Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 50 Street Gunfight

Qin Ming, who broke the wall with one blow, continued to swing his hands and fired two more sonic hand knives in succession, then he stopped shooting a little out of breath.

Huh! This B-level skill is powerful enough! But it consumes a lot of energy! It consumes a little mental power at a time!

I have never added mental power, and I only have 5 points in total, which is the biggest shortcoming among the basic attributes. I can't bear to use skills continuously like this.

It seems that it is time to strengthen my mental power when I return next time.

After performing the skill, Qin Ming tested the power of the skill with a human body, suddenly swung his windbreaker hard, raised his hand and pulled out the revolver at his waist.

Then he raised the gun and started firing, killing the minions around him one by one.

Don't look at the sonic hand knife as fast and fierce! But when it comes to practicality! It has to be this thing!

Amid the sound of gunshots, Qin Ming quickly dealt with several minions.

Then he kicked the door open and rushed into the main hall. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned around and pointed his gun to the left.

Almost at the same time, the big man who was holding a minion there also shook off the minion reflexively, quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Qin Ming.

In an instant, the scene became silent. The two big men pointed their guns at each other silently, their eyes were very sharp, and no one spoke.

Just as they were confronting each other with guns, a scream suddenly came from the side.

The next second, a minion raised a baseball bat and rushed towards Qin Ming frantically.

As a result, the weapon just fell, but Qin Ming quickly raised his other arm to block the attack.

With a click, the baseball bat broke, and the minion with a shocked face was grabbed by Qin Ming's neck and thrown out suddenly.

With a bang, the minion hit a game console heavily, which directly twisted the game console severely, and he collapsed in it, completely motionless.

After easily dealing with the enemy, Qin Ming stared at the protagonist Punisher with a huge skull pattern on his clothes. The gun in his hand slowly dropped, and he used his other hand to adjust his glasses.

Dinosaur glasses turned on! Detection skills activated!

Name: Punisher-Frank

Strength 30

Constitution 30

Agility 30

Spirit 30

Skills: Foot Blade Slash (C-level) Flying Kick (D-level) Over-shoulder Throw (D-level) Human Windmill Throw (B-level) Air Wave Slide Slash (B-level)

Introduction: The famous Punisher, an anti-hero that countless criminals are terrified of, has a scarred heart under his cold and cruel appearance.

Average attributes, as many as five skills, the comprehensive strength of the protagonist in front of him is definitely the strongest among all the protagonists Qin Ming has encountered so far.

This is not only because of his high basic attributes, but the most important thing is that he has a gun! He also has a grenade!

A protagonist who can use grenades! Just tell me if you are afraid!

The Punisher on the opposite side saw Qin Ming lower his weapon first, and he also lowered his pistol silently.

Then the two families did not even say a word, and they dispersed and continued to kill the thugs around.

The huge chaos here soon attracted the attention of the casino owner.

As the main door was pushed open, a bald man in a suit and tie quickly walked in with his men.

As soon as he approached, he saw the Punisher, who had the most conspicuous appearance in the crowd!

Looking at this guy who has been making trouble recently and has a good reputation, the most important thing is that he has a grudge against himself. This time it is obvious that he is coming for him. The originally angry casino owner Bruno was so scared that his whole body trembled violently, and he turned and fled without thinking.

Seeing this scene, the Punisher who was fighting in the crowd froze, and instantly stretched his legs and swept across the ground, turning around directly on the spot.

The sword energy gathered on his feet, and instantly swept all the enemies around to the ground. The sharp sword energy even cut off the thighs of two minions. After breaking through the siege, he jumped up and started shooting while his body was still in the air.

Bang, bang, bang, the gunshots were continuous, and several minions blocking Bruno screamed on the spot, and a lot of blood spurted out of their bodies.

He shot here, and Qin Ming, who saw the optional mission target appear, turned the muzzle without hesitation and fired wildly at that side.

If the Punisher's pistol is accurate, every shot goes straight to the vital point, and there are a lot of bullets.

Then Qin Ming has a hand cannon in his hand! Although the amount of ammunition is not much! But the power is terrifying!

