Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 503 The Ghost of Murder

The good news is that although Qin Ming has never trained his mind, his mental attributes are very strong, so his resistance is not bad.

The most important thing is that he has an immortal body, so he is not afraid of being killed by killing intent.

But there is also bad news, that is, there are too many residual killing intents around, and as the years go by, they have not been weakened over time, but have been further enhanced due to the characteristics of killing intent fluctuations.

This caused Qin Ming's mental resistance to be broken after holding on for a moment, and endless killing thoughts rushed into his brain frantically, stimulating his nerves.

Qin Ming's physical body is not dead, but it does not mean that his spirit is not dead! It can also withstand this kind of destruction!

If it continues to be destroyed like this, there may be a super crazy version of Gouki who is completely tortured by killing intent! A huge killing intent is stored in the body! And he has an immortal body!

Qin Ming, who found that something was wrong, covered his forehead tightly and roared fiercely.

"Lamp God! Make my wish come true! Help me integrate the killing thoughts!"

Qin Ming, who could no longer bear it, finally chose to use his last trump card.

As his voice fell, the magic lamp hanging on his waist flashed, and the next second, Qin Ming's body surface was actually flooded with a lot of golden light.

The fantasy power of the lamp god was activated and integrated into Qin Ming's body, using the most reliable way to help him resist the killing thoughts to the best of his ability.

And this way is...


The blood suddenly started to work! Qin Ming's skin quickly turned golden!

And the gold was red! The blood contained gold! It was the golden body of the blood Buddha!

Qin Ming's blood Buddha blood! Stimulated by the power of fantasy, it was completely opened!

Qin Ming, who was emitting bloody golden light, took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Countless killing thoughts poured into his body, but were dissolved and integrated by the Buddha light blooming in his body.

While madly stimulating Qin Ming's brain, telling him to kill, kill, kill all the creatures in the world, to become a god by killing, and to prove the truth by killing.

On the other hand, it constantly influenced Qin Ming's mind, telling him that he should put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha right on the spot.

The most brutal power and the calmest power were intertwined in Qin Ming's body, constantly merging and connecting, stimulating Qin Ming's expression to be calm and crazy.

He seemed to be a murderous robber in the previous second, and became a compassionate monk in the next second.

He had never received any training, and his mentality was just that of an ordinary person. At this moment, he began to grow up in a weird way...

Just when Qin Ming, who was here, relied on the blood Buddha's golden body to fight against the murderous intent, Gang Quan, who had been sitting here for a whole day, suddenly raised his head outside the cave.

Looking into the distance, he frowned and his expression began to become serious.

Under his nervous gaze, countless startled birds suddenly flew out of the woods in front.

Then countless branches began to swing wildly, and the weeds on the ground began to fall in one direction.

Amid the heavy footsteps, a burly, dishevelled middle-aged man wearing ragged red clothes and a huge string of Buddhist beads around his neck strode out of the woods with a stern face.

Before the man approached, the overwhelming killing intent had already surged towards this side, and the oppressed Gouki could not help but stand up.

Long and Ken, who were sitting next to him, were even more nervous and took a stance with their fists.

The Qi fluctuations in the three people's bodies were running, and they worked together to force the killing aura back.

Looking at the red-haired man who had stopped on the opposite side, Gouki's eyes trembled subconsciously.

"Brother Gouki, I haven't seen you for many years. I hope you are well."

Hearing this, the red-haired man Gouki on the opposite side slowly raised his head with an expressionless face.

And he! Is the terrifying legend of this world's fighting world! The ultimate fist! The fist that kills ghosts and gods! The god Gouki!

A ghost who appears and disappears! Always fighting to the death with the strongest in the world! And only fighting to the death! Fighting is bound to involve risking one's life! A martial arts fanatic who will fight to the death!

A greedy absorption of killing intent! A growing monster!

Looking at the three people standing in front of him, or more precisely, looking at his former senior brother, Gouki's eyes flickered slightly.

The next second, he suddenly looked past him and looked at the cave behind him, and took a step to walk in.

Gouki, his former senior brother, was indeed his goal to challenge and use as a stepping stone to grow, but Gouki today did not come for him.

The reason why Gouki suddenly came here was because he felt the majestic killing intent here.

In the cave! In the holy land of the assassination gate! At this moment, a terrifying killing intent is brewing! A killing intent that even Gouki is moved by!

Gouki has been to this cave before, and stayed here for three days.

It was at that time that Gouki thoroughly tasted the temptation of power brought by the killing intent fluctuations and was completely addicted to it.

However, as his body absorbed a large amount of ancient killing intent, when he grew up rapidly and reached the same level as those ancients, his killing intent stopped growing.

That's why he had to come out to fight with his master and challenge other strong men, in order to plunder their killing intent to grow himself and break through the limit.

But now, the existence in the cave is absorbing killing intent endlessly, regardless of strength.

This completely aroused Gouki's interest, and he couldn't wait to fight him.

On the Ashura Road! There can only be one forward!

Let's fight to the death! Let yourself be the winner! Or turn into nutrients!

With heavy footsteps, Gouki ignored the three people at the door and strode forward, heading straight for the cave entrance.

Just after taking a few steps, Gouki was blocked by Goken who suddenly turned sideways.

Looking at his junior brother, Goken shook his head with a serious expression.

"Junior brother Gouki, you can't disturb him, he is breaking through the shackles of killing intent! Find my true self! I can't let you go in! You will kill him!"

Looking at Goken who was ready to start the assassination, Gouki was suddenly stunned when he heard what Goken said.

After reacting, his extremely stiff face suddenly changed a little.

He actually smiled on his face, an extremely strange smile.

"You mean, he is breaking the shackles of killing intent?"

"That's right!"

"No, you don't understand, you don't understand what he is doing at all, he is not conquering killing intent, he is becoming killing intent itself! He has become a container of killing intent like me! And! To be more perfect!"

The smile on the face gradually became ferocious, and Gouki's expression became extremely excited.

"Brother, you don't understand at all, what kind of monster you are creating, you are creating a real ghost! A murderous ghost!"

Gou Ken was stunned when he heard this, and before he could figure out what this meant, Gouki had already slowly opened his posture.

"Since you want to stop it! Then stop it! I don't want to disturb him! I also want to see how much he can grow! Let me devour you, the martial arts master first! Then devour that evil ghost with killing intent! I! Will devour him! Become a real Ashura!"

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