Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 49 The Punisher Appears

Within a moment, Qin Ming's money had been sent over.

He was a pauper just now, but he turned around and became a wealthy man. He had tens of thousands of dollars extra in his hands, which was enough for him to spend a period of time.

And this guy was very generous and tipped the beautiful woman next to him a thousand yuan on the spot. She was so happy that she hugged him tighter.

Of course, some people are happy while others are sad, such as those other adventurers who also appeared in the casino.

There were two unlucky children among them. Before they had time to take action, thugs came to their door in a daze.

After asking for money to no avail, and after searching the room and finding no stolen gold bars, the thugs picked them up unceremoniously and threw the stunned two people out of the door...

Looking down from the window, I saw these two unlucky guys falling heavily to the ground. When they sat up, they still looked like they had seen a ghost. They had not recovered from the shock.

Qin Ming couldn't help but smacked his tongue secretly and shook his head in pity.

This is how competition in tasks is, there are fast hands and slow hands, and if you find something is not right and don't rush to get money, they deserve to be thrown out of the door.

However, with the skills of adventurers, it is not difficult for them to come back after being thrown out. It may even be easier to make money outside.

Therefore, they can only say that they were cheated. It is not that simple to eliminate them.

After successfully getting the money and staying in the casino, Qin Ming was not in a hurry to take action immediately.

Because this mission does not require him to take the lead. The casino is the scene of the crime in the first act. The protagonist of the plot will definitely find it on his own, so he only needs to wait patiently.

Therefore, Qin Ming began to completely integrate into the casino crowd and enjoy the luxurious life of the rich.

He held beauties in his arms, gambled everywhere, and enjoyed feasts. At night, he even had beauties in his arms, and he wanted to experience the boldness of Western beauties.

Qin Ming spent a whole day relaxing, and spent a full ten thousand dollars of the forty thousand dollars he exchanged.

have to say! The U.S. dollars at this time are worth spending! These tens of thousands of dollars! Qin Ming was so squandering that he couldn't spend it all in one day!

And Qin Ming has no chance to spend the remaining US dollars...

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes while sleeping and sat up suddenly.

Hearing the chaotic noise coming from outside, the corner of his mouth curled up, not knowing that the protagonist had already appeared.

Therefore, Qin Ming, who was very energetic, raised his hand and pulled open the quilt with force, grabbed the remaining US dollars and scattered them casually into the sky, letting all the bills fall on the quilt and the naked beauty on the bed.

After finishing all this, Qin Ming put on his equipment, opened the door, held a revolver around his waist, and walked out of the room aggressively!

.........Then he walked back with an awkward expression after a moment, and looked at the Western beauty who was still sleeping due to overexertion. After confirming that the other party was not awake, he hurriedly lowered his head to pick up the banknotes.

cough! The guess is wrong! There is movement outside! It’s not that the protagonist, the Punisher, has already come to kill him!

But because a second-rate adventurer actually tried to sneak attack and kill the person in charge of the casino! That is the goal of the optional mission! Casino owner Bruno!

As a result, he was caught in the act, and now he is being chased and beaten by a bald man over two meters tall!

Failed to show off! This money must continue to be spent! I have to pick it up quickly......

The warrior who tried to kill the casino owner Bruno alone did not succeed in the end, but died gloriously.

Because this optional mission is a scam!

Although it seems that the casino owner Bruno is just an ordinary elite monster, very easy to deal with.

However, this is their territory! The most important thing is that the other party is accompanied by a BOSS-level bodyguard! With a group of gun-wielding boys!

Faced with such a group fight, even Qin Ming did not dare to act rashly at this time. That boy went up to attack alone. If he could win, it would be a ghost!

The sneak attack failed, and he was directly stopped by the professional bodyguard: the big boss Russian guy who looked stupid and strong, but seemed to be very slow, but in fact reacted extremely quickly. He was shot to death when he tried to escape.

Not to mention how cruel the scene was when a dozen boys pulled out guns and shot one person.

Qin Ming, who was standing on the second floor and witnessed the whole incident, shook his head.

Then he was too lazy to watch the thugs disposing of the corpse, so he turned around and began to enjoy the beauty's warmth again.

At noon, just as Qin Ming gnawed on another piece of steak, drank a whole bottle of red wine, and was working hard with the Western beauty in his arms, loud noises suddenly sounded outside the door.

Qin Ming, who heard the news, already had experience this time and did not spend money to show off.

Instead, he directly picked up the naked beauty, let her legs wrap around him, and then walked to the door to look around.

Then he saw a big man wearing tights with a huge skull printed on his clothes, carrying out a killing spree in the tavern.

Seeing this standard look, Qin Ming's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly hugged the beauty and ran back to the room.

Throwing it on the bed casually, this guy, who was obviously just an ordinary person, but had been tortured for a long time by a monster with 30 strength and 28 constitution, was completely exhausted and completely motionless.

Qin Ming grabbed the remaining tens of thousands of dollars on the table, took out a few spare ones, and threw the rest directly into the sky.

"I've given it all to you! Baby! Nice meeting! Goodbye!"

Kicking the door open with a bang, Qin Ming, wearing a windbreaker and a hat, walked towards the first floor aggressively.

When he passed a casino thug who was running down the corridor with a dagger in his hand and preparing to attack the Punisher, he grabbed his neck and bit it hard.

The casino thug who was lifted up by his legs suddenly had his eyes wide open, and the next second his whole body began to shrink rapidly! In the blink of an eye, he became an extremely skinny stick!

B-level skill activated! True-essence absorption!

Directly absorbed 5 points of the opponent's full attributes, and after beating the unlucky guy to death on the spot, Qin Ming threw the mummy away casually, and a hideous smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The next second! His body suddenly swelled! Quickly rushed to two meters away!

The bursting muscles bulged high! Because of the large amount of basic attributes strengthened! He was already very burly! He looked even more terrifying!

Qin Ming, who turned into a two-meter-tall muscular man on the spot, laughed up to the sky, and knocked open the railing on the second floor like a bull, and fell heavily to the bottom.

With a bang! The earth shook! The floor was crushed by him!

Qin Ming, who suddenly fell into the crowd, had just landed and had already thrown a punch, hitting a casino thug in the face.

The muffled sound spread throughout the first floor hall. The thug hit by his punch flew out like a cannonball, and just smashed directly into the bar, embedded in the wooden board, and completely lost his movement.

After killing a person with one punch, Qin Ming's eyes flashed with murderous light, and his two thick arms suddenly opened forcefully.

The next second, accompanied by a roar, Qin Ming swung his arms at a high speed and swung them forward fiercely.



Two visible air waves were swung out with the palm, merging together in front and entwining with each other, turning into a spiral air knife, flying and slashing with a whoosh.

B-level skill! True-sonic hand knife!


With a cutting sound, the wooden wall in front and the game console behind were directly cut in half by the rotating air knife.

Then the rotating air knife continued to move forward with undiminished power, and actually cut the bodies of the two unlucky minions on the spot, taking their lives directly!

One hit! Double kill!

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