Ordinary minions are hit by a shot! Almost directly blown away! Either dead or disabled!

Either a big hole is shot in the body, or the limbs are directly broken and the head is broken, no one can resist it.

With the volleys of fire from the two guys, the gunmen who were blocking the door and escorting Bruno back were in bad luck.

They fought back desperately, but were killed by bullets one after another. In a blink of an eye, more than half of them were dead.

Their counterattack was effective, at least it made the Punisher start looking for cover to dodge.

However, Qin Ming relied on his thick skin and clothes to protect himself, so he had no intention of dodging at all.

He protected his face with one hand to avoid being shot in the vitals, and continued to shoot with the other hand.

Qin Ming approached step by step, forcibly suppressing the enemy's firepower, and rushed to the door in a blink of an eye.

When he arrived here, he had finally run out of bullets. He suddenly roared, charged forward regardless of the bullets, and rushed into the crowd, knocking everyone down.

Seeing that the shooting stopped here, the Punisher did not hesitate to support the table and jumped out of the bunker. He kicked while sprinting and rushed into the battlefield.

Just as the two of them worked together to break out of the siege, Bruno, the casino owner who had just escaped from here, was also blocked by others outside the casino!

And now it is obvious who will block him.

The three adventurers who had been waiting here for half a day saw that the target finally appeared and there were not many followers around him. They immediately showed joy on their faces and rushed up with their weapons.

Bruno, who had just run out of the casino, saw that there were enemies outside. His face was pale and desperate.

But at this moment, two very old cars suddenly rushed out from the side and ran into the three adventurers.

Among the three guys, two reacted very quickly and dodged sideways immediately, but the other one was not so fast and was hit by the car on the spot.

As the car door opened, several minions with pistols came out and started shooting at the three people as soon as they showed their heads.

The most fatal thing was that there were two guys wearing windbreakers and gentleman hats among the minions. They were holding submachine guns and their firepower was so fierce! They were completely suppressing the three people!

With the cover of this group of reinforcements, Bruno, who was happy, fled quickly.

He had just escaped when a loud noise came from the door of the casino, accompanied by flames rising to the sky, and several minions were directly blown out.

The Punisher, who threw a grenade to clear the way, had a cold face and rushed out of the street with a pistol. As soon as he showed his head, he aimed at the enemy and started shooting wildly.

Qin Ming, who rushed out with him, stood beside him and fired.

The gunmen hiding beside the car could barely fight back with the Punisher by relying on the special car doors and various obstacles on the street.

But the problem is that this kind of cover can't defend against Qin Ming's large-caliber revolver at all. The attack power of 40 or 50 points is no joke!

The car door was shot through! The obstacles were shot through! Under Qin Ming's precise point shooting! The minions who were frantically shooting with this side suffered heavy casualties!

Some minions tried to escape from the cover, but they were caught by the Punisher with quick eyes and hands as soon as they showed their heads, and were killed and taken away on the spot.

One was dedicated to attacking the cover, and the other was dedicated to attacking those who showed their heads. Although the two guys met for the first time, they cooperated very well and quickly solved most of the enemies in front.

At this time, an adventurer who saw that the firepower had finally decreased quickly got out of the cover and ran towards this side, waving his hands vigorously while running.

"Punisher! Punisher! Bruno ran over there! He wants to get in the car! Go chase him! Quick!"


Before he finished speaking, a gunshot was heard.

The adventurer who tried to get close to the Punisher with intelligence and build a closer relationship so that they could act together obviously forgot one thing, that is, the Punisher is not a regular superhero! He is a complete anti-hero!

And what is an anti-hero? Someone who does justice by villain means! That is an anti-hero!

The Punisher is not a kind-hearted person. Now seeing an unidentified person running towards him, he shot the other person without hesitation.

In fact, this is nothing, after all, the Punisher will not kill people indiscriminately. Although his shot hit the adventurer's body, it only hit his leg to prevent him from getting closer and threatening himself.

But the problem is that Qin Ming, who heard the gunshot and stood next to the Punisher and shot, turned around and shot him instinctively when he saw someone approaching.

And the power of Qin Ming's gun...

Bang! A headshot!

Adventurer! Another one dead!

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