Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 9 The Use of Favorability

As the door of the hut was pushed open, Qin Ming, who had temporarily joined the Nature Conservation Association because of a common goal, finally met the other two protagonists of Dino Fighter World in this small room.

A slender black man who looked very capable, and a super muscular man.

After greeting each other, the few people officially met.

Qin Ming also quickly saw various special rewards belonging to the protagonist camp in front of a box in this room.

In the innermost part of the room, there was a black suitcase, but there was nothing in the suitcase.

However, in Qin Ming's eyes, there were special data here, showing a large number of prizes that he could exchange here.

50 favorability, can be exchanged for a croissant.

100 favorability, can be exchanged for a whiteboard flying knife.

250 points of favorability can be exchanged for some special green-quality equipment, such as Hannah's red shirt, Jack's blue jacket, Mustafa's jeans, etc. There are many types, basically throwing all the clothes of the four people into it.

And 500 points of favorability can get specific blue equipment!

[Equipment name: Mustafa's yellow hat]

[Quality: Blue]

[Equipment requirements: None]

[Effect 1: Strength +5]

[Effect 2: Agility +5]

[Effect 3: Running speed +5]

[Introduction: Want to run fast? Long legs are enough! Oh, by the way! You also have to have an extra cool hat! ]

In addition to this yellow hat, there are also Max's metal belt, Hannah's fashionable earrings, and Jack's fighting gloves.

These equipment all have three attribute prefixes, and the effect is extremely good.

As for the exchange items above 500 favorability? Don't say it! There really is!

There are also four items, but they are no longer equipment, but skill books, skill books of the four protagonists' special skills.

All B-level skills!

Jack's Spinning Rising Dragon Punch! Hannah's Spinning Smash Kick! Mustafa's Super Cyclone Kick! Mays's Cyclone Impact!

Causes strong damage to the surroundings, while making oneself temporarily invincible, and can avoid all conventional attacks.

The only flaw is that when this skill is used, it will backfire and deduct its own status! In the game, it is called forced blood deduction!

If it weren't for this negative status, these four skills that can be invincible for a short period of time would never be rated as B-level!

As for the exchange price of these four levels? Not much! It's just 1,000 points of friendship!

You should know that the friendship of the four protagonists can be calculated separately and cannot be used together.

The friendship level is divided into indifference (0), familiarity (100), friendly (200), good friend (300), confidant (400), and lifelong friend (500).

There are two more friendship levels above this, one is passionate love, and the score required for this varies from person to person.

For example, Mustafa in the four-man group is known as the most easily captured man in the protagonist group. To become his passionate love object, the favorability only needs to be raised to (600)

Mais is (650) Jack is (750) Hannah, who is known as the most difficult to deal with, is a terrifying (900)

As for above passionate love? That is the legendary faith, and the score is always the same, all (1000)

In other words, if you want to learn one of the signature skills of the four protagonists, you have to completely conquer one of the protagonists and make him believe in you like a god.

This difficulty is no longer as simple as difficult, it is completely impossible. After all, the word protagonist is not called for nothing, how could he be your licking dog!

As for the relationship between Qin Ming and the four protagonists at this time?

Well, the one who has the best relationship with him is Mais. After all, this guy doesn't like to use his brain. Since everyone is in the same group, he will have a good impression of you, so his favorability is familiar (160)

Following closely is Mustafa, whose favorability is also familiar (110)

Although Hannah, who was suddenly kissed by Qin Ming, doesn't seem to care on the surface, this incident actually caused a certain negative impact. This caused her, who seemed to be