Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 8: Camp Title Mission Opened

"Hello, my name is Hannah Dundee, and this is Jack Trick. We are from the Nature Conservancy. We are here to investigate the dinosaur rampage. What is your name, sir?"

Sitting under the familiar bridge, Qin Ming was looking at the man and woman who suddenly attacked him on the opposite side.

Qin Ming had a slumped face, which was called expressionless.

The man named Jack opposite had a dark face and didn't even bother to look at Qin Ming. It was obvious that he was still brooding over the fact that he suddenly kissed Hannah.

Only Hannah, a Western beauty, showed an unparalleled heart at this moment, which was consistent with her perfect S-shaped figure.

She didn't care at all about Qin Ming's behavior of taking advantage of her just now. At this moment, with a smile on his face and a gentle tone, he gave full play to his ability as a diplomat for so many years.

When he heard her soft tone, Qin Ming's eyes couldn't help but flicker slightly, and he secretly glanced at the two of them.

Hannah? Jack? Isn't this one of the four optional characters in the arcade game Dino Combat?

In this way, the Western Ocean Horse in front of me, who is wearing relatively cool and revealing clothes, is a flower in the four-person group, the role dedicated to the old pervert.

As for the other Jack? Drink bah! No wonder he looks so bad! It turns out that he is the one who has been on the bench for thousands of years and no one wants to play with him!

This is the protagonist! Lord you XXX XX!

Qin Ming has always been very cautious, and this time is no exception.

The smile quickly returned to his face, and he enthusiastically shook hands with the beautiful Hannah who had just kissed her to break the situation due to an emergency. Qin Ming hurriedly said hello.

"Ah, hello, Hongmei! My name is Qin Ming, from the East. Oh, by the way, where is the most capable yellow hat player among the four of you?"

"Huh? Who?"

"Uh, I mean your companions! That Mu with the yellow hat... what the hell is Mu? Mu Si..."

"Are you talking about Mustafa?"

"Ah, yes! It's the one with super long legs!"

Watching Qin Ming nod vigorously, Hannah on the opposite side couldn't help but look weird.

Before she could continue speaking, the man in blue shirt next to him, Jack, one of the four major protagonists in this world, suddenly snorted and glared at Qin Ming with a straight face.

"Tell me! How did you know our information! Are you someone sent by the poaching organization!"

After hearing this, Qin Ming, who was still smiling when facing Hannah, his expression suddenly fell again, and he turned to look at the boy with an unhappy look.

"What does it have to do with you, sir! Why are you talking so much! That's right! I'm from the poaching organization! I'm here to steal your wife!"

"You damn guy!"

"Hey, you're looking for death!"

With a click, the angry two sides faced off again.

Qin Ming drew out his revolver and prepared to fight Jack who had already stood up. It was a joke after all! How can a man with a gun be afraid of an unarmed man?

Hannah on the side reacted quickly and hurriedly reached out to hold down Qin Ming's revolver. At the same time, she turned her head and glared at Jack fiercely, telling him not to stir up trouble.

Looking at Jack sitting on the ground and turning his head violently, Hannah shook her head helplessly, complaining in her heart that she would not have brought him out to collect intelligence if she had known better. At the same time, she turned to look at Qin Ming with a smile on her face.

"Brother Qin Ming, you seem to know our information very well?"

Qin Ming did not refute when he heard this, but nodded quickly.

"Indeed, I have a grudge against the poaching organization. I heard that you also have a grudge against them. Plus, you have a great reputation, so I will naturally check your information."

"Oh, that's it. We just saw you entering the building single-handedly. It really shocked us."

"I also shocked myself. I don't know why there were so many people inside!"

Recalling the scene just now, Qin Ming could not help but complain in a low voice with a straight face.

And hearing his whisper, Hannah's expression became slightly embarrassed.

The reason why so many people gathered was not simple. It was not because the other party heard that they were coming and specially summoned the people.

