Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 507 Why is it you again!

In the city, Qin Ming, who flew here, quickly turned into a human form and bought a hat to wear on his head.

He didn't know when his hair would grow out, or whether it could grow out. Anyway, it's better if it can grow out, otherwise he has to find a way to grow hair.

After all, he didn't want to wander around with this bald head.

In the duel with Gouki just now, Qin Ming, as a fighter, was considered to have lost, but as an adventurer, he won.

If he wanted, he could completely win and chase Gouki directly.

But Qin Ming didn't do that. After all, compared to a high-level key, Qin Ming cares more about his own growth.

He has just broken through the realm, and is still unstable, and his fighting skills have not reached the peak.

At this time, there is not much benefit in killing Gouki, so it is better to keep him.

When his realm is stable, and he has further integrated with the killing intention, and his fighting skills are completely perfected, he will go to him for a peak duel, and it will not be too late to defeat him openly.

With Gouki's character, he will definitely not refuse his invitation to a death fight.

It's not easy to find a master like Gouki! It's better to keep some, otherwise when your realm is stable, you can't find a suitable opponent to hone, which will be embarrassing.

As for Gouki being hit hard by his own move, is it possible that he can't survive and die on the spot?

Qin Ming believes that Gouki, who has embarked on the road of Ashura alone, will never be so fragile. He will definitely survive, and even become stronger, waiting for him to find him again.

Standing on the busy street, looking at the people passing by, Qin Ming felt like he was in another world.

The short moment of being attacked by countless murderous intentions seemed to have passed for many years in Qin Ming's mind, and the practice process of the masters kept repeating in front of him.

This is also the main reason why he can break through the fighting technique with his own strength, not because of how smart he is, or how good his comprehension is, it is purely a pile of numbers.

Patting his head, he found a place to summon Kasamoto Eri, and then took out the King of Fighters manual and called out the random master this time.

Looking at the figure walking out of the light, Qin Ming had a blank expression and a look of disgust.

"Sister, did you give money to the King of Fighters manual? Why is it always you?"

Mai Shiranui walked out of the light while moving her shoulders, and the smile on her face instantly collapsed when she heard the words.

"Do you dislike me?"


"Why didn't you dislike me when you became my disciple! Why didn't you dislike me when you took advantage of me! Now I can't teach you! After you took advantage of me, you started to dislike me! You think I'm useless! Mr. Qin! You are expelled from the sect!"

"Expelled again? How many times have you been expelled from the sect?"

"This time it's serious!"

"Oh, okay, okay, seriously, by the way, I'm going to eat something, do you want to go with me?"

"If you go together, you will also be expelled from the sect!"

Qin Ming, who was abandoned by the sect, found a roadside shop with his left and right guards and sat down to fill his stomach.

As a ninja, Mai Shiranui attaches great importance to maintaining her figure. After all, she can't jump if she is too fat.

Even though she has become a vampire now, and she is a mutant vampire who is the direct descendant of Qin Ming, eating does not actually increase her weight, and she eats very little.

As for how little? In Qin Ming's words, it is like feeding it to a cat, and the cat will dislike it.

Kasamoto Eri eats very generously. After all, he is a soldier, so it is normal for him to have a large appetite.

As for Qin Ming? He didn't eat the table directly, which means he controlled his appetite.

Others say that eating a cow is an exaggerated metaphor, but Qin Ming said that eating a cow can only be regarded as a clear description.

The guests around were amazed at Qin Ming's horrible appetite, but they sighed and turned their heads to look at the other side.

Qin Ming turned his head and looked over, and his eyes were straight the next second.

Because there was a beautiful woman sitting there.

Don't get me wrong, Qin Ming has seen a lot of beautiful women, there are a lot of them in the porn book, and the favorability of each one is off the charts. After all, Qin Ming strengthens the porn book as soon as he has money, and has already upgraded it to the brilliant legendary level.

This also leads to the fact that in the list of the King of Fighters manual, except for Shalan, who is a disciple of the Breathing Storm Goenitz and has a deep hatred for him, and has a strong hostility towards him, the favorability of others has long exceeded the ordinary standard and is almost full.

And even that Shalan eventually hooked up with Qin Ming.

The good news is that Shalan has a very good figure, ridiculously good.

The bad news is that since that night, Qin Ming has developed the habit of turning on the golden body when making love.

Because in order to take revenge, that woman learned a special killer move from somewhere, making it like a meat grinder, and severely blackened Qin Ming, using an alternative way to help her godfather avenge and vent her anger.

The reason why Qin Ming stared at that time was mainly because the beauty over there was too good at eating, and her appetite was not much less than his.

And this figure...

Looking at that side with a strange look, Mai Shiranui quietly approached Qin Ming and whispered.

"Junior brother, are all the women in this world so plump? Her legs may be as thick as my waist."

Qin Ming shook his head with a straight face.

"It's not possible. I know how thin your waist is. It's not as thick as others' legs."

"Then her figure...

"You don't understand this, right? Fighters in this world all train their muscles, and the stronger they are, the stronger they are. Do you think it's the same as your world, with thin arms and legs, and legs that can't even crush a watermelon, and you still want to learn how to fight?"

"Watermelon? Put your head in there! Her legs might crush your head! She!"

At this point, Mai Shiranui's voice suddenly paused.

Because it might be because she spoke too loudly, the girl who was eating noodles on the opposite side looked up as if she noticed something.

This scared Mai Shiranui and Qin Ming so much that they turned their backs to that side in a guilty conscience. Only Kasamoto Eri, who was sitting on a bench, was still concentrating on looking at her.

Until Qin Ming, who couldn't bear it any longer, reached out and hit her on the back of her head, and pulled the bench to force her to turn around, which interrupted Kasamoto Eri's straight line of sight.

It's a bit too embarrassing to talk about someone else's figure in front of others and be heard by others.

Just when Qin Ming and the other two turned around, footsteps suddenly came from the side, and the next second, a figure appeared in front of the three.

Qin Ming and the other two looked up and saw a girl with a bun and a training suit standing in front of them with a stern face.

Looking at the girl's highly recognizable outfit, Qin Ming's mouth twitched, and he had already guessed her identity in his heart.

This is the famous Street Fighter's No. 1 boss lady! The well-deserved Street Fighter mascot! Cheng... Chun Li!

A girl who has appeared in almost every generation of Street Fighter games. In order to maintain her fame and appeal, the company never arranges a CP partner for her. She has been single until Street Fighter 6.

Because of the unique training method in the Street Fighter world, Chun Li has just come of age, but her figure has been tempered by thousands of hammers, plump or should it be called bodybuilding.

Especially the legs, because of the long-term training of leg skills, it really fits the description of Mai Shiranui before.

That can really crush a person's head!

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