Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 7 Uninvited Guests

He casually threw the useless dagger aside and prepared to find a way to deal with it later.

Qin Ming quickly took out the bloody key and was about to open it, but he was suddenly stunned.

Looking at the key in his hand, he couldn't help but hesitate.

By the way, can this key be combined?

What key can two bloody keys be combined into? A redder key?

After looking at the key for a while, Qin Ming suddenly shrugged and chose to open it directly.

Because he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, there are only five adventurers in this world.

The big man was beaten to death by himself, and the guy who left the bar first seemed to be beaten to death by the big man.

In addition, the unlucky guy who was killed by the crazy woman before.

Three of the five are gone! Now there are only himself and the crazy girl!

It is not easy to expect to get her bloody key. After all, that woman is so cruel and her mind is so fast.

To be honest, if it is not a last resort, Qin Ming really doesn't want to provoke that little monster.

So instead of waiting for the next bloody key, it is safer to use it directly, at least it can increase combat power.

As the key opened, another weapon appeared in front of Qin Ming.

This is a short sword, similar in shape to a dagger, and also has blank attributes.

Obviously, in the eyes of the nightmare space, this group of so-called adventurers who have just entered the space are only worth this price.

He shook the short sword and quickly put it into the inventory, and then picked up the short knife and hung it around his waist.

After doing all this, Qin Ming left with satisfaction and prepared to continue hunting the people of the poaching organization.

Because if you kill these guys, there is a chance that a box will drop, although it is just an ordinary white box, and the things that come out of it are either US dollars or watches and necklaces, which can only be used to exchange points.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and you can also take their boxes to test whether the boxes can be synthesized.

If it can be synthesized, I can get a white weapon in this way, and maybe I can upgrade the revolver in my hand!

With a beautiful fantasy about the future in his heart, Qin Ming happily took action again.

And this time! He was going to do something big!

Through the information forced out of the previous victims, Qin Ming soon came to a building.

It is said that this is the base of their poaching organization in this city, and there must be many enemies here.

With his precious pistol that can kill one with one shot, and the value doubled, he will go in and kill people!

He is responsible for killing people! The gun is responsible for killing people!

Standing in front of the door, Qin Ming raised his hand and quickly made a stylish hairstyle, and took a deep breath. He still kept one hand inserted into the coat to hide the gun, and the other hand pulled the coat ready to open at any time, and walked into the building aggressively.

Pushing the door open, Qin Ming entered the room and raised the pistol in his hand without saying a word!

Then... Then he turned his feet, spun his body on the spot, quickly inserted the raised gun back into the coat, and walked out of the hall with his head down again!

For a moment, only a group of guys who were having dinner and drinking were left in the hall. They turned around with a puzzled look to check the situation.

Looking at the guy who quickly entered the room and quickly walked out of the room, the twenty or so people in the hall couldn't help but look at each other, and they were so confused.

"Your friend?"

"I don't know him, your friend?"

"I don't know him either, then who is he?"

"Who cares who he is, is there anyone who dares to make trouble here? Drink!"

The people who didn't take this little episode seriously quickly sat back in their chairs and continued to drink.

As for Qin Ming, after walking out of the building, he went directly to the corner, leaned against the wall on the spot, and reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Fuck! I'm scared to death! How can there be so many people here!"

Looking at the revolver with only six bullets in his hand, and thinking back to the at least twenty enemies in the room just now, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

Good guy! Fortunately, he didn't shoot directly as a conditioned reflex! Otherwise, it would depend on his own reloading speed! By the time I finish changing the bullets! My body will probably be completely cold!

No! I can't force myself to fight! I can't beat so many of them! I have to find a way to defeat them one by one!

Qin Ming frowned as he kept thinking about countermeasures.

Before he could figure out how to separate so many people in the room, footsteps suddenly came from behind him, and at the same time, there was a whisper.

"Dude, you were too reckless just now."

Hearing this voice, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he turned around and raised his revolver almost instinctively!

But before he could aim, a black shadow suddenly came towards him, grabbed his gun-holding palm, and one of his fingers was inserted into the trigger, forcibly plugging the gap.

A huge force surged, forcing Qin Ming to raise the arm holding the gun high.

As the vision in front of him gradually became clear, Qin Ming suddenly found that a beautiful woman with a head full of black curly hair had appeared in front of him.

The cool red short-sleeved shirt can hardly hide her proud figure, and the tight jeans underneath highlight the outline of her legs.

The woman who suddenly appeared in front of her with leather boots, big breasts and long legs and controlled the gun in Qin Ming's hand was a very standard Western beauty!

Squinting her eyes slightly, with a half-smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to control the gun in Qin Ming's hand, and because she forced him to raise his hand, the Western beauty who was directly facing Qin Ming in a close position suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Brother, your reaction is too slow. You will suffer if you fight like this, you..."

Before the beauty here finished speaking, Qin Ming, who was standing face to face with her, suddenly leaned forward and bit her mouth directly.

Such an abrupt action and such a sudden attack shocked the beauty's eyes and instantly widened. She hurriedly retreated and distanced herself from Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who finally got rid of his restraints by taking this opportunity, did not hesitate to directly lower his arm, grabbed the revolver, aimed at the beauty in front of him and was about to pull the trigger!

But before he could open fire, a loud shout suddenly came from the side. The next moment, a burly figure flew over and directly kneed Qin Ming, forcing him to fly out.

The white man who knocked Qin Ming away with his knee had a ferocious expression, swung his hands, and stepped forward with his long legs to continue attacking.

Qin Ming, who rolled to the ground, did not even get up, raised his pistol, and lay on the ground ready to shoot him.

Just when the two sides were on the verge of fighting, the Western beauty who had pulled away and desperately reached out to wipe her mouth suddenly shouted.

"Okay! Stop fighting! This is a misunderstanding!"

As soon as these words came out, both sides stopped their actions at the same time.

Qin Ming silently glanced at the man and woman in front of him with a gun. After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to put down his weapon.

Not for anything else, just because these two guys were a bit powerful, one against two and they were close to each other, Qin Ming was a little afraid that he would not be able to beat them.

A real man! Be cowardly when you should be cowardly!

It's useless to be a hero! When we find an opportunity later, we will just shoot them!

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