Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 55: War Machine Appears


Accompanied by a roar, Qin Ming, who once again transformed into a two-meter giant, kept punching and beating the enemies who rushed up.

A baseball bat hit him and broke on the spot.

A steel pipe would bend instantly when hit by a fist.

With the blessing of skills, Qin Ming's strength value at this moment has reached a terrifying high of 35 points, which is not something these minions can resist.

He rushed all the way, directly breaking through the enemy's blockade, and even lifted up a Taekwondo master, and took this elite monster and slammed into the wall behind!

With a bang, the wall exploded directly, and Qin Ming broke through the wall and rushed into the house with the enemy.

As soon as he entered the room, he was ambushed by gunmen. Several gangsters fired wildly with guns, and the bullets kept hitting Qin Ming, but they were all bounced off.

There were only two elite gunmen holding submachine guns, and their fierce continuous shooting could barely break Qin Ming's physical defense, but it was just a break.

Qin Ming, who was hit by bullets, roared, reached out and grabbed the decoration cabinet next to him, and threw it forward with all his strength.

With a bang, the huge cabinet broke the handrail of the stairs, and then blasted the crowd behind with undiminished power, knocking the gunmen to the ground on the spot.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Ming took a big step forward and tried to rush into the crowd to kill.

But he never thought that at this moment, behind the stairs leading to the second floor, a thin man who had been hiding for a long time suddenly stepped forward and rushed out of the bunker.

With a grim smile on his face, he held the flamethrower in his hand and pulled the trigger fiercely.

With a whoosh! The fire gushed out! It directly enveloped Qin Ming who was rushing over! He was completely ignited!

Elite monster unique to the second act! Pyromaniac!

Name: Pyromaniac (Punisher Act 2)

Strength 5

Constituency 5

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Skills: Flame Spray (B-level, requires flamethrower to use)

Introduction: A group of crazy people who are not afraid of wetting the bed, and no one dares to provoke them among the gang members. It is said that they seem to have some mental problems.


In the crazy laughter, the pyromaniac who held the trigger tightly, continued to spray flames from the flamethrower in his hand, and continued to ignite Qin Ming's body in front.

Looking at the enemy being directly covered by the fire and turned into a fire man on the spot, the pyromaniac laughed louder and louder, and the smile on his face was extremely distorted.

But before his laughter ended, the fire man in front of him suddenly opened his arms to the left and right under his gaze.

The next second...



The air wave gushed! Directly blew away the flames!

The rotating airflow turned into a solid in front of him! Slashed forward with a whoosh! The body of the pyromaniac who was still setting fire! And the flamethrower in his hand!

Skill! Really~sonic hand knife!

A flash of light passed by, and the arsonist who was holding the trigger tightly froze his smile on the spot.

What's more terrible is that the flamethrower in his hand was also cut directly by this knife, and the liquid inside was directly ignited when it splashed!

A loud bang spread! The flamethrower exploded! A large amount of fire poured out in all directions!

The gangster gunmen in the back were set on fire one after another, turning into firemen and screaming wildly.

Qin Ming in the front covered his face with his hands and protected his eyes with his arms.

After the fire in front dissipated, he shook his arms hard to shake off the flames on his clothes. At this moment, his expression was very livid.

Although he relied on the skill of sonic hand knife to directly break through the flames.

But the burning fire just now still caused him a lot of damage. Not only were his clothes destroyed, his hair was scorched, but even his skin had a large area of ​​burns, causing continuous severe pain from above.

This made Qin Ming grin, and his anger boiled even more.

After picking up the spoils dropped by the arsonist, he kicked open the front door and rushed into the hall.

He had just walked in for less than two seconds before he quickly retreated.

Because in the hall, behind the casino owner named Bruno, a huge robot that was four meters high was standing there! Motionless!

The second level boss battle robot! Appeared!

Finding that something was wrong, Qin Ming chose to evacuate first without hesitation.

Seeing him being scared away, the casino owner Bruno couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha! Boy! Aren't you good at fighting? Come in if you have the guts! I want to see if you can beat steel! You!"


Just when Bruno was getting carried away, a loud noise suddenly came into his ears.

The next second! The wall in front of him exploded! A rotating airflow flew out of it! It hit his body so accurately!

Charged version! Sonic Knife!

With a snap, Bruno didn't even have time to react, and the rotating airflow had already split him in two, cutting him in half on the spot!

After all, he was just an elite monster, how could an elite monster withstand the attack of a fully charged sonic knife?

Not only was Bruno hit, but the two brothers next to him also had their arms cut off.

The most important thing was that because Qin Ming deliberately adjusted the angle, the big boss battle robot standing behind Bruno was also hit by this move.

However, the fierce airflow only cut a hole on its body, and failed to cut off its limbs.

This attack completely activated this terrifying steel machine. With a flash of red light in its eyes, it quickly looked up through the wall and locked onto Qin Ming, the attacker.

A cold electronic synthesized voice sounded immediately.

"Target locked! Mission! Kill!"


As soon as the voice fell, a red light shot out from its eyes.

First, it swept across the bodies of the two gangster gunmen in front of it, splitting the two guys who were wailing with their broken arms in half.

Then the light hit the wall, leaving two burning cuts directly on the wall.

B-level skill! Laser beam!

Behind the wall, Qin Ming, who was almost not swept by the laser, was frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

Hearing the heavy footsteps behind him, he quickly took out his revolver and fired into the sky.

With a loud bang, the door of the room next to it was knocked open by someone, and an elite fat man led two boxing thugs to appear!

It was just that these three guys had just appeared on the scene, and they immediately attracted the attention of the combat robot.

Its head turned half a circle, and dazzling light shot out from its eyes again.

With just a sweep, the bodies of the two boxing thugs who had just appeared were split in two.

Only the fat man who rushed over reacted quickly and dodged the attack with a jump.

He used the high-altitude falling skill and sat hard on the boss in front of him.



With a loud bang! The iron arm of the combat robot suddenly soared into the sky! With a standard uppercut action! It directly collided with the fat man who was sitting down!

As the two collided, the fat man who used the skill screamed, and his falling body was hit and flew up again, and even a sharp bone cracking sound was heard on his body.

One hit! Crippled!

Name: Battle Robot (Punisher Act 2)

Strength: 50

Constitution: 50

Agility: 20

Spirit: -

Skills: Iron Body (B-level) Laser Beam (B-level) Rocket Jump (C-level)

Introduction: A guard robot made with special technology. It is said that Kingpin bought it at a high price. Of course, some people say that he stole it from others. But no matter how it came from, the power of this terrifying killing machine is absolutely unquestionable!

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