Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 471 Unexpected Situation

Qin Ming knew the plot, so he naturally understood what the purple-gold red gourd was, so he avoided it.

But Sun Wukong, on the other hand, was not so vigilant.

Seeing the monster on the opposite side swearing, he almost laughed without thinking.

"Why not! Your Grandpa Sun is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, a red light suddenly lit up on the gourd on the opposite side. The next second, Sun Wukong screamed and was sucked over without any resistance. He flew into the gourd and disappeared on the spot.

He raised his hand and quickly blocked the mouth of the gourd. Seeing the Silver Horned King being hit by Sun Wukong, he smiled brightly.

He looked up at the shocked people on the opposite side, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie and others finally woke up from their dreams, and turned around and fled almost at the same time the next second.

After all, even the strongest Sun Wukong was solved in an instant. Before figuring out what the other party has in his hand, who dares to fight with the other party casually! What can I do if I get hit!

Although the few people ran very fast, before they had time to disperse, the Silver Horn King on the opposite side had already roared, and swung his hand to grab the rope around his waist, and threw it towards the few people with all his strength.

"Want to run? How can it be so easy! Look at my golden rope!"

With a whoosh, the golden hemp rope extended rapidly, and shot at the few people like a spirit snake.

The slowest monk Sha was locked on the spot and tied up like a dumpling.

After the golden rope caught one person, it split into nine at the top and continued to shoot at more people.

Zhu Bajie, Xiaolongnu and others were hit one after another, and Kasamoto Eri, who turned around and tried to cut the rope, was also locked on the spot.

Only Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui suddenly turned into blood mist and exploded, barely avoiding the pursuit of the golden rope.

But they only avoided the first round of pursuit. In the shocked eyes of Mai Shiranui and Qin Ming, the golden rope continued to split in mid-air and turned into more ropes to net them.

Moreover, if they come into contact with the blood on the rope, they will be disconnected from them on the spot and will no longer obey the command.

This forced the two to transform into human form again and speed up to try to escape.

But how could a person's flying speed be faster than the rope? With only two clicks, Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui were also locked tightly by the rope and captured on the spot.

The wind was howling, and the rope was retracted. One end was caught by the Silver Horn King, and the other end was tied to Qin Ming and others.

Looking at the enemies who kept struggling but couldn't get away, the Silver Horn King laughed up to the sky.

"Hahahaha! What Monkey King! What Marshal Tianpeng! They were quickly solved by the king! Who are these three guys? Oh, who cares! Let's cook them together when we go back!"

Commanding his brothers to set up the captives, the Silver Horn King returned triumphantly.

Qin Ming, who was taken into the cave and thrown into the cage, frowned at this time.

He was tied up by the golden rope, and he also tried to try out the blood mist ability to forcibly break free from the bondage.

But this devil rope actually has a sealing effect, Qin Ming found that his skills could not be used!

Such a powerful prop! Qin Ming really encountered it for the first time!

This is probably not a legendary level! Or even a mythical level treasure!

Watching the Silver Horn King leave triumphantly, Qin Ming took a deep breath, and the twilight flickered slightly.

He has seen the attributes of the Silver Horn King clearly, how to say, in fact, not very good.

This guy's own ability is actually pitifully poor.

[Name: Silver Horn King]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Agility: 40]

[Spirit: 40]

[Skills: Taoist Seven Star Swordsmanship (A-level) Taoist Magic (A-level) ]

[Introduction: The legendary Silver Horn King is one of the golden and silver boys under the command of Taishang Laojun. ]

The attributes are not too high, and the skills are just average.

This guy's strength is not comparable to Sun Wukong, let alone Zhu Bajie.

But it was this kind of guy who quickly solved everyone, including Sun Wukong!

Everything was all because he had a few terrifying magic weapons!

Otherwise, how can we say in Eastern legends! Having magic weapons and not having magic weapons are two different concepts!

Magic weapons are really unreasonable!

Retracting his gaze, Qin Ming struggled to break free again, and found that he still couldn't break free, and a flash of blood flashed in his eyes.

The next second, he opened his mouth wide and suddenly spit out with all his strength. With a ding-dong sound, a crystal clear blood-colored bead was spit out by him.

And this! Is his core! Blood core!

As the blood core left the body, Qin Ming's body quickly disintegrated and turned into a pile of blood on the spot.

These bloods finally got rid of the shackles of the golden rope and flowed towards the blood core. It only took a moment for them to return to human form around the blood core.

Relying on an alternative method! Qin Ming successfully escaped! Get rid of the seal of the golden rope!

Seeing this, Mai Shiranui next to him followed suit and immediately came out.

Qin Ming stood up and moved his neck vigorously. He glanced at the dumbfounded people next to him and did not give them a chance. Instead, he went over and drew out the magic sword of Kasamoto Eri and walked out with the sword.

A moment later, Qin Ming, who had dealt with a lone enemy and inserted the magic sword into the enemy's body, returned with the new Kasamoto Eri.

The originally trapped Kasamoto Eri quickly turned into a corpse.

The sealing ability of the Golden Rope is indeed very strong! It's a pity that none of the three Qin Mings would fall for it!

"Everyone, you have good tricks, so come and save me, Old Pig!"

Seeing the three people escape, Zhu Bajie and others were overjoyed and struggled to speak.

Qin Ming and the other two naturally would not refuse and immediately came over.

But after some attempts, no matter whether they pulled or chopped, the golden rope would not break. After finally making a gap, it would quickly recover in the next second.

Qin Ming, who really couldn't get the rope open, frowned more and more tightly. Now he finally realized how terrifying the means of the boss in the S-difficulty world were.

Just when several people were looking at the rope and had a headache, a dull sound of footsteps suddenly came from the side. The pupils of the three people who heard the sound shrank. After looking at each other, they hurriedly used means to drill back into the rope.

Kasamoto Eri even pulled out the magic sword, re-inserted it into the original corpse, and put away the new corpse.

Just after several people finished their work, several figures finally appeared under the light of the fire in the distance.

This was a large group of monsters, led by two tall monster kings.

One of them was the Silver Horn King who had dealt with everyone before, and the other was the elder brother with golden skin: the Golden Horn King!

"Brother! These are the people I caught! Look! Their strength is not that good!"

Pointing at a few people, the Silver Horn King asked for credit with a proud look on his face.

The Golden Horn King who was following him suddenly widened his eyes after taking a glance over there.

"Fuck! Kasamoto Eri? Mai Shiranui?!"

This sudden voice made Qin Ming and the other two look up, with unbelievable looks on their faces.

He could actually recognize the identities of the three of them! Doesn't this mean...

"You are an adventurer?!"

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