Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 483: Qin Ming, the Space Legacy

Qin Ming didn't have a good time during this period.

He didn't have a good time in the nightmare space, and he didn't have a good time in the real world either.

Because in the real world, he actually fell to sleeping under a bridge!

The reason was that he couldn't show his ID card! Others wouldn't give him a room!

As for getting a new ID card? You asked Qin Ming, a person who had been missing for forty years, to go to the police station to get an ID card with the same appearance as forty years ago? Do you think he could get it?

Not only was he frustrated in the real world, but Qin Ming in the nightmare space was also in an awkward situation now.

He had consulted the nightmare space for information. Although the other party didn't show up in person to give an answer, the cold electronic synthesized voice still gave him a little face and responded slightly.

Qin Ming's blood fusion this time did take forty years, and this was the case in the real world and the nightmare space.

In other words, Qin Ming just became an old man in the nightmare space without knowing it!

Those of his generation either retired, passed the exam to become top adventurers, or died.

Those who survived became high-level adventurers at the very least, relying on part-time jobs to get by.

Only this unlucky child was still a mid-level adventurer, and had to compete with those grandchildren who were several rounds behind him!

As for the younger brothers or fighters he recruited, why didn't they tell him that so much time had passed? The reason was that the nightmare space sealed these mission worlds related to Qin Ming at the same time, and it was sealed for forty years.

In their eyes, time also only passed in a flash. This was a special treatment given by the nightmare space based on Qin Ming's special identity.

Otherwise, would he still enter the previous world to adventure? Let's not talk about the others! Just the King of Fighters world! I'm afraid all the competitions have ended! Some people have even been buried! Completely old and dead!

Qin Ming went in to play the senior competition with a bunch of old guys! Definitely one-on-one wins!

The sudden unexpected situation made Qin Ming's brain completely unable to react.

Just a second ago, he had countless friends, and a bunch of top adventurers were eager to curry favor with him. He was also a rich man in the real world.

As a result, when he woke up, you told him that he was completely out of touch with the times?

His friends thought he was dead, and he became a missing person in the real world. He had to sleep under the bridge?

He just went out to inquire, and the damn old woman with two guns has become a transcendent! She has officially entered the retirement stage!

The Sun God, the boss of the King of Fighters team, who hadn't seen him for forty years, was so scared that he screamed when he saw him, thinking he saw a ghost.

Oh, by the way, this old guy might have been bullied by people of the same level, and finally couldn't resist the temptation and chose to merge other powers.

The result is that he is now almost paralyzed, and his power is often out of control...

Sitting in his room, Qin Ming still maintained a stunned expression at this time, and still couldn't accept the gap in his life that suddenly changed dramatically.

On the contrary, Kasamoto Eri, who was standing next to him, acted like nothing had happened. She even raised her hand and patted Qin Ming's back to comfort him.

"Hey, boss, don't care so much. Sixty is sixty. No one will despise you. I will still tolerate you. By the way, when will you celebrate your sixtieth birthday?"

"Get lost!"

Looking at Kasamoto Eri, who was gloating over his misfortune, Qin Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Kasamoto Eri certainly didn't care. Her world was sealed. She would still be a brave general in the army when she returned.

But Qin Ming couldn't! How could he solve his illegal status in the real world!

"Forget it, the bed is at the bridgehead... cough, the boat will naturally straighten itself when it reaches the bridgehead, so let it be."

Raising his hand and patting his face hard, Qin Ming stood up suddenly.

It's okay to be an illegal resident. At worst, he won't go back. He will live in the company in the future!

Salary 2000! Fuck you!

Salary 5000! No word!

Salary 10000! I love my family!

Salary 100,000! This is my mother!

Now Qin Ming can be regarded as a seed player in the Nightmare Space, a real seed player, who is more advanced than the selected players.

After all, the Nightmare Space said that he only needs to follow the rules to go through the process, level up and fight monsters, and then he will be a general when he is qualified enough.

In other words, he is also a CEO with an annual salary of tens of millions! Living in the company is not impossible!

After buying some gifts in the space, Qin Ming started to visit them one by one.

The people he visited were all old friends from forty years ago, that is, top adventurers, and he successfully scared everyone.

After all, they had completely concluded forty years ago, and even spread everywhere that Qin Ming was dead.

Now he suddenly appeared again, how could others not be scared.

Qin Ming, who had rebuilt his network, did not even forget to visit the retired Shuangqiangpo.

And it took nearly a week to find this woman.

Because he no longer hangs out in the Nightmare Space, but has been assigned several mission worlds of his own, where he has become a local boss.

When there is something going on, he brings his younger brothers to help fight in the Nightmare Space, and when there is nothing going on, he acts arrogantly in his own world.

The first time this woman saw Qin Ming! She couldn't even recognize who Qin Ming was!

It was not until Qin Ming shook his hand and gave her a slap that she finally remembered Qin Ming's identity.

After spending a month in the territory of the double-gun woman, watching this woman turn into a tyrant and ruin the mission world she received: the world of Dinosaurs.

After riding a dinosaur with her for a month, Qin Ming finally said goodbye and left.

After all, she retired, but Qin Ming was still just a grassroots in the company! He had to go back to work!

Qin Ming also asked the Nightmare Space, since the other party valued him so much, could he be recruited into the army directly through the back door.

But the answer he got was very direct, that is, no!

It is the rule to climb up step by step from the bottom! No one can violate it! This is the process of space selecting qualified soldiers!

Even if Qin Ming's talents and abilities have been favored by the space, rules are rules and must be followed.

If you don't hang around for a few years! Complete the probation period! You can't officially join the Nightmare Space!

So Qin Ming still has to work, take exams, and advance to the advanced adventurer level, and then take the final assessment to become a transcendent or top adventurer.

At this time, Qin Ming has already started a new exam.

The 17th world! Enter!

The light gate opens! The dungeon opens!

[This world is: Metal Slug 2]

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