Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 490: Tomb-robbing rebels

In the early morning of the next day, the hound troops and the Abu Abbas Army, which was developed by the rebels here, officially started fighting.

It's just that what Qin Ming originally thought was a super decisive battle did not happen.

Because what should I say about the Abu Abbas Army, they have a la carte.

To what extent, let's put it this way, they can't even equip all of them with guns, and some have to fight with machetes. They are really just a group of civil resistance forces.

The legion was dispersed at once, and the specially modified three-head missile launch platform was quickly blown up. The only hard nut to crack was the new bomber given to them by the rebels.

This is a super large heavy bomber with outstanding firepower.

But this size is only relative. Compared with other aircraft, it is naturally very large, but what if you compare it with Qin Ming's Sky City Fortress? That's the sparrow next to the eagle. It's so small and pitiful.

And when being chased by Sky City Fortress, due to poor driving skills, the leader of this legion, Babu Abs, still controlled the bomber and plunged to the ground.

Before the fight could begin, he had already destroyed himself.

Without the rebels causing trouble nearby, this group of local rebels could solve the problem as easily as drinking water, and it was done without any effort.

From the mouth of the arrested Babu Abbas, Qin Ming also learned what the rebels had been doing recently.

They are making money!

That’s right! Just making money!

Don't think that rebellion is easy! Rebellion also costs money, okay?

At this time, with the continuous riots, mainly due to being chased and beaten by the hound troops, the money on the rebel side began to run out.

In order to fill the financial gap, they had to launch a special operation.

The operation was codenamed the Gold Retrieval Plan. To put it bluntly, it was tomb robbing, robbing the tombs of the Egyptian pyramids, and taking out and selling all the valuable things inside.

Anyway, the dead don't spend money, so it's okay to keep these funerary objects.

Then it is better to contribute and help them carry out the great cause of liberating the world.

Knowing that the other party was making money, Qin Ming's eyes lit up and he immediately planned to join it.

Of course, he was not planning to dig graves with the rebels, he wanted to grab the trophies they had just dug.

It is absolutely impossible to send out large troops to enter the pyramid. After all, the pyramid is only so big in total. If you treat it as a tourist, tens of thousands of people can enter at one time.

Therefore, Qin Ming decided to summon a group of loyal and heroic hound ace troops to fight!

As soon as his order was issued, tens of thousands of troops immediately fell into chaos.

A few hours later, after a fierce competition, the twenty-man hunting team was officially assembled.

Twenty soldiers stood in a row, all holding light machine guns in their hands, with sharp eyes, and each one was taller than the last.

Adjutant Shuke, a fierce general in the army, led the team and stood at the front, full of energy.

As for Adjutant Beta, he was standing next to Qin Ming, introducing the team to Qin Ming.

"Boss! These twenty people are all ace elite soldiers in our army, and they all have blood clan blood. Their combat power is extremely amazing! Together with the useful me! And the useless Shuke! I will definitely help you accomplish anything, boss!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming twitched his eyebrows and glanced at the soldiers in front of him expressionlessly.

Seeing that they were fully armed, tall, and extremely ferocious in expression, I subconsciously looked down at myself.

After two seconds of silence, Qin Ming suddenly turned to look at Adjutant Beta standing aside.

"So what? Do you think our appearance and momentum make us a decent team?"

When Adjutant Beta heard this, he almost didn't think about it and immediately shook his head.

But when he saw the boss staring at him, he reacted suddenly and started nodding vigorously again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mingming rolled his eyes and suddenly waved his hand.

"Go! Target! The Pyramids of Egypt!"


With the sound of uniform roars, the Hound Special Forces boarded the plane one after another.

The hatch opened, and a dozen fighter jets and two heavy transport planes soared into the sky, roaring and disappearing into the clouds.

Relying on the gasoline inside the heavy-duty transport aircraft, this flying force successfully arrived in Egypt in one day.

And as soon as he got close to the pyramid, a piercing alarm sounded in his ears.

The rebel army stationed near the pyramid saw the flying troops of the regular army approaching. While sounding the alarm, they pointed their machine guns at the sky and began to fire wildly.

Amidst the hail of bullets, a group of fighter jets that encountered fire circled back and forth in the sky and continued to fight back.

Some even launched low-altitude strafing, almost flying over the enemy's scalp.

In the heavy transport aircraft in the middle, seeing that it had finally reached its destination, Qin Ming untied the rope at will and raised his hand to open the hatch.

Standing in front of the door, facing the biting wind and looking at the enemy troops still shooting below, Qin Ming suddenly kicked off his feet and began to fall freely downwards.

Seeing this, Miles Kasamoto followed closely and jumped down.

There was another person who jumped down together, and that was the military warrior from another world: Liana!

Amidst the howling wind, before his body hit the ground, Miles Kasamoto disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already among the crowd.

Lianna turned into a blood mist and exploded with a bang, rushing toward an enemy at high speed. When she got close, she transformed into a human form and threw a moonlight saw with her hand!

The cold light was like a bright moon! It split the enemy in two on the spot!

As a captain of the Wrath Mercenary Corps, Lianna was a real soldier in terms of both her military strength and mission execution.

And she was different from the careless and unruly Kasamoto Eri.

Lianna's characteristics were completely opposite to Kasamoto Eri. She was cold, taciturn, and adamant.

What surprised Qin Ming the most was that she seemed to be very restrained against Kasamoto Eri.

Because Kasamoto Eri always liked to test other people's bottom line. If you were easy to talk to, she would get more aggressive.

As for Lianna, she didn't express her emotions at all. Her emotions were only divided into two types: not angry or angry.

There was only an upper limit and a lower limit, no middle.

When she wasn't angry, she didn't bother to pay attention to you. When she was angry, she would just fuck you.

Kasamoto Eri, who tried to harass others, has been beaten a lot in the past few days...

The crowd quickly dealt with the guards at the door, and Qin Ming, wearing a military uniform, strode into the depths of the pyramid, and when he went in, he raised his hand and waved inside.

Seeing this gesture, Shuke and Beta led 20 ace hound soldiers, holding guns and passing by Qin Ming on both sides, and took the lead in rushing into the tomb and began to explore the way.

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