Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 56 True! Sonic Knife!

Before the fat man who was knocked out by a punch struggled to get up, the battle robot's large body weighing several tons had already jumped into the air.

Then, amid the fat man's scream of fear, it directly and accurately hit him.

With a crack! Blood splattered everywhere!

The elite monster fat man who always liked to use his weight to suppress others died under his best move!

Looking at the three little brothers he summoned died tragically in an instant, Qin Ming, who was hiding behind the wall, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He knew that the combat power of the BOSS in this second act would be terrifying, but he never expected it to be so terrifying!

Taking a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, Qin Ming turned around and aimed at the wall, opened his hands and was about to charge, but he never thought that the battle robot actually had the function of penetrating the wall.

Noticing that the enemy here had taken action, the battle robot shot out a beam of light without thinking, took the lead in breaking through the wall, and hit Qin Ming's body.

With a sharp cutting sound, Qin Ming's chest was directly cut into a bloody mess by the light, and the whole person was blown away.

He rolled on the ground in a panic, feeling the heavy damage to his body. Now he finally understood how outrageous the combat power of the second act BOSS was.

They are completely different from the BOSS in the first act! The combat power is at two levels!


Before Qin Ming could struggle to get up, the wall in front suddenly exploded.

The combat robot spun and waved its arms, using the famous windmill punch to break through the wall directly.

Looking at the big guy rushing towards him with great momentum, Qin Ming lay on the ground and kicked the ground with his legs, and shot out with a sound.

While sliding backwards, he did not forget to take out the revolver and fired crazily.

The large-caliber bullets kept shooting at the combat robot, and the bullets could only barely penetrate the outer armor amid the sparks, and could not hurt the internal parts at all, and all stuck on the surface.

The battle robot continued to move forward despite the attack, waving its two metal arms randomly, smashing all the obstacles around it into pieces.

Don’t think that the fighting style of this battle robot is very funny, with its four limbs fighting each other.

However, its fighting skills are actually very strong. Someone once input the combat data of a master and cracked it.

Although it does not have any skills, it can always fight back in the most direct and accurate way.

In addition, it is a machine itself, and there is no sign when it attacks. Let alone Qin Ming, who is a wild way, even a real fighting master may not be its opponent!


Just as the battle robot here was pressing step by step and constantly approaching Qin Ming, the window next to it suddenly exploded, completely dealing with all the enemies outside, preventing the punisher who came in to disrupt the situation from breaking in through the window.

And just as it appeared, it threw out two grenades.

Against mechanical objects, the effect of this explosive is obviously stronger than ordinary objects.

Amid the violent explosion, the unstoppable war machine was blown to the ground.

Before it could get up, the Punisher, who was kneeling on one knee, raised his gun and started shooting.

Each bullet could accurately hit the only vital point of the combat robot's red eye dot. The Punisher fired a series of bullets in a row, trying to directly destroy the combat robot's laser emitter.

However, the power of his pistol was too weak after all. After twelve consecutive shots, it could not penetrate the bulletproof plate on the surface.

Looking at the robot's head, the red light lit up again and was about to emit light.

The Punisher, whose face changed drastically, was about to get up and dodge, but he heard a sharp wind sound suddenly in his ears.

Turning his head, it turned out that Qin Ming had reloaded the ammunition and threw his revolver at him!

Looking at the pistol spinning in the air, the Punisher's eyes lit up and he reached out to catch it on the spot.

Then he turned around and pulled the trigger without even aiming.


A deafening roar spread, and a large-caliber bullet directly hit the bulletproof glass, instantly shattering the already damaged glass.

Then the bullet with slightly reduced power accurately hit the laser emitter at the rear, causing a large number of sparks to burst out from above!

The combat robot was shot in the vitals, and its body began to tremble violently, but the expected situation of completely falling down and losing combat effectiveness, or the attack weapon being destroyed did not happen.

With its vitals severely damaged, it actually ejected a large amount of light from its eyes at the same time, and began to uncontrollably sweep everything around!

Machine! Out of control!

The buzzing sound was connected, and one after another weakened version of the small light cut on the walls in all directions, leaving a large number of burning cuts.

Looking at the large amount of light sweeping across, the Punisher hurriedly jumped up to avoid it, and then rolled and hid behind the bunker.

As for Qin Ming standing behind him? At this time, the kid did not hide, because his trick had been charged and completed!

Swing forward with both hands! The air wave gushed!

Really~sonic hand knife!


The violent airflow shot out, and the spiral air knife cut through all obstacles along the way, tearing through all obstacles! , heading straight for the battle robot.

His air knife shot forward, and the laser beam that finally closed in the battle robot's eyes also swept across at this time.

The two B-level skills collided in mid-air, launching a fierce confrontation.

The result was that with a flash of cold light, the laser beam was split in half by the air knife, splitting into two!

With a click, the powerful air knife successfully hit the body of the combat robot, splitting the laser emitter on its head into two and completely destroying it.

However, Qin Ming, who was standing behind the sonic hand knife, was not feeling well at this time. He was hit by two split rays of light and his whole body was completely penetrated. He flew backwards with a muffled groan.

With two blood holes on his shoulders and ribs, he struggled to get up from the ground, covering his wounds. He saw the combat robot on the opposite side with its head destroyed, and because of the loss of vision, it was randomly punching and attacking everything around it.

He took a deep breath and suddenly roared.

The next second! Sonic hand knife slashed continuously!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Three strong winds came out continuously, accompanied by Qin Ming's ferocious arms waving, one after another spiral airflow shot out from his hands.

The left hand quickly launched! Add the right hand to chase! Then the two hands charged!

With a sharp cutting sound, a huge X-shaped cut appeared on the combat robot that was hit three times in a row. The subsequent charged hand knife successfully hit its head, completely cutting off the already severely damaged head!

Single-handed sonic hand knife, this is the skill Qin Ming figured out by himself.

It is equivalent to a simplified version of the sonic hand knife. The advantages are fast speed, continuous shooting, and low energy consumption, only consuming 0.5 mental power at a time.

But the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, the power is too weak. The normal version of the sonic hand knife can cause damage of strength X2, and the charged version of the sonic hand knife can cause up to four times the damage.

However, this one-handed sonic hand knife can only cause damage equivalent to the strength value, which is only equivalent to a long-range punch.

Qin Ming, who used up all his mental power by continuously performing skills, stretched out his hand to cover the bleeding wound and panted. Because of the excessive consumption of mental power, he felt a splitting headache for a while.

Under his gaze, the combat robot whose head had been cut off did not fall down!

Sparks were spraying from the neck. This terrifying machine with extremely strong vitality moved towards Qin Ming stiffly, still trying to kill the enemy.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who had run out of moves, gritted his teeth and turned around to look for any weapons he could use, but suddenly found a revolver in front of him.

The Punisher had come to him without knowing when, and handed him the weapon with an expressionless face.

Not only did he return the revolver, he even pulled off his belt and handed over the remaining three grenades.

Seeing this, Qin Ming and the Punisher looked at each other and took the weapon without hesitation.



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