Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 67 Target, Shiranui Gym

On the street, Qin Ming sat alone on the roadside, staring at the residents passing by in a daze.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly turned his head and glanced aside, grinning and said.

"What are you looking at! I'm trying to stew you! Get out of here!"

Hearing this threat, the Dalmatian squatting next to him hurriedly ran away with its tail between its legs, but it did not run far, but still looked at him from a distance.

This dog is Mary’s dog, named Antonio.

Although this little thing looks ugly, this dog is also a little BOSS! The agility value is 20 points!

If it weren't for the fear that beating it to death would cause Mary, who was very good at locking people and tracking, to risk her life, Qin Ming would have killed this thing and exploded his equipment.

Ever since Mary was taken away by the police, this dog has been eyeing Qin Ming. Wherever Qin Ming goes, this dog will follow him and he can't get rid of him no matter how hard he goes.

Qin Ming has never thought of this in his life! One day I will be followed by a dog! The most important thing is that I can't outrun it!

He didn't dare to kill, and he couldn't get rid of him. This is why Qin Ming is sitting on the roadside now.

He wanted to see if there was a dog catching team in South Town, and he would catch this thing as soon as he passed by, so that it wouldn't bother him again.

After waiting for a long time, Qin Ming did not wait for the dog-catching team, but he did wait for an uninvited guest.

That is the famous detective Mary, who has been released! And found Qin Ming accurately!

Seeing his owner appear, the Dalmatian ran over excitedly and was immediately picked up by Mary.

Looking at Mary who kept rubbing the dog's head with a bright smile on her face, Qin Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Mary again.

Qin Ming felt a headache as he looked at Mary, who was standing in front of him with her arms folded, wearing a belly-baring red bra and a green jacket.

"I said what do you want to do?"

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Mary suddenly grabbed her coat and shook it hard with a straight face.

The green coat flew several meters and fell directly down. The next second it was bitten by the Dalmatian and taken aside.

Mary, who had taken off her coat, was jumping up and down in place, constantly moving her body.

After the warm-up was completed, he straightened his waist and made a standard grabbing gesture, and spoke loudly.

"The action was too sudden! I was not mentally prepared! Let's fight again! Let's fight fair and square! No guns allowed! 伱!"

Before Mary could finish her words, Qin Ming had already pulled out a pistol and pointed it at her with a straight face. Mary was so frightened that she trembled and quickly hid behind a lamppost.

After the probe found that Qin Ming was still pointing at him, he screamed in surprise.

"What are you doing? Didn't I say you are not allowed to use guns! You are not allowed to use guns in fighting competitions!"

"Then I said you're not allowed to use your feet! Are you willing? You're not allowed to use guns either? You've played too many fighting games, haven't you?"

He pointed his gun at Mary and watched the woman dodge around, but he couldn't follow the trail at all.

After Qin Ming rolled his eyes, he turned his gun and pointed it directly at the Dalmatian dog baring its teeth at him.

Seeing this, Mary was so frightened that she ran out from behind the bunker.

"Wait a minute! Don't hit my dog!"

Seeing her appear, Qin Ming quickly turned the gun with a straight face, scaring the other party and hiding behind the lamppost.

"Don't hit me either!"

"Stop pestering me! If you're pestering me! Then I'll see if you can lock me down! Or I'll beat you to death first!"

Qin Ming, who didn't want to be entangled with this BOSS-level woman anymore, quickly turned around and left.

He hailed a taxi and as soon as he got in, he saw the door next to him open, and Mary got in with her dog in her arms...


"Shh. Don't make trouble, there are outsiders here."

Before Qin Ming could raise the pistol, Mary quickly held it down and pointed at the driver in front of her.

At this time, the driver finally turned his head and looked here with a smile.

"Two guests, are you planning to go... Hey! Aren't you the poor guy yesterday!"

Hearing the driver's shocked shouting, Qin Ming looked at the driver expressionlessly. After a second of silence, he suddenly took out a wad of banknotes from his arms and threw them hard on the driver's face.

"What the hell do you care about me! Drive your car!"

Seeing the money, the driver, who was still angry at first, suddenly showed a smile on his face. He hurriedly turned around to start the vehicle and nodded vigorously.

"No problem! No problem! If you have money, it's no problem! Will the guests still go to the Shiranui Gym?"

"Where's all this nonsense! Drive!"


As the vehicle started, the taxi quickly rushed forward.

Mary, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly looked at Qin Ming suspiciously and asked in a low voice.

"Why are you going to the Shiranui Gym for nothing? Are you staying here for fear of being caught? Do you want to go abroad to avoid the limelight?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming slowly turned to look at her with a straight face, looked at the uninvited woman, and quickly answered.

"Because there is a beautiful woman with big breasts and a big butt! Her clothes are very revealing! So I am going to admire her! Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Um, so you stole the money just to go to Japan and have a private meeting with a very good-looking geisha?"

"…………get off!"


"Get out of the car! This is the car I paid to rent!"

"But I'm also planning to go to Japan."

"Why are you going to Japan?"

"Go and see that beauty you mentioned with big breasts and a big butt, and she's wearing very revealing clothes."

"...You are really looking for trouble, aren't you?"

Looking at Mary who couldn't help laughing after finishing her words, Qin Ming was really anxious now and reached out to grab her face.

As he took action, Mary's eyes flashed coldly, and she hugged Qin Ming's arm with both hands. At the same time, she crossed her legs and completed the lock in an instant.

In this small taxi, there is no chance to punch or kick in a big way, which is perfect for her fighting style!

Qin Ming, who was hooked by the neck and locked on the spot, had to struggle hard. The more he struggled, the harder the grinning Mary locked him.

It's not easy to encounter an evenly matched opponent, and the opponent is stupid and very easy to lock. This is simply a perfect punching bag.

Therefore, how could Mary let the other party off easily? After all, the other party had committed a crime, and she had been entrusted by someone to investigate the gold theft case, so she had every reason to follow and capture him.

So Mary is on! Mary locked...and then Mary was bitten again!

Obviously, Mary, who likes to lock people very much when fighting, has not learned the lesson from the last time, and completely forgot that a certain guy is not afraid of lock skills at all, because he can bite people closely!

Because her legs locked the opponent's neck, Mary, who received another bite on her inner thigh, opened her mouth and screamed in pain.

The hand that was twisting Qin Ming's arm became even harder for a while.

And she screwed hard! Qin Ming felt severe pain in his arm and bit hard! The two guys got into a fight for a while! No one obeys anyone!

The driver who saw this scene through the rear mirror couldn't help but knock on the guardrail and spoke out.

"You two! Let's do it! Don't damage my car! If you damage it, you will have to pay for it..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Ming had already taken out a wad of banknotes from the inventory and slapped the opponent hard.

The driver who caught the money looked at the money for a second, then shrugged slightly, turned around and continued driving, no longer paying attention to this side.

He even turned on the car music very considerately, and the passionate and dynamic rhythm immediately sounded from the stereo!

Then in this dynamic rhythm, the car carried the two guys twisted into a ball and drove away...

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