Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 502: Killing Intention Cultivation

Although Qin Ming himself has martial arts skills and is very powerful, he does not meet the sect's standards for accepting disciples.

But after hesitating again and again, Gangquan decided to replace his master and accept Qin Ming as a registered disciple of the Assassination Sect.

After all, Gangquan still remembers the tragedy that happened last time because of the murderous intention fluctuation.

His junior brother Gouki became a demon overnight and fought a life-and-death battle with his master, and ended up forcibly killing his master.

Then he abandoned his wife and children and went far away, completely giving up everything as a human being.

His apprentice Long, the son of Gouki who has never met, has perfectly inherited his father's talent for cultivation, and even has signs of awakening the murderous intention fluctuation.

One Gouki has killed everyone back then. If there is a second enhanced version of Gouki who is a master when he debuts and has multiple powerful powers in his body, then the martial arts world may set off a bloody storm again.

So Gangquan feels that he has an obligation to help Qin Ming control his power.

And he had another sentence in his heart that he hadn't said, that is, if Qin Ming really failed to control the power and began to be swallowed by the power, then he also had the obligation to clean up the world.

With a creak, the door opened, and Qin Ming followed Gang Quan to a cave in the deep mountains.

Standing at the door, Gang Quan turned his head and looked at Qin Ming with a serious expression.

"Since you have awakened the killing intention fluctuations, then there is no need for other steps. Just proceed to the last step. Go in, Qin Ming, whether you become a man or a ghost, it depends on you."

Qin Ming looked puzzled when he heard this, took a deep breath, and strode into the cave.

Seeing him walk in, Gang Quan raised his hand and closed the door with a stern face, then sat in front of the door and began to meditate.

In the cave, with the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming had already reached the deepest part of the cave.

Then he found that there were no rare treasures here, to be precise, there was nothing, there were only traces in the cave.

On the wall! On the ground! There were fist marks and scratches everywhere! Each one was extremely clear!

Looking at the marks on the walls around him, Qin Ming was confused, and couldn't figure out what these things had to do with his learning to control power.

He subconsciously raised his hand to touch one of the marks. Just as Qin Ming was observing carefully with a puzzled look, he suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes.

The next second, the hair on his body suddenly stood up, and he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

This is the fighting instinct brought by the A-level fighting technique! A powerful master has appeared nearby!

Turning suddenly, Qin Ming took a stance with his fists and steps, but when he turned around, he found that there was no living person behind him.

What appeared was just an illusion, an illusion emitting black mist, an illusion formed purely by murderous aura.

That was one of the senior masters of the assassination sect! When breaking through the murderous intention fluctuations here! The condensed murderous intention fluctuations!

The big man in tattered clothes and his body entangled in black mist looked at Qin Ming expressionlessly, his eyes full of cold murderous thoughts.

This murderous aura was extremely strong, and the stimulation of Qin Ming only felt a tingling pain all over his body.

Before he could react, the phantom had already made a move.

Running wildly! Straight towards Qin Ming! Leaping up! Tornado Kick!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and without thinking, he controlled the blood, wrapped around his arm and punched.

However, this punch hit the target, but passed through the opponent on the spot.

In Qin Ming's shocked eyes, the black mist phantom that passed through the attack hit him with a bang, causing him to stagger violently.

This phantom attack did not cause any substantial damage, but the terrifying murderous intent contained in it passed through his body! It really washed away Qin Ming's nerves!

And this! This is the so-called second method in Gang Quan's mouth!

Recognize the murderous intent! Understand the murderous intent! Even become the murderous intent!

As long as you merge with the murderous intent! Then you can naturally control it at will! No need to worry about it going berserk! No need to worry about being corroded by it!

This is the final test for the assassination gate to break through the limit! Once successful, you will become a master who has perfectly mastered the killing intent fluctuations!

However, the rewards are proportional to the risks. If you fail to pass the test, your martial arts will be completely wasted at best, and you will die on the spot at worst!

In other words! Either control the killing intent! Or die from the killing intent!


Just as Qin Ming, who had taken a blow from the remaining killing intent of the ancients, was struggling to stand firm while holding his chest, his eyes suddenly widened and he raised his head abruptly.

And at the moment of raising his head, Qin Ming's pupils could not help but begin to shrink violently.

Because all around, at this moment, there were actually many figures standing, full of phantoms wrapped in black mist and exuding terrifying murderous aura.

From ancient times to the present! The remaining killing intent of all those who have awakened the killing intent fluctuations in the assassination sect! All appeared!

Qin Ming was not given a chance to react at all. Almost at the moment he raised his head, these countless black shadows had already rushed out at the same time, madly crashing into Qin Ming from all directions.

Every phantom that rushed into Qin Ming's body would madly stimulate Qin Ming's nerves and amplify the killing intent in his body.

As countless phantoms shuttled back and forth, Qin Ming's mind was completely filled with murderous aura, and even his eyes turned blood red.

Having completely lost control of his body, he could only passively endure the impact. Once he was able to break free from it, he completely controlled the killing intent.

But once you can't get rid of it, your body will endlessly absorb the murderous intent of these assassination masters until it can't bear it and explodes completely!

The moment you enter this cave! Qin Ming is destined to have only two endings! Either become a martial arts master! Or die!

Of course, this refers to the previous one. Recently, an alternative has appeared, and he has taken a third path that has never been seen before.

That is Gouki! He failed to conquer the murderous intent! Or it should be said that he was unwilling to conquer the murderous intent!

He chose to actively merge with the murderous intent! Trying to endlessly absorb power from the murderous intent to strengthen himself! Become a part of the murderous intent in the true sense!

The fluctuation of murderous intent is essentially a kind of emotional power, a kind of idealistic power.

The stronger your murderous intent is, the stronger the power you get from it. Theoretically, there is no upper limit. How strong it can be in the end depends entirely on how much your body can withstand.

This is also the main reason why Gouki can obviously control this power, but wants to let it grow freely.

After all, the power you can control is limited after all! But its crazy power is unlimited! What Gouki wants is not the limited power! But the infinite future!

Gouki is indeed a genius, or should be called a prodigy, who dares to do what others cannot do and takes his life to walk a road of death.

And Qin Ming... Qin Ming is not even a fighter in essence! How can he control the killing intent!

Gangquan was wrong after all. He thought Qin Ming had grown to this level rapidly by his own efforts.

He can control several top powers without any problems. He must be a martial arts prodigy in the fighting world.

But he never thought that Qin Ming could control the killing intention fluctuations just because he learned skills.

As for himself? Qin Ming has not even practiced regular boxing, let alone decades of hard training and tempering his will with sweat.

He is actually an ordinary person in essence, a somewhat cruel ordinary person.

Suddenly throwing an ordinary person into such a field where even fighting masters who have practiced hard for decades are dead, it would be a miracle if Qin Ming could withstand it!

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