Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 53: The difficult title mission

Hidden Mission: Castle Chase (Punisher's Second Level)

Mission Difficulty: C-level

Mission Requirements: Participate in killing the second level BOSS battle robot

Completion Reward: 4000 points, 4 free attribute points.

Failure Penalty: Deduct 4000 points.

Introduction: Revenge must be taken completely! It's useless for the enemy to escape! Chase into the castle! Kill the target! Destroy everything!

As Qin Ming chose to accept the mission, the return countdown in his mind disappeared on the spot.

And he quickly followed the Punisher to the secret base.

It's called a secret base, but it's actually just a rented house, but it stores a lot of Punisher's spare weapons.

In the room, the Punisher took out a box from the secret compartment and opened it with force. While taking out a pistol from it to check the status, he pulled out a pistol and handed it to Qin Ming.

"Do you need it?"

Qin Ming looked at the green pistol that showed that it could not be taken out of the mission world, shook his head quickly, and patted the weapon on his waist with his hand.

"I have one myself."

Seeing this, the Punisher immediately retracted his pistol, and continued to lower his head to check the ammunition while speaking with a stern face.

"It's a Colt revolver, right? A very classic model, but the caliber of yours is a bit too large. It should have been privately modified. The power is probably not less than that of the Smith \u0026 Wesson M500. The lethality is indeed very strong, but the bullet capacity of the revolver is a flaw and it is not very practical."

When he said this, the Punisher's tone suddenly paused, and then he turned his head and looked at Qin Ming with some doubt.

"By the way, has your body become smaller? How come your body has shrunk? What? Are you a sponge?"

Hearing the Punisher's doubtful question, Qin Ming, who had shrunk from a height of two meters to a standard physique of 1.7 meters, couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard the Punisher's doubtful question.

"Special ability."

"Oh, a special person, no wonder he is so good at fighting, and no wonder his fighting skills are so poor."

Nodding, the Punisher didn't ask much. After all, in his world, there are not many people with special abilities.

After all, the world of the Punisher is also part of the legendary Marvel Universe, and there are too many strange people.

Just as the Punisher lowered his head to organize his weapons, Qin Ming was also looking at the updated data in front of him, and looked at it carefully.

With the Punisher's active invitation, Qin Ming has now successfully joined the protagonist camp.

Therefore, it naturally triggered the protagonist camp exchange column of this world and the title task here.

There are very few things that can be exchanged on the Punisher's side, which is completely incomparable with other worlds, but the quality is much better.

100 points of favorability can be exchanged for white grenades, causing 30 points of fixed damage in an area.

250 points of favorability can be exchanged for the Smith 1911 pistol that the Punisher just handed over, green equipment, fixed damage 5-10, and a capacity of 12 rounds.

The things that can be exchanged for 500 points of favorability are very special, and there are actually two.

One is the Punisher combat suit, blue plot equipment, +5 strength +5 agility.

The other is a special option! It is called Punisher Special Training! Qin Ming doesn't know what the specific effect is! Anyway, it just means that you can get special training from the Punisher!

As for higher favorability, 1000 favorability can be exchanged for the ultimate item, the Punisher Medal!

Name: Punisher Medal (Punisher World)

Category: Accessory (Silver Plot Equipment)

Equipment Requirements: None

Effect: The wearer will obtain the identity of the Punisher. Every time he enters a mission, he will descend as the Punisher, automatically obtain 100 points of initial favorability from all protagonists, and make the villains feel fearful of themselves, and at the same time form a deterrent effect on minions and elite monsters.

Introduction: If justice is unwilling to come! Then I will do the dark things myself! Do justice! I! Am the Punisher!

In addition to these exchange rewards, there are also title tasks that are triggered, and the title tasks in this world are also boutique, with a total of three.

Title Mission:

Dark Justice: Kill 100 gang leaders (elite monsters) Current number 3/100

Completion Reward: Green Title ~ Anti-Hero (All Attributes +5)

Lonely Hero: Kill the second-level BOSS battle robot alone

Completion Reward: Green Title ~ Lone Ranger (Strength +10, Constitution +5)

Leave No One Alive: Kill the Punisher, the second-level BOSS and all enemies in the castle, leaving no one alive.

Completion Reward: Blue Title ~ Big Villain (All Attributes +5, automatically gain 100 points of initial favorability from the villain camp when entering the mission world)

Qin Ming stood aside, looking at the title missions and exchangeable items in this world, and his eyes couldn't help twitching.

Good guy! These three title missions are more outrageous than each other! There is no possibility of completion!

After all, although Qin Ming is now quite powerful, he still has some self-knowledge. He knows very well that it is absolutely impossible to defeat the second-level BOSS alone with his own skills.

Not to mention killing everyone together with the protagonist.

If he had this ability, he wouldn't have to be an adventurer and could just come in and be the BOSS!

Qin Ming shook his head and quickly withdrew his gaze from the box. He locked his eyes on the Punisher again, and then found that this man's favorability towards him was only 100 points, which was just an acquaintance.

Obviously, he took the initiative to invite himself to participate in the battle this time, just for the idea of ​​having more helpers. It was pure pragmatism, not because he looked at him differently.

The reason why the other two adventurers were not selected was simply because they were not strong enough and were not favored by others.

However, Qin Ming didn't care about this. He was now using the Punisher to fight monsters. Everyone had their own thoughts and no one should dislike anyone.

After finding a place to sit down, Qin Ming quickly took out the treasure chest he got this time.

Because he was chasing the enemy all the way and running too hastily, Qin Ming didn't even have time to check whether the minions had exploded anything, so he only picked up the key of the big boss Russian.

And because the Punisher participated in the battle, it was only a dim silver key.

After looking at the key for a while, Qin Ming finally shrugged and chose to open it.

With a flash of light, a trophy quickly appeared in his hand.

Item name: Ace Bodyguard's Gold Belt (Punisher Act 1)

Category: Waist (Blue Plot Equipment)

Equipment requirements: Constitution 10

Effect: Defense +5, Constitution +5

Introduction: This is the honor certificate given to the Ace Bodyguard by the bodyguard company. It looks extremely gorgeous, but I'll tell you secretly that it is actually made of brass.

Looking at the wide metal belt in his hand, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction and quickly hung it around his waist.

Defense, this is a good attribute, otherwise the blue armor Qin Ming sold before would not have been exchanged for two C-level skills.

Under normal circumstances, adventurers can only gain 1 point of defense for every 10 points of constitution, which is also the main reason why Qin Ming could withstand the shooting of gangster gunmen before.

Now that his total constitution has reached 30, he can be regarded as having a set of bulletproof vests, which can completely ignore ordinary attacks.

This belt can bring 5 points of defense, which is as effective as a set of armor. You can imagine how practical it is.

After wearing the belt, Qin Ming's defense has now reached 8 points. Ordinary minions can't break his defense at all, and he can really walk sideways.

Of course, this only refers to when facing ordinary minions. Elite monsters have higher attacks and greater strength, and he still can't withstand them without injury, let alone facing BOSS.

For example, the Russian guy before, with a full 50 points of strength! What can he do with it!

If you dare to go up and take it hard! You can even get shit smashed out!

Defense, to put it bluntly, is used to bully small monsters. When facing bosses, it is often not of great practical value. It is a special attribute for bullying.

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