Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 66 Detective Mary

Question, what should you do if someone discovers the robbery and all your little thoughts are seen through?

Qin Ming, who was frozen on the spot, was silent for two seconds, and immediately had a countermeasure in his mind.

And his countermeasure is also very simple! That is to flip the table and run away!

Grabbing the edge of the table with both hands, Qin Ming suddenly roared and threw it upward with all his strength, trying to lift the table away to block Mary's view and create an opportunity for himself to escape.

However, he obviously forgot that his opponent this time was a fighter. He was not good at anything else, but he was extremely proficient in fighting!

As soon as Qin Ming made a move, Mary jumped up with quick eyes and hands, stepped on the chair with one foot, and then raised her leg high with her first foot, hitting the table hard.

This caused the table that had just been thrown up to be forcibly stepped back on.

Seeing this, Qin Ming changed his strategy on the spot and used a side kick, directly hitting the chair under Mary's feet, trying to make her lose her balance and fall.

But what he didn't expect was that this woman who was very good at speed could change her moves extremely quickly. Instead of falling because her feet were dangling in the air, she jumped up and kicked Qin Ming right in the chest!

With a muffled bang, Qin Ming was kicked backwards repeatedly. Mary, who had used the force to fly down, stood firmly on the ground, frowning at Qin Ming opposite, and gently moved her ankles.

"Oh? What a hard body! No wonder you dare to rob a gold shop in Nanzhen! It turns out he is a trainer! Then I won't show mercy!"

With a loud shout, Mary flew forward and kicked her forward.

Facing her direct kick, Qin Ming quickly raised his hands to parry.

The sound of bang bang bang sounded quickly in the hotel. The two guys fought back and forth for more than ten rounds. With their absolute speed advantage, Mary was basically suppressing Qin Ming the whole time!

After gaining the upper hand, Mary jumped up and locked Qin Ming's neck with a scissor kick. She grabbed Qin Ming's arms with both hands and tried to use a special move to turn around and fly down, forcibly destroying one of Qin Ming's arms. arm!

This move of hers can be described as fast and fierce! And the lethality is extremely shocking! The locking technique was completed almost in the blink of an eye!

It's just that this move of forcibly breaking the bones was not successful because...


A scream suddenly sounded, and Mary, who was concentrating on locking the person, suddenly opened her mouth and screamed.

It turned out that Qin Ming, who was unable to beat him, opened his mouth and bit Mary's thigh, which was locking his neck!

The thigh was hit, and Mary frowned in pain, her eyes suddenly stared at Qin Ming, and she cursed angrily.

"You are a dog! Why are you biting me?"

She originally thought that Qin Ming was just struggling wildly because of his incompetence. Although Mary was in pain, she didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the locking technique has been completely completed now. Unless the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, Mary can break the enemy's bones in one fell swoop, making it impossible for the enemy to break free. The victory or defeat is already decided!

This random biting has no use except for making her kick harder for a while.

Just when Mary was halfway through her words, she suddenly felt that something was wrong!

Her body! Getting weak!

Poison in your mouth? No! Not poison! But...

With her eyes widened, Mary looked in disbelief at Qin Ming, whose body was rapidly expanding, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

B-level skills! Absorb the essence!


A roar rang out, and Qin Ming, who deducted 5 points of all Mary's attributes on the spot and had +5 all his own attributes, suddenly threw his arms hard.

Driven by Qin Ming's terrifying brute force, although his arm still failed to break through Mary's locking technique, he still managed to throw Mary up with his arm!

With such a bang, Qin Ming threw his hand and hit the other side hard. Mary, who was locked on Qin Ming's arm, hit the ground with his arm, smashing countless floor tiles on the spot.

Suffering a severe blow to her head, Mary finally freed her limbs.

She had five points deducted from all her attributes. Her other attributes were okay, but her strength was no match for Qin Ming!

Only 25 points were deducted on one side! On the other side, it reached a terrifying 38 points! The strength value of both sides! A big gap was opened directly!

