Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 492: The Knowledgeable Feiou

With a loud bang, the wall exploded.

Qin Ming, who was holding a one-handed punching posture, stood motionless in the smoke and dust.

His soldiers quickly passed by him on both sides and rushed into the room with guns raised.

At this time, the entire interior of the pyramid had completely changed, and there were mummies coming back to life everywhere.

Qin Ming and his team were cleaning the rooms one by one, moving deeper and deeper.

Speaking of these mummies, they were unlucky enough. They had been buried underground for thousands of years, and they were not only dug out, but most importantly, some of the people who dug them believed that eating them could cure diseases and even make people immortal.

Good guy! Thousands of years of molar sticks! It has long passed the expiration date! Those guys dared to eat it! Even the mummies on the market were almost gone because of eating it!

And now, the mummies who were dug up and cooked by people have finally been able to turn the tables and start biting others in return.

Raising his hand to brush off the dust on his body, Qin Ming led the team to stride forward.

Along the way, he has encountered many kinds of mummies, such as human-shaped mummies, mummified dogs, and mummified cats.

Even the bats in this cave have undergone serious mutations. They can not only attack living people, but also poison the other party after biting them, until they also become mummies.

Of course, the mummy toxin is ineffective against vampires like Qin Ming, and they don't eat it at all.

After all, everyone is a dark creature, why can you infect others.

Kicked a mummified cat away again, looking at the room in front of him, Qin Ming frowned.

"People die, why do you have so many animals buried with them? It's unlucky! Aren't you afraid that the animals will go down to scratch him after they die!"

Hearing Qin Ming's complaints, Feiou, who was standing next to him, brightened his eyes and quickly raised the big round-frame glasses on his face.

"Not just anyone can be a mummy. At that time, being a mummy was not a terrifying thing, but a great honor."

"Is it an honor to be made into a zongzi? Why? They were honored to go down and feed Qu Yuan?"

"First of all, throwing zongzi into the river is to feed the fish, not Qu Yuan. Feeding the fish is just to prevent them from eating Qu Yuan's body, which represents a naive but beautiful intention of the people at that time. Secondly, these mummies are not zongzi. This is a special antiseptic method of ancient Egypt. They believe that as long as the internal organs of the body are taken out and the body is preserved intact, the body can be resurrected one day."

"Take out all the internal organs?"

"Yes, put them in a jar for preservation."

"Then the empty body is resurrected?"

"Yes, the empty body is used to store the soul."

"What kind of resurrection method is this!"

Hearing the explanation of the glasses girl Feiou, Qin Ming was confused for a while.

And the glasses girl Feiou smiled and quickly added two more sentences.

"Oh, by the way, the Egyptians at that time still believed that the brain was useless, so they would not keep the brain, but would crush it, take it out, and then throw it away."

"Good fellow! They want the internal organs but not the brain! Their resurrection method is too alternative! How do you know everything?"

"Because I am an intelligence officer, and I only know a little bit. At most, I know a little about the local customs and habits of various places, but I can't say I know everything."

Facts have proved that the glasses of the girl Fio are not worn in vain, she really knows a lot.

Faced with this kind of non-violent player, who is not good at fighting and killing, but is good at using the brain, Qin Ming immediately became interested in talent.

After all, such people are too scarce. He has a lot of people who can fight, but there are not many smart ones.

I finally thought I had collected a few smart ones, but it turned out that the two girls, Mai Zhuweisi, were bad guys, and Kagura Chizuru only looked smart, but in essence, she was a biker.

As for other people like Mai Shiranui, it's better not to mention their IQ.

Qin Ming had had enough of this group of militarists. His IQ was not high to begin with, and his younger brother's IQ was even lower. How could he survive in the future?

Therefore, Qin Ming, who looked at Feiou's bright eyes, quickly took out a notebook from his arms and took the initiative to move over.

"Well, Feiou, are you interested in joining our Hound Corps? Save the world."

Feio, the girl with glasses, also had a bright look in her eyes and nodded vigorously.

"Of course I'm interested!"

"Then come on, sign here, and you'll officially join the group after signing!"

"Hmm? What does joining the Corps have to do with signing?"

"Yes! Of course I have! This is called the Officer Registration Certificate! You write your name on it and you'll be an official!"

"Really? I don't believe it. Your expression now is telling me that you must be calculating against me. Signing this name will definitely not be a good thing. I won't sign it."

Qin Ming obviously overlooked one thing, that is, although smart people are smart and can fill the vacancy of think tanks on his side, the problem is that being smart means that it's not easy to fool!

Unlike other idiots who foolishly chose to sign after being fooled, or even wanted to press their fingerprints on the spot to get a buy one get one free deal.

Feiou almost immediately judged that there was something wrong with this booklet, and was unwilling to sign it even if he was beaten to death.

Even if Qin Ming said that signing would directly make him a high official, it would not work!

To be precise! When Qin Ming said this! Feiou was even more unwilling to sign! Because he would give such a benefit! It means that the problem with this booklet is more serious!

Finally, Qin Ming, who really couldn't do anything to her, had to send out one of his generals! That was Kasamoto Eri, who was better at fooling people than him! Prepare to play the emotional card!

In the end, Qin Ming, who had worked very hard, finally put together another atlas, and was one step closer to becoming an arcade Pokémon master.

At this time, they also came to the deepest part of the pyramid.

Looking at the dark abyss in front of them, they couldn't see how deep it was below, and the huge stone pillar standing in the middle, everyone looked at each other in surprise.

From a distance, they saw a treasure being offered on the altar at the top of the stone pillar.

It was a golden wine jug-shaped object, even if it had been stored underground for who knows how many years, it was naturally shining.

It was so far away and there was no platform, it was definitely not an easy task for ordinary people to get there.

But for vampires, it was not difficult.

Turning into blood mist, everyone came to the altar, looking at the murals below the altar, and then looked at the large number of treasures piled up above, and the golden wine pot at the core. Everyone looked at each other, and finally turned to look at Feiou.

Feiou, the knowledgeable female officer, straightened her glasses and stepped forward to observe the murals.

"The content of the murals is very simple, that is, a god came and taught the Egyptians the technology of building pyramids and the method of immortality, and then the Egyptians built this place based on this technology, and the treasures given by the gods on this altar have the ability to fulfill wishes."

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