Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 52 Alliance

Looking at the two burly demons blocking the sun, the Russian helped with his remaining hand and waved vigorously.

"Don't shoot! I said! I said! Bruno went to his villa! It's in the fourth suburb outside the city! I'm just a bodyguard! I'm just responsible for collecting money and doing things! I have nothing to do with him! Don't kill me! Don't kill Me! Don’t!”

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Before the cries for mercy could stop, the harsh gunfire sounded.

Qin Ming shot the opponent six times in a row with a straight face, keeping the gun close to the vital point, leaving bloody holes everywhere on the opponent's body.

It wasn't until he saw this guy lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, completely motionless, that he stopped shooting.

He put away the empty revolver and turned to look at the Punisher next to him.

Qin Ming, who noticed that the big man was looking at him in astonishment, shrugged slightly.

"Sorry, I don't like to be left alive."

Upon hearing this, the Punisher raised his eyebrows, suddenly raised his hand and pointed it at the Russian's head, and fired two more shots.

After doing all this, he took back his weapon.

"Next time, remember to hit the head. If you hit the body, you may not really die, but if you hit the head, you will definitely not survive."

After saying that, the Punisher jumped out of the car.

Qin Ming was left on the spot looking at the punisher with a confused look on his face, and then turned to look at the body.

After a second of silence, he shrugged slightly, picked up the keys dropped by the boss, and jumped off the already tattered bus.

It was only then that a car came from a distance at high speed.

As the car door opened, the other two adventurers got out. Looking at the dead body of the first level BOSS, they couldn't help but clicked their tongues and looked unhappy.

Gan! I'm late!

He couldn't even get an assist, so the main mission this time was considered a failure.

Looking at the two adventurers in front of him, the Punisher's face was expressionless, and his palm subconsciously rested on the pistol at his waist. At the same time, he turned his head and glanced at Qin Ming.

"your friend?"

Qin Ming shrugged slightly when he heard this.

"I don't know. Aren't they your friends?"

After hearing the answer, the Punisher quickly looked away and strode away with a straight face.

Seeing this scene, the two adventurers hurriedly followed, and took the initiative to approach and speak.

"Lord Punisher! We are your fans! We are also people who are dedicated to fighting criminals! Do you need our help? We can help! We..."

"I don't need to be a burden, get out of the way."


"I repeat it one last time! Get out of the way!"

He drew out his pistol and put it against one person's chin. Looking at the other person obediently raising his hands, the Punisher snorted and walked away quickly with a straight face.

After bumping noses, the two looked at each other, and suddenly turned to look at Qin Ming at the same time, grinning.

"Brother, you are also an adventurer, right? How about working together?"

"Cooperate? One of the targets is dead and the other is running away. No one can find them. It's useless to cooperate. Let's go back to our homes."

Qin Ming waved his hand and looked unhappy as he watched the secondary target escape. He didn't bother to pay attention to the two people in front of him and quickly turned around and left.

There were only two adventurers left looking at each other with miserable expressions.

"Damn! Senior adventurers are awesome! If you can fight, it's amazing! Why are you dragging me!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! Be careful when the other party comes back and shoots us again!"

"He has already gone far! What are you afraid of! Damn it! This mission was completed too quickly! No! We have to seize the time and kill more to make up for it! Since that kid is unwilling to cooperate! Then the two of us Cooperate! Go and find the enemy!”

After quickly reaching a consensus, the two adventurers immediately turned away and prepared to go to the casino to find out if there were any lone minions to kill.

At the same time, in the alley, Qin Ming was moving forward with his eyebrows furrowed.

Listening to the reminder sound of the nightmare space in his ears, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It has to be said that the mission ended a bit too quickly this time. The main mission in Lightning Flint had already been completed, and the reminder to return to the nightmare space even sounded in his ears, reminding him to quickly return to the space within 48 hours.

In the first two missions, Qin Ming did not fight fiercely for several days, killing several bosses in a row before giving up.

This time, he only killed one BOSS and completed the mission without even encountering a few elite monsters. This made Qin Ming somewhat unable to adapt.

Just when Qin Ming was debating whether to seize the right time and use the last forty-eight hours to go out and kill the enemy in order to get a little more loot, his steps suddenly stopped.

Feeling the cold touch from the back of his head, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly widened. Without thinking, he waved his hand and turned around. While sweeping away the pistol pressed against the back of his head, he pulled out the revolver, pointed it behind him, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. .

As a result, there was no familiar loud noise in his ears, but instead a click.

It turned out to be his revolver, and the trigger mouth had been jammed with a finger, making it impossible to press it down.

A cold feeling hit his neck, and a pistol was pressed directly against Qin Ming's jaw.

Under Qin Ming's wide-eyed astonishment, the Punisher had a straight face, holding one hand against the trigger of the revolver to prevent it from firing, and holding the gun against Qin Ming's vitals with the other hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After staring at Qin Ming for a second, the punisher suddenly shook his head slightly and quickly retracted his weapon.

"The reaction was too slow, and this good body was wasted."

"It's you?!"

"Nonsense, if it were anyone else, you would have been killed just now. In that moment, I could have shot you at least six times, all of them hitting your vitals."

Putting the pistol back into his waist, the Punisher leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was touching his neck with his hand and had a very bad look on his face, he suddenly grinned.

"Don't be too discouraged. In terms of close combat, there are few opponents in the entire Marine Corps who can match me. You haven't received any professional training, so it's normal for you to suffer when you meet me."

"You suddenly ran over and pointed a gun at me. Could it be that you just wanted to scare me and show off your skills?"

"Of course not, I'm not that boring."

Standing up, with his arms folded across his chest and looking at Qin Ming, the Punisher suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Boy, I'm going to hunt down Bruno. Do you want to go with me?"

Ding Dong! Congratulations to Adventurer No. 441985 for triggering the hidden mission! Castle Chase Battle!

After accepting the mission! The second level will be forcibly opened! The difficulty of the Punisher World has been increased to C level! Do you accept it?

Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the sudden sound in his ears. His brain was a little confused for a while.

Oh my gosh! Hidden mission actually took the initiative to find me? There is such a good thing?

"No, didn't you just say that you don't need help from others?"

"I just said that I don't need the help of others. Seeing that you are so ruthless, you must have a grudge against Bruno and his organization, right? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since we have a common goal and you are strong, it would be great to work together. Besides, didn't we cooperate well just now?"

Stretching out a hand, the Punisher raised his eyebrows slightly.

"So, kid, do you want to act together?"

Qin Ming grinned and quickly stretched out his hand to shake his hand.

"Of course! Mr. Punisher!"

Ding Dong! Hidden mission accepted! The second level of the Punisher World! Open!

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