Calculated, the boy in front of him was deceived by himself and others.

Looking at Qin Ming sitting on the ground, Hannah was silent for a second, and then suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Qin Ming, do you have a big grudge against the poaching organization?"

Qin Ming frowned when he heard this. After thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he stretched out his hand to gesture around.

"Look! This is where I live! From this pure natural bridge, it is easy to see that I am a pure naturalist. What I pursue is to integrate with nature and make use of everything. And for someone like me People who pursue freedom will naturally not tolerate a bunch of damn guys hunting dinosaurs and destroying my living environment, so you think I have a big hatred against the poaching organization?"

After the words fell, Qin Ming looked at Hannah opposite with wide eyes, only to find that she was also looking at him with wide eyes, with a strange expression on her face.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Yeah, it's so ridiculous, people don't believe it at all.

Then find a more straightforward excuse!

Pulling his collar, Qin Ming added with a straight face.

"Also, the bar I run was bombed by these bastards yesterday."

As soon as these words came out, Hannah, who had also heard about the explosion that happened yesterday, suddenly showed a bright smile on her face and stretched out her hand to shake Qin Ming's hand.

"Qin Ming, welcome to join the Nature Protection Team!"

Just as Hannah's voice fell, Qin Ming's ears suddenly rang with a harsh sound from the Nightmare Space.

[Ding Dong! It was detected that the adventurer Qin Ming joined the protagonist camp, and the camp rewards in this world officially began! The title mission officially started! ]

[Title Mission 1: I Walk with Dinosaurs (Raise the reputation of all people in the camp of the four protagonists to friendly or above.)]

[Obtain white title: Friend of Dinosaurs (Physique +10)]

[Title Mission 2: Nature Protector (Kill 100 members of the poaching organization, current progress 0/100)]

[Obtain white title: Nature Guardian (Strength +10)]

[Title Mission 3: Integrate with companions (reach passionate love with a protagonist)]

[Obtain green title: Corner Destroyer (All attributes +5)]

[Title Mission 4: I am the protagonist (Kill the first act BOSS Weiss-Thuon alone)]

[Obtain green title: BOSS Killer (Damage to BOSS-level enemies +10%)]

Title Mission? !

Looking at the newly emerged data in front of him, Qin Ming looked stunned and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Then the next second, he instinctively looked at Jack who was still cold next to him, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

This unlucky guy really lives up to his bitter face.

Look! Among the four title tasks, there is actually one specifically targeting him! How unlucky he is!

If he is in a passionate relationship with one of the four, then for a man like Qin Ming, the only suitable target is Hannah, a woman. After all, he can't always capture men.

And this Hannah seems to be Jack's girlfriend.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! With such a task! Jack may have been poached many times! Poor dog!

Feeling Qin Ming's strange eyes, Jack couldn't help but give him a cold look, snorted again and turned his head away, not bothering to pay attention to this guy at all.

In fact, there is one thing Qin Ming guessed wrong, that is, if this task is to be completed, the main target cannot be Hannah.

The reason is nothing else, mainly because Hannah is a woman, she is more difficult to deal with.

Even Jack, the protagonist who has known her for many years, has been playing a love marathon with her. It was only through this great adventure that he defeated the conspiracy of the poaching organization and saved the beauty at the last moment, and finally won Hannah's heart.

Even Jack had such a hard time dealing with her, so it is conceivable how difficult it would be for others to reach a passionate relationship with her, otherwise this task would not have been rated as a green title!

This difficulty is comparable to a newcomer directly challenging the first level BOSS and winning it directly!

The best way for men to really complete this task is to attack men, such as the yellow hat, that is, the long-legged black man Mustafa who has not yet appeared.

The reason is that the guy just happens to have a similar hobby tendency!

If women want to complete the task, they mainly attack the last one of the four, that is, the muscular strongman Mays.

This is the most perfect title completion route summarized by countless adventurers after continuous attempts!

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