Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 470 Silver Horn King

Although he was unwilling to cooperate with Bi Ma Wen, who had a grudge against him, Qin Ming had to admit that the difficulty of this world was indeed a bit high, and the characters in it were indeed a bit strong.

Whether it was a plot character or a BOSS, basically no one was easy to mess with.

So Qin Ming had to look for helpers for the first time in a long time and began to fight with the help of the protagonist.

And Sun Wukong and his team were the forces Qin Ming chose this time.

It was not difficult to help Sun Wukong and his team find Tang Monk. Just ask around and Qin Ming and his team soon knew the distribution of nearby forces.

The town of Qinming was just a small force in the nearby area. The real local snakes here were the two brothers, King Jinjiao and King Yinjiao.

In addition, the two were the BOSS of the first level of Journey to the West, so if you want to find Tang Monk, you can't go wrong by looking for them.

Sun Wukong and his team flew on auspicious clouds in the old-fashioned way, while Qin Ming and his team turned into blood mist and shuttled. In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of a huge mountain.

As soon as they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they saw a large stone tablet with a few big characters carved on it: Lotus Cave!

And on the mountain road, they could see several monsters enjoying the cool under the tree, guarding the mountain.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong and others looked at each other, rushed down without hesitation, raised their weapons and attacked several monsters.

With a crackling sound, the battle ended quickly. Sun Wukong, who captured a monster alive, grabbed the other's collar and shouted.

"Monster! I ask you! Have you caught a monk here!"

Seeing his companion being beaten to death, the little monster was so scared that his legs went weak and he hurriedly opened his mouth to give an answer.

"Catch! Caught! Our king and the second king are preparing to take him for wine!"


Upon hearing the answer, Sun Wukong was furious on the spot. After beating the little monster to death with a stick, he rushed to the top of the mountain with his men.

Qin Ming followed them and frowned when he saw the men rushing to attack.

"I think it's better not to attack rashly. These two monsters are very powerful."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Qin Ming, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Hey, you are a bat spirit with good strength, and you can be regarded as a big monster. Why are you so timid? When I was making trouble in the sky, 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals were not my opponents. The Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King and Nezha the Third Prince were all defeated by me. Even Erlang Shen Yang Jian couldn't do anything to me. They are just two little monsters in the mortal world. What's so scary about them?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's boasting, Qin Ming narrowed his eyes.

"But weren't you knocked down by the bracelet of Taishang Laojun that year?"

"This! This was a sneak attack! Otherwise, how could I be easily defeated! Besides! The enemy this time is not that old man!"

Raising his hand to scratch his hairy face, Sun Wukong thought of his experience that year and couldn't help scratching the back of his head.

While they were talking, they had quickly arrived at the mountain gate. After beating up the little demon guarding the gate, Sun Wukong shouted loudly.

"Hey! Monster! Come out and die!"

The sudden attack on his side immediately alarmed the monsters inside. After a while, a tall monster with silver skin came out with a group of younger brothers.

After seeing Sun Wukong, he was obviously stunned.

"It's you?"

"Oh? You know me too?"

"Of course I know you! Aren't you the horse officer who releases horses in the Heavenly Palace?"


The smile on Sun Wukong's face suddenly froze when he was reminded of his past job, and he scratched his head in anger.

Actually, the position of Bi Ma Wen is not low, but he is responsible for commanding 100,000 heavenly horses, which is definitely a logistics officer.

This is a real and real god, and countless monsters envy him.

But the problem is that compared with Sun Wukong's other positions, this identity is a bit embarrassing.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who was personally appointed by the Heavenly Palace, is very prestigious even if it is just a nominal position, and it is not comparable to a horse officer.

During the journey to obtain scriptures, basically everyone who recognized Sun Wukong would respectfully call him the Great Sage and treat him with great respect.

After all, although he failed to make trouble in the sky, his record is here.

When you meet a big boss who failed in his rebellion, do you look down on him just because he failed?

He can't beat the Heaven! He can't beat you!

From the gods and Buddhas in the sky to the land, the four words "Great Sage Equaling Heaven" are very useful. Who doesn't give Sun Wukong some face?

But now after coming to this place, he was first mocked by a bat spirit.

He was in the wrong first, so he was mocked. Sun Wukong admitted it.

But now this guy in front of him first captured his master, and now he mocked him in public and exposed his scars. Sun Wukong was really angry.

As soon as he raised the active iron stick, Sun Wukong shouted and flew out with a stick.

"You monster! You want to be beaten! Take my stick!"

Seeing the black shadow coming, the startled Silver Horn King raised the sword in his hand and blocked it quickly.

With a clanging sound and sparks flying, the two fought hard for a while.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, the two finally pulled away from each other.

The Silver Horn King retreated, and suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and the next second he raised the sword in his hand.

And the sword in his hand actually has the pattern of the Big Dipper painted on it, which is exactly the sword of Taishang Laojun: the Seven-Star Sword!

"Seven stars! Disperse!"

With a buzzing sound, seven rays of golden light lit up and shot towards Sun Wukong like lightning.

The startled Sun Wukong hurriedly raised his stick to block, and the iron stick kept colliding with the golden light, sparking out.

It's just that this golden light is extremely fast, and its attack trajectory is completely random. After being defeated, it will change direction and come back again.

Even though Sun Wukong was highly skilled in martial arts, he quickly became confused when faced with the siege of seven golden lights.

Unexpectedly, one of the golden lights hit his back. Sun Wukong, who possesses the innate body of Vajra, actually opened his mouth and let out a scream.

Although he was not injured, he was completely hurt by the beating.

And this first hit seemed to be a signal. As he missed and was hit, Sun Wukong's subsequent parries became even more chaotic.

Under the continuous bombardment of golden light, Sun Wukong, who couldn't bear it at all, flew back, rubbing his head and grinning.

When the Silver Horned King on the opposite side saw this, he turned around and swung his sword, withdrawing the seven golden lights on the spot.

Looking at Sun Wukong who was still unharmed on the opposite side, he also smacked his lips.

Although I have long heard that the guy opposite was transformed from a natural stone, and he has terrifying muscles and bones, and even the alchemy furnace can't do anything to him.

But I really didn’t expect that he could be so hard that even the seven-star sword couldn’t hit him.

In that case......

"Hmph! Sun Wukong! You have a strong bone! But don't be complacent! Let me ask you! Do you dare to agree when I call you?"

The Silver-Horned King flicked his cloak and took back his sword, and suddenly raised the gourd in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who had been watching the battle from the side, his face suddenly sank, and he almost instinctively led people to retreat and distance themselves.

The most powerful magic weapon! Purple gold and red gourd! Appeared!

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