Before Mary, who was hit on the ground, could struggle to get up, she suddenly felt her ankles tighten, and before she could react the next second, her entire body was thrown away by the grasper's legs!

Hit with a bang! Mary, who was swept out horizontally, hit the pillar next to her hard! The whole person was smashed into a C shape!

Then, as the world spun around, she flew into the air again, and was grabbed by her legs and thrown out again.

With the sound of thunder, she knocked over several tables and finally rolled to the ground.

Mary gritted her teeth with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth. She never expected that the enemy would be so difficult to deal with for a small job she took on casually.

Before she could struggle to get up, there was a sudden harsh sound in her ears.

When Mary heard the noise, she hurriedly raised her head, only to see the weird idiot opposite. At this moment, he actually brought up the airflow with his hands and threw a large number of air knives towards her crazily!

Sonic hand knife! Make waves!

"not good!"

With a scream, Mary's limbs were ejected directly with all her strength, and she instantly dodged the two sonic hand knives fired at her.

After landing, she rolled and jumped out flexibly. After dodging the other flying blades again, she stepped on the column next to her and rushed into the sky along the stone column. She kicked the stone column with her legs and flew, accelerating through the long-range blockade of the sonic hand knife and directly killed Qin Ming.

Single leg charging! Skill! Spinning down!

Split her legs and kicked left and right, instantly kicking away the two arms that Qin Ming used to block, and then locked Qin Ming's neck.

As the body rotated! The legs completely clamped Qin Ming's head and suddenly became fierce! Mary actually took Qin Ming, who was already two meters tall, and rotated up together! Slammed heavily on the ground!

With a loud bang, the ground was smashed into a lot of cracks. Mary, who locked Qin Ming's neck tightly, strangled him hard, and did not forget to reach out and hammer Qin Ming's chest hard, knocking out a muffled bang.

But as she knocked, her expression suddenly froze.

Because his neck was locked and he was pinned to the ground, Qin Ming, who couldn't get free at all, took out a revolver from his arms and pressed it hard against Mary's head...

The scene was suddenly quiet, and Mary, who was still in a knocking posture, was stiff all over.

Qin Ming, whose neck was strangled by two thighs, pushed Mary's head hard with the muzzle of the gun.

"Come on! You can lock it, right? You lock it and show me! Come on! Keep locking it!"

"... Guns are not allowed in the fighting arena!"

"But you can use it when robbing!"

"I think there may be some misunderstanding between us!"

"But I don't think so!"

He used all his strength to pry Mary's legs apart, and Qin Ming, who was rubbing his neck desperately, struggled to sit up, and his face was red from being strangled.

The legs of the woman in front of him were not legs at all! They were clearly pliers! He had a hard time prying them with 38 points of strength! If it were an ordinary man, he would have his head crushed by her in an instant!

Rubbing his neck, Qin Ming glared at Mary fiercely with a gun.

Mary, who was sitting on the ground, also raised her hands obediently with an awkward smile on her face.

She did not move, and Qin Ming did not choose to shoot.

Mary did not move because she was afraid of being hit by a bullet. Even if she was protected by the Qi in her body and would not be killed by a single shot, it would not be worth it if her face was bruised or she was left with scars on her body.

Qin Ming did not shoot because he knew that his revolver could not kill him.

Shooting would only cause the other party to go completely berserk, and everyone would fight to the death.

Qin Ming did not want to risk his life to see how terrifying the fighting power of a completely furious fighter was.

Just as the two guys were confronting each other, a large number of police suddenly ran up from the stairs next to them.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming quickly put away his revolver.

Mary, who watched him put away his pistol, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly jumped up, pointing at Qin Ming and shouting.

"Police! He is the gold shop robber! Catch him!"

Hearing this, the police who came up looked at each other and suddenly nodded in unison.

…………Then they arrested Mary and took her away, saying that she had vandalized the restaurant for no reason…………

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