Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 491: Waves of Killing Intent

As the soldiers cleared the way, everyone went deep into the tomb. Qin Ming and others found that there were not as many enemies as expected, but only a group of miners.

They were people brought by the rebels from other places. They accepted the commission of the rebels and came here to mine the tomb.

At this moment, everyone was working hard and did not notice Qin Ming's group of uninvited guests. Their dress was completely different from that of ordinary rebels.

It turned out that it was a very wise choice for the rebels to come here to mine the pyramid.

Because there are so many burial objects here! And they are also very valuable!

Gems on the wall! Metal products in the room! And those expensive antiques!

At this time, the miners are constantly moving these things out, and a large number of jewels are piled up in the mine cart, which looks extremely tempting.

Although these miners are firm followers of the rebels, no matter how firm they are, there are times when they can't resist temptation.

This is the situation at this time. Faced with the temptation of a lot of wealth, some people have begun to hide treasures secretly.

It is not uncommon for the two sides to quarrel because of being discovered by others, or to fight on the spot because of uneven distribution of spoils.

Shuttled among the crowd, Qin Ming and others frowned as they looked at the broken murals and buildings around them.

Just as they were looking around, a scream suddenly came.

The next second, several miners actually pushed a mine cart and rushed out of a tomb along the rails.

And on the mine cart, there was a pure gold mummy coffin.

"Look what I found! The coffin of the mummy pharaoh! Even if there are no burial objects in it! This coffin alone is definitely worth a lot of money!"

Hearing the miner's exclamation, the miners around him brightened up, stopped their work, and began to gather here.

Looking at the pure gold coffin in front of them, everyone was amazed. Some people proposed to open it, while others opposed it and believed that it should be handed over to the rebels intact.

In the end, the minority obeyed the majority. Driven by curiosity, everyone decided to open the coffin in public and see what was inside.

With a creak, the coffin slowly opened, revealing a very strange mummy inside.

Why is it strange? Because this mummy is black and is not wearing pharaoh's clothes.

The most important thing is that there is nothing in the coffin except this body, and there is not a single burial object.

Seeing this scene, the miners were stunned.

Before they could look around to see what was going on, a breeze blew, and the black mummy in the coffin turned into flying ash and scattered!

That's right! It turned into flying ash!

The black dust was floating everywhere! Some of it got into the mouths of the miners around! Some sank into the soil!

Seeing the black smoke floating over, Qin Ming and others took a step back in unison.

Because they have dark blood, they can clearly see that the black smoke is not only emitting black air.

These black smoke! They all contain the power of darkness! They are evil things! In other words, they are so-called dirty things!

Just when Qin Ming was at a distance from the black fog, some of the miners who were gathered around the coffin suddenly began to scream.

Their skin began to dry up, and their bodies quickly dehydrated. In just a blink of an eye, they were twisted from living people to the appearance of the legendary mummies!

And these mutants! All have one thing in common! That is, they secretly hide the treasures in the tomb!

The Pharaoh's curse! It's taking effect!

The golden coffin does not contain the treasure of the Pharaoh at all, and he himself is not a Pharaoh.

He is just a means of preventing tomb robbery disguised as a Pharaoh!

Once someone opens it! Then the curse power will be triggered! Turn all those who covet the treasure into mummies!

Looking at the drastic changes in their companions, the miners around them who have not mutated screamed in fear.

Before they could distance themselves, the mutated mummy miners suddenly pounced on them stiffly!

Although these mummy miners were very stiff and slow in movement, they were surprisingly powerful!

The most important thing is! They are poisonous! Very poisonous!

Once they are scratched or bitten, the injured will be quickly infected and become a new mummy!

[Name: Cursed Mummy]

[Strength: 25]

[Constitution: 25]

[Agility: 2]

[Spirit: 1]

[Skill: Mummy Poison (Level B)]

[Introduction: This is a product of a virus accidentally discovered by the ancient Egyptians. They were called tomb keepers by the ancient Egyptians. Although they were invulnerable to swords and guns, they were afraid of sunlight, so they could only appear in tombs. ]

Looking at the large number of mummies who took stiff steps, stretched out their arms, and swayed towards him, Qin Ming frowned.

After raising his hand to stop the soldiers from trying to shoot, he silently took off his sunglasses and put them away.

The next second, he suddenly gathered his hands at his waist, posing a posture of gathering strength.

At the same time, a terrifying wave of power boiled out from his body.

Waves of heat emerged from Qin Ming's body like smoke, and they were blood red.

The heat wave was so strong that it even forced the soldiers in the rear to retreat several steps.

After charging for a few seconds and getting familiar with the new power in his body, Qin Ming's mouth suddenly curled up, and the next second, he suddenly shot out the rotating blood-red energy ball in his hand.

Killing intention! Wave punch!


The violent shock wave spread out, and the energy ball had not yet approached the mummy in front, and the impact had already torn them into pieces in advance.

Amid the flying debris, a small blood-red energy ball shot out like lightning for nearly a hundred meters and hit the wall in front fiercely.

The next second! The wall was torn into pieces! A huge deep pit was actually blown out on the entire tomb stone wall!

And the deep pit was full of spider-web-like cracks.

S-level skill! The highest secret of the assassination sect! The wave of killing intention!

Qin Ming, who cleared the field with one move, couldn't help but let out a long breath after standing up, feeling the violent energy in his body, and couldn't help but nodded.

It really deserves to be the highest quality S-level skill! This killing intention wave is domineering! Not only can it strengthen its own attributes at will! Double a single attribute in a short period of time!

The most important thing is! The extreme killing intention fluctuations can even cause effects similar to real damage!

As long as you can't withstand the killing intention fluctuations and let this power penetrate into your body, then any of your defenses will be ineffective.

It symbolizes the extreme killing intent and the fluctuations of the killing intention of the self! It is a power born purely for killing!

As long as your killing intention is strong enough! Then theoretically! You can continue to become stronger!

Flesh and blood control! Blood Buddha Golden Body! And now the killing intention fluctuations!

Qin Ming found that he seemed to be more and more like a villain!

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