Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 508 Shocked Chun Li

"I know you."

Before Qin Ming and the other two with strange eyes could finish exchanging their opinions, Chunli, who was standing in front of the table, suddenly spoke.

Her eyes were fixed on Qin Ming, and her eyes were very sharp.

"You are the famous fighter who has participated in many competitions, right?"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this, and quickly realized that this should be the effect of his title, and the admission identity brought by it played a role.

But judging from Chunli's appearance, the favorability should not be added to her, otherwise her attitude would not be so cold.

"Yes, I am the famous fighter. What? Do you need me to sign for you?"

"No, I just want to ask you one thing, do you recognize this."

With a stern face, Chunli took out a medal from her arms and gently placed it on the table.

It was a skull medal, which looked very ferocious.

Qin Ming, who had never seen this medal, was stunned, frowned and shook his head.

Seeing Qin Ming's reaction, Chunli, who had been staring at his face and observing his expression, also saw that he was not lying. She sighed and raised her hand to put away the badge.

Then she apologized with both hands and nodded.

"Sorry to bother you."

After that, Chunli turned around and left without hesitation.

Chunli, a Hong Konger, is now an Interpol, responsible for catching criminals.

Originally, she had a good life and a harmonious family, but her father, a former Interpol, was killed by the other party because of investigating a secret organization.

Chunli, who witnessed her father being arrested and had no news since then, has been looking for information about the secret organization for many years, trying to avenge her father.

And the skull badge in her hand is the only clue in her hand.

Looking at Chunli's back as she turned and left, Qin Ming raised his eyebrows and looked very solemn.

If he remembered correctly, that skull badge seemed to be the badge of the Shadow Luo Organization.

As for what the Shadow Luo Organization is? Let's just say that the founder of this organization, Vega, is nicknamed the Undying Little Cockroach. Since the official start of the Street Fighter World, he has appeared in almost every generation.

And every generation has evil plans, and every generation will be defeated, proving with practical actions what participation is important.

If the Street Fighter World lacks Vega! The plot will definitely be 90% less on the spot!

There are many good things in Vega's Shadow Luo Organization, such as Feng Shui Engine, such as Brainwashing Device, which are all top treasures.

If I can find its address, I might be able to install an artificial eye for myself.

One can increase the Qi by 30%, so if I install two, or control the blood to change the body, and install it 100 or 80, the total amount of Qi will explode on the spot!

Just when Qin Ming lowered his head and thought, Mai Shiranui, who was sitting next to him, suddenly reached out and poked his waist.

Seeing Qin Ming looking up, Mai Shiranui opened the fan to cover her mouth and spoke softly.

"Junior brother, pay attention, there is something going on."

Hearing this reminder, Qin Ming looked up in confusion, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

After Chunli left, someone in the roadside restaurant actually stood up and quickly followed.

And when he left, he looked at Qin Ming and the others with a very strange look.

To be precise, he looked at Mai Shiranui.

Seeing this, Qin Ming frowned and silently took out his dinosaur sunglasses and put them on.

After observing for a while, he raised his hand to take off the sunglasses and spoke in a low voice.

"It's an adventurer."

"Is he targeting Chunli?"


"Should we go join in the fun?"

"What do you think?"

Looking at each other, Mai Shiranui, Eri Kasamoto and Qin Ming all showed bright smiles on their faces.

The personalities of these three guys are more eccentric than each other, and none of them are quiet.

On weekdays, there is no excitement to join in, and they will find ways to create some excitement themselves.

Now that there is excitement to watch, how can they not participate?

After quickly paying the bill, the three of them stood up at the same time and walked away.

Chunli, at this time, had already returned to the hotel and was sitting on the sofa in a daze with a dejected look.

Although Chunli has a very good figure, she is just an adult now.

She just came of age and suddenly encountered such a thing. She had to run around to avenge her father. The most important thing was that she had been looking for him for almost a year but still had no news. This put Chunli under great psychological pressure.

But she was not an ordinary person after all. She quickly adjusted her mentality and patted her cheeks to cheer up again.

After sorting out the information and picking out the valuable information, Chunli stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

There is also a price to pay for practicing martial arts. One of them is that the body's metabolism is extremely fast, which leads to frequent sweating.

For male fighters, this may not be a big deal. Even if they don't take a shower for a while occasionally, it will not affect them. Some people even think that this is very manly.

But for female fighters like Chunli, it's different.

If you don't let them take a shower, it would be worse than killing them. After all, even fighters love beauty.

Standing under the shower head, letting the cold water wash over her body, Chun Li raised her head, closed her eyes and remained motionless.

When the cold water touched her skin, it emitted a lot of heat, causing her to be completely enveloped in the heat wave for a while.

Just when Chunli was relaxing and enjoying a moment of peace, she suddenly opened her eyes with her eyes closed, and her eyes became extremely sharp.

Grabbing the shower curtain next to her, she turned her body to cover her graceful figure on the spot, and shouted.

"Who! Come out!"

As the roar fell, the room fell into silence. Seeing that the other party did not respond, Chunli gritted her teeth.

"I saw you! Come out!"

As soon as these words came out, footsteps were finally heard in the silent room, and a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

Kasamoto Eri appeared with the magic sword in his arms, with an awkward smile on his face.

"Oh, I've been discovered. You are so sensitive."

Hearing this, looking at Kasamoto Eri who came out, Chunli's eyes widened on the spot, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

Seeing this scene, Kasamoto Eri was stunned. After reacting, the awkward smile on his face collapsed instantly, and he turned his head to look aside.

"Boss, it seems that she didn't find me, but you."

As soon as the voice fell, a low roar came from the darkness next to him.

"You idiot! She didn't even find you! How could she find us! Shut up! Don't expose our whereabouts!"


Seeing that Qin Ming and Mai Shiranui were unwilling to show up, Kasamoto Eri grinned.

Then the woman, holding the magic sword, actually retreated back into the darkness and disappeared again.

Seeing this scene, Chunli, who was wrapped in a shower curtain, had a dull face and her brain was blank.

Glancing at the place where Kasamoto Eri disappeared, and then looking at the place where the sound came from next to him, finally turned his head to look at the corner where he heard the subtle movement just now.

Chunli's eyes were wide open.

No! How many people are there in this room!

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