Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 482: Changes in the World

Qin Ming, whose body had completely changed, quickly tested his abilities.

After this test, Qin Ming found that his changes this time were not ordinary.

The bloodline is okay, but the truly terrifying thing is the innate skills! A completely evolved talent skill!

Originally, he could only fuse items, and they had to be of the same type and level.

But now it's different, he can integrate everything now.

Don't call it a thing! Even if it’s a human being!

Don't care about the level of the items, don't care about the quality of the items, just pile them up and you're done.

If one thing doesn't work, just fuse ten. As long as you are willing to stuff it into the other person's body, there will always be a time when it is full.

He can even stuff people into the opponent's body! It means activating the innate skills, refining others, and putting energy into another body.

The good news is that there is no limit to this enhancement, you can enhance it however you want.

The bad news is, it will explode!

That’s right! Qin Ming is now equivalent to turning into a small nightmare space! You can freely strengthen and create your younger brother! He even stuffed skill books into the opponent's body!

But I also encountered the same problem as the nightmare space!

That is to randomly strengthen the younger brother. If the younger brother cannot bear it, they will also crack.

Fortunately, most of the people he used for experiments were vampires, and ordinary explosions couldn't kill them...unless they were really unable to withstand it!

Faced with his younger brother being killed by the explosion, Qin Ming could not resurrect them like he did in the nightmare space.

Of course, even if he could be resurrected, he wouldn't be happy if it cost dozens or hundreds of times the resources.

Qin Ming now seemed to suddenly understand why Nightmare Space was unwilling to rescue those top adventurers whose fusion failed.

It would be him instead! You have to spend a lot of money to save a little brother who can be seen everywhere! He doesn't want to either!

With this energy, it is enough to train a lot of new brothers.

In the room, after thoroughly testing his abilities, he stuffed an S-level skill into Mai Shiranui's body. Qin Ming, who watched her fusion complete, did not dare to stuff a second one.

Because the last Pitchfork Knight who continued to plug had already exploded.

After finally stopping the test, he suddenly took a deep breath and took out a scroll from his arms.

And this scroll is one of his previous trophies: the fragment of the murderous intention wave!

That’s right! Qin Ming is ready to integrate the third S-level skill!

The reason why he dared to fuse this time was that firstly, the new bloodline gave him the courage, and secondly, wasn't he being focused on? Even if there was a problem with the fusion and the bloodline couldn't handle it, Qin Ming felt that the nightmare space would not let him go. in spite of.

As the skills were integrated, the murderous intention fluctuations replaced the ordinary energy fluctuations and entered Qin Ming's body.

Feeling a new powerful force entering his body, the other forces in Qin Ming's body immediately became restless.

But before they could run away, Qin Ming's body suddenly glowed with golden light.

The next second, the turbulent power in his body calmed down quickly, and a row of small words was displayed at the bottom of his data.

[New power completely merges with time! Remaining: 75 days, 16 hours, 42 minutes and 15 seconds! 】

Seeing that the backlash of power was forcibly suppressed by the blood and running into each other, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly on his face.

With an excited shout, he directly chose to return to the real world.

But as soon as he showed up and walked out of the room happily, Qin Ming was suddenly stunned.

Because he saw several people eating in his rental house.

Hearing a movement in the room, they looked over in unison holding bowls.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was tall and tall and had unconventional golden lines tattooed on his body, several people were stunned.

They were stunned, and Qin Ming was also stunned. Everyone froze on the spot, staring at each other for a long time before they all recovered from the shock and shouted.

"Who are you!"

"Who are you?"

"We are tenants here!"

"Fart! I am the tenant here! I have rented it for three years!"

"Two groups of tenants?!"

Turning to look at each other in disbelief, one of the men suddenly ran outside.

After a while, an old man ran down with him, pointed at Qin Ming and shouted.

"Old man, you are not particular! How can you rent one house to two groups of people!"

Upon hearing this question, the old man looked up at Qin Ming in confusion.

"Two groups? No, I don't know him at all!"

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who was looking angry as he watched others break into his home, froze when he saw the old man.

Because the other party did not recognize him, but he recognized the other party.

Isn't this his landlord? But why did his landlord become so old? Weren't you a middle-aged man before? Why is your beard turned white now? And you have to use a cane?

Qin Ming, who quickly realized that something was not right, suddenly heard a buzz in his head, grabbed one of them, and spoke coldly with a straight face.

"Let me ask you! What time is it now! What year is it!"

The young man who grabbed him saw that Qin Ming was tall and strong, so he didn't dare to struggle or resist. Instead, he swallowed nervously and gave a quick answer.


"206...Sorry, I may have gone to the wrong room. This is compensation for you. Goodbye."

He took out some money from his arms and put his hand on the table. Qin Ming, who was wide-eyed, walked out of the house in a daze.

The few people who watched him leave, after retracting their gazes, grabbed the money on the table and took a look. One of them was suddenly stunned.

"Hey! This money is quite old! It's actually from 40 years ago! And it's so well preserved! It's just like it was just produced!"

"That's right, he spends money from the past and asks about the current time. Could this guy be a time traveler?"

Qin Ming could no longer hear the teasing of the people behind him, and he was too lazy to pay attention to it now.

Because he had already walked to the street at this time, he was standing there in a daze with a dull look on his face.

He asked a few passers-by and confirmed the current time. He found a stone and sat down slowly, and suddenly muttered to himself.

"It's been 40 years? It's actually been 40 years? Am I a black household?"

In Qin Ming's eyes, it was just a moment of fusion of blood, but it turned out that 40 years had passed.

Not to mention in the real world, he might have been a missing person long ago, and even the landlord didn't remember him.

Even in the nightmare space! The adventurers might have been replaced several times!

Those guys he used to know! They might have all… Oh, by the way, the top adventurers are immortal, they should still be here.

But in their eyes, Qin Ming, who suddenly disappeared for decades without a trace, must have been dead.

He must have died in a mission world and died completely.

These guys might have completely forgotten him.

The world has changed! Half a lifetime has passed in a flash! Qin Ming just fused an arm! He woke up and was already over 60 years old?

Can he get pension insurance now? Does time pass so fast!

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