Can gold bars be used?"

As he spoke, Qin Ming had already reached out to his chest.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge on the opposite side still had a smile on his face, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

And the four thugs who followed him quickly reached out to their chests and grabbed the pistols in their clothes, and their eyes gradually became fierce.

The person in charge came here not only to collect debts, but they didn't care about the little money Qin Ming owed.

Once they confirmed that the other party really had no money, they would not have to do anything, and someone would naturally come and drive Qin Ming out.

The reason why the person in charge brought the thugs to find Qin Ming this time and asked for money right away was that he was suspicious of Qin Ming.

Because the unconscious rich man had been discovered, the fact that he was robbed had naturally attracted the attention of the casino.

After investigation, although the camera was maliciously damaged and did not capture the trace of the assailant, a waiter saw Qin Ming appear there.

In addition, Qin Ming obviously had no money, but suddenly started to eat and drink, so the assailant this time...

Under the gaze of several people, Qin Ming directly took out his big gold brick from his arms, threw it on the ground, and then waved his hand.

"Go, go, go! Change this thing to money! Change it all to money! Tell me when it is all used up! As for other times, don't bother me!"

Looking at the gold brick that was half the size of a brick and fell to the ground with a thud, looking at the pattern on it that was like a work of art.

The four thugs who were ready to draw their guns were stunned and looked at each other.

Not only them, but even the casino manager in front of them was also confused.

He picked up the gold brick and looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more confused he became.

Hiss! It's wrong! The size is wrong!

Didn't they just throw away four small gold bars? How did they turn into gold bricks?

And the patterns on it, the complicated carvings, the master-level craftsmanship, how can this be a gold brick! This is clearly a work of art!

He looked up at Qin Ming, then looked down at the gold bricks. The casino manager who finally reacted nodded and saluted hurriedly, and waved secretly behind him.

"Well, we'll go get the money now, please wait."

After that, the five people quickly left the room. The blonde girl who saw Qin Ming throwing out the gold bricks immediately came over with a blush on her face and hugged Qin Ming again.

Qin Ming, who picked up the knife and fork again and ate a bite of beef, looked at the closed door and couldn't help but sneered.

Not bad, worthy of being a casino owner, this reaction speed and detection ability are strong. Even if he did it so secretly, he could still find out about it quickly.

But it's useless to find out, or it would be better if he found out.

Turn gold bars into gold bricks in a few minutes! Even made patterns on it! This is simply impossible!

In other words, the gold bricks he took out! In their eyes, it can never be stolen money!

Since it is not stolen money, this gold brick also shows that he has money. Since he has money, why does he want to rob others?

So he has completely shirked suspicion, and this matter will never be counted on him again.

Next, it depends on what the other four companions are capable of. I just hope they will not be thrown out because of this matter.

Grinning, hugging the big horse and leaning on the sofa, Qin Ming's smile became more and more brilliant.

He said that although he didn't have great wisdom, he was the best at playing this kind of trick.

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