Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 51: Fierce Battle on the Bus

On the street, the gang members who had received the news were already arriving one after another. One car after another was lying on the roadside, and the gunmen inside were looking towards this direction to shoot.

However, the firepower network they formed was obviously unable to stop the gradual advancement of Qin Ming and the Punisher.

Amidst the sound of gunshots, the two quickly broke through the defense line and rushed to the end of the road.

What I saw instead was Bruno, the casino owner, boarding a double-decker bus under the escort of his younger brothers.

The powerful double-decker bus ran rampant, breaking through the obstructing cars on the road, and then rushed wildly into the distance.

Seeing this, the Punisher's pupils shrank and he rushed to the side of the road without thinking, grabbing the door of a car as it rushed past.

With a whoosh, he directly jumped on the roof of the car. Seeing the driver trying to stop, he quickly put his gun against the driver's head through the window.

"Don't stop! Keep driving! Chase after me!"

Hearing this, the driver who had just braked and slowed down turned pale. He looked at the bodies lying on the roadside. How dare he disobey the command? He hurriedly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car sped out with a whoosh.

Squatting on the roof of the car, looking at the bus that kept getting closer, the Punisher shot with a gun and killed the enemies who tried to block him from approaching through the window. When passing by Qin Ming, he did not forget to stretch out his hand and yell Make a sound.

"Come up!"

Hearing this roar, Qin Ming stretched out his arm without thinking, and was pulled into the car by the Punisher on the spot.

Amidst the harsh noise of the wind, the two cars got closer and closer. After completely closing the distance, the Punisher jumped up and kicked, then kicked open the window and rushed into the second floor of the bus.

He rushed, and Qin Ming followed suit.

Qin Ming, who was standing on the roof of the car and roared, suddenly opened his arms to gather air waves and swung a sonic hand knife forward!

The swirling air flow caused a piercing roar, instantly tearing open the iron sheet of the bus, cutting off the bodies of the two gunmen at the rear, and forcing a large hole in the bus.

Qin Ming jumped into the car along the big hole and shot wildly with his pistol.

At this moment, the roof of the car above him exploded, and the Punisher used a grenade to blast away the metal and jumped down.

The two guys blocked one end and opened fire wildly at the other end. They quickly eliminated the last few gangster gunmen in the car, leaving only Bruno, the casino owner, huddled in the corner with a pale face, teeth chattering in fear.

After all, although he is a ruthless gang leader, in the end he is just an ordinary person.

Who wouldn't be afraid of being suddenly chased by two of these guys and killing dozens of guys along the way?

Looking at the target of the optional mission, Qin Ming's eyes flashed coldly, and he quickly turned the gun and pointed it at his head.

But before he could pull the trigger, his hand holding the pistol was suddenly held down by someone.

The punisher on the side shook his head at him with a serious expression.

"Wait until I finish asking first."

After saying that, the Punisher let go of his hand and strode towards the casino owner Bruno.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming hesitated a little, but still chose to lower his pistol silently.

Just as the Punisher strode closer, reaching out to grab Bruno and pick him up to question the information, a loud noise suddenly came from the front of the car.

The next second! The glass bursts! A giant man who was definitely over two meters tall broke in through the window! He hit the Punisher directly!

The Punisher who suffered the impact groaned and was knocked several meters away on the spot.

Qin Ming, who was behind, saw something was wrong and quickly raised his gun to shoot.

As a result, all the bullets were eaten by the giant man, but they were not able to knock him down at all.

The giant man covering his face with his hands roared and charged. In a blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Qin Ming, bumped into Qin Ming like a wild bull, and hit him hard on the frame of the car next to him!

There was a bang! The glass on that side was shattered by the shock, and the iron sheet was also smashed through on the spot!

Qin Ming, who was out of balance, was knocked out of the bus by the opponent! Falling towards the ground that was rapidly regressing!

At the critical moment, Qin Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and inserted his palm into the iron sheet of the bus. His five fingers were completely embedded in it. His whole body was hanging out of the bus, and his legs were dragging along the ground as the bus slid at a high speed!

Casino owner Bruno spends a lot of money to hire an ace bodyguard! Finally arrived!

Name:Russian (The Punisher Act 1)


Constitution: 50



Skills: None

Introduction: The Russian doesn't know anything, he only knows how to fight, but with his terrifying physical strength, he can still sweep everything.

Terrifying strength and physique! Poor agility and even more pitiful spirit!

The main thing is! This first level BOSS actually doesn’t have any skills!

A BOSS without skills! This is the first time Qin Ming has encountered such a weird guy!

It's just that although the Russian guy doesn't know any skills, a slap with a strength value of 50 is enough to kill anyone.

In other words, this monster with extremely high basic attributes! Normal attacks are equivalent to other people's skills!

The Russian guy standing in the car saw that Qin Ming could not be knocked out of the car. The veins on his forehead were bulging in anger. Without thinking, he raised his legs and took aim, preparing to hit Qin Ming again and knock him directly. Kicked out.

But before his No. 49 big foot could land, a black shadow suddenly came from behind.

It turned out that the Punisher had already jumped out, hugged the Russian guy's neck from behind, pointed his pistol at his head, and shot him several times.

Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, the bullet hit the Russian's head, but it only tore the skin, but failed to hurt the flesh behind, let alone penetrate into it and cause serious damage.

These shots did not kill the enemy, but instead caused the attacked Russian to be completely furious. He completely ignored the textbook naked choke of the Punisher, grabbed the Punisher's arm locked around his neck, and threw the opponent's large body of more than 100 pounds into the air.

With a bang! The whole bus was shaking violently! The Punisher fell heavily on the ground! For a moment, he couldn't help but groan!

Before he could catch his breath from the severe pain, the Russian had raised his big foot and stepped hard on his head!


There was another loud noise, and the bus continued to tremble. The Punisher used his two arms to forcibly block the trampling. He gritted his teeth when he was stepped on, and his arms were directly stepped on his face, unable to move at all.

Looking at the Punisher being stepped on, the Russian had a grim smile on his face. He was about to continue to raise his legs to chase him, but at this moment, a sound suddenly reached his ears.

Hearing the sound, the Russian quickly looked up, only to find that the guy who was almost knocked out of the bus by him before had now jumped back into the bus, and was standing opposite with his legs apart, staring at him.

Looking at the enemy who jumped back again, the Russian grinned with an unhappy face, raised his legs to kick the Punisher away, and roared and rushed towards Qin Ming again.

And looking at him rushing towards him regardless of anything, Qin Ming took a deep breath, and his two arms suddenly opened to the left and right, and violent airflow rose with the rotation of his palms.

Accumulate power for two seconds! Explode with all your strength!

"Really! Sonic hand knife!!!"


The violent airflow was thrown out with both hands and instantly merged, turning into a half-meter high-speed rotating air blade! Cut forward with a whoosh!

Looking at the air saw blade that cut through all the seats along the way and shot at him madly, the Russian guy's face changed drastically. He hurriedly dodged sideways and raised his hand to try to block it, and then...


A cold light flashed! It flew directly from the front of the bus!

The Russian guy, the boss standing in the middle, suddenly screamed, and his facial features twisted together in pain.

A thick arm was sprayed with blood and fell to the ground with a thud.

The Russian guy, the first-act boss with extremely high basic attributes! Qin Ming actually cut off one arm from the front with one move!

This! This is the power of a fully charged B-level skill!

Covering the wound, the Russian guy fell to the ground with a bang, rolling on the ground in pain for a while, tears streaming down his face.

But before he finished screaming, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next second, two guys appeared in his field of vision with expressionless faces, and raised their gun barrels at the same time, pointing them directly at his head.

"Tell me! Where is Bruno going!"

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