Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 493 Aladdin's Magic Lamp!

Just as Feiou was explaining the mural, Qin Ming had already strode to the top of the altar.

In fact, Feiou didn't need to say it, he also understood at this time that the treasure on the altar had the ability to realize dreams.

Because this treasure is too famous! This is actually the legendary Aladdin... Aladdin... Aladdin... Ah!

Anyway, it's the legendary thing!

[Name: Aladdin's Lamp]

[Category: Special Item (Mythical Level)]

[Usage Requirements: None]

[Effect: After summoning the genie, fulfill three wishes]

[Introduction: After I grew up, I thought about it for a year and couldn't figure out why Aladdin only wanted to become a prince after having three wishes, and then ran over to propose marriage. ]

[Note: This item is a plot prop and cannot be taken out of this world]

Mythical prop! It's actually a mythical prop!

Qin Ming has been around for so long! This is the first time I've seen a mythical prop!

It's a pity that it's a plot prop and can't be taken out of the mission world. But it doesn't matter if I can't take it out. It's worth it to fulfill three wishes.

Qin Ming's eyes lit up, and he excitedly picked up the magic lamp and rubbed it hard.

With the harsh friction sound, the light on the magic lamp flashed, and the next second! A puff of smoke gushed out from the mouth of the lamp!

Then it turned into a female lamp god with blue skin? !

Before Qin Ming, who saw this scene, could react from his astonishment, the female lamp god had already put his hands on his waist and laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahaha! Congratulations! Lucky guy! You successfully summoned the legendary lamp god! So now you need to fulfill my three wishes!"

Hearing the words of the female lamp god, although Qin Ming couldn't figure out why the lamp god he summoned was a woman, he couldn't help showing excitement on his face.

"No problem, no problem! My first wish is... huh? Wait a minute! What did you say? I fulfill your wish?!"

"That's right! You fulfill my wish! This is the reward for summoning the lamp god! The first wish of this lamp god is!"

Ding Dang!

Before the lamp god finished speaking, a crash suddenly sounded.

It turned out that the expressionless Qin Ming raised his hand and threw the magic lamp into the abyss...

Damn! I actually met a fake lamp god! So unlucky!

Looking at the magic lamp that rolled into the abyss and disappeared in the blink of an eye, Qin Ming grinned with a look of disgust.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he never thought that the thrown lamp god would fly back with the whistling wind.

Floating in front of Qin Ming with the lamp, the smile on the female lamp god's face had disappeared, replaced by anger.

"How dare you throw me away! You dare to throw away the lamp god who symbolizes the supreme power! You summoned me! You must fulfill my three wishes!"

As the body floated like mist, the lamp god came to Qin Ming with his face close to him, and he stretched out his hand and tapped Qin Ming's chest.

"My first wish is! I want supreme power!"


With a crisp sound, Qin Ming, who heard what the lamp god said, immediately gave an answer.

………… He slapped her directly to let her wake up.

The female lamp god, whose head was tilted by the slap, turned her head sideways and looked at Qin Ming with a playful look.

"Does this count as rejecting my wish? Then you asked for it! You can't blame me!"

As she spoke, the female lamp god stepped back to distance herself, then raised her hands and suddenly clapped them hard.

With a snap, a visible energy shock wave spread out and penetrated in all directions.

Then there were only bursts of roars around, and the next second, the stone pillars under Qin Ming and others began to tremble violently!

The people who looked down in surprise, their pupils shrank suddenly in the next second.

Because they saw that there were endless black bugs under the stone pillars, swarming along the stone pillars like a tide.

It was a scarab! A kind that would gnaw flesh and blood! Specially cultivated... er! A variant of dung beetles!

Looking at such a large number of scarabs below, even Qin Ming's face changed, and everyone hurriedly turned into blood mist and flew up.

Looking at the platform that was submerged by scarabs in just a blink of an eye, everyone was still in shock.

Before they could speak, another crisp slap sounded.

The next second! There was a burst of wind breaking in the sky!

Qin Ming and others looked up! They saw countless bats and mummies! They were falling from the sky like dumplings! They fell on everyone!

Facing the dense rain of mummies, Qin Ming and others turned into blood mist and dodged back and forth.

Just as they were dodging, the third slap sounded again.

And this time, the stone walls around began to tremble violently, and finally, in the astonished eyes of everyone, they slowly gathered towards the center.

Pyramid! It's closing!

"What the hell is this thing!"

Looking at the lamp god who could actually control the entire pyramid, change the structure at will, and even call a large number of monsters, Kasamoto Eri couldn't help but scream.

Lianna on the side reacted more directly! She shot at the female lamp god on the spot!

However, whether the bullet hit the lamp god or the magic lamp below, it passed through and could not cause any harm to her.

Looking up at the pyramid that had shrunk by half, completely trapping himself and others in it.

As the lamp god on the opposite side raised his palm with a smile, and was about to slap it for the fourth time, Qin Ming's pupils contracted violently, and he suddenly shouted.

"Wait a minute! I am willing to fulfill your wish!"


Qin Ming's voice had just fallen, and the fourth slap sounded.

However, this time, as the sound fell, there was silence all around, and nothing happened.

Even the shrinking pyramid and the mummies that kept falling were strangely frozen in place.

After being stiff for a few seconds, the pyramid began to slowly disperse and return to its original state.

The rain of mummies falling from the sky also stopped directly, and even the sea of ​​scarabs below quickly retreated.

Seeing this scene, the lamp god, who was originally smiling, suddenly collapsed with a smile on his face, and his arms were hanging down with a bored expression.

And Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

He guessed right! The ability of this lamp god really took effect because he refused her request!

Since he no longer refused to fulfill his wish, she had no reason to attack him.

She! It's a pure mechanical monster!

Looking at the slowly falling lamp god, Qin Ming's eyes flickered, and his eyes were very strange.

The lamp god with his hands on his hips looked at him and sneered.

"Well, fulfill my wish, I want supreme power!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming's mouth curled up, and his eyes were playful.

"Don't worry, I just said that I would fulfill your wish, but I didn't say it would be fulfilled immediately."

The lamp god was stunned when he heard this, and the next second he showed a bright smile on his face, smiling and putting his face in front of Qin Ming, looking at him.

"Smart little brat, you found a way to crack it so quickly, it seems that there is no fun this time."

"No, no, no! There is still fun, I will never drag it on, I will definitely try my best to fulfill your wish, because I really want to see, after fulfilling your three wishes, what can you give me!"

As soon as Qin Ming said this, the smile on the lamp god's face froze instantly.

And the smile on Qin Ming's face became more and more obvious.

There is a rule in the nightmare space, that is, the input and the return must be in direct proportion.

The more you pay, the better you will get.

At most, the things are not suitable for you! But they will never be really useless!

And the lamp god in front of him, who has terrifying abilities and is even a mythical prop, actually asked himself to fulfill her three wishes!

This is indeed asking for trouble! The normal solution is to agree to complete it! But keep delaying the time! Don't give her a reason to attack yourself! Until you return to the space!

But what if? What if you really fulfill her three wishes? What will you gain!

Qin Ming doesn't know this, but Qin Ming knows! The gains will definitely exceed his imagination!

The most important thing is that Qin Ming has another guess, that is...

Staring at the lamp god, Qin Ming, who saw her frozen, suddenly spoke again.

"By the way, lamp god, let me ask you a small question. Do you know Tathagata Buddha?"

Hearing this inquiry, the lamp god did not give an answer, but her pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing her instinctive reaction, Qin Ming didn't need her to give an answer, because he already knew the answer.

Sure enough! This lamp spirit! Is also a monster that has transcended the nightmare space! And knows the existence of the nightmare space!

She even knows the Tathagata Buddha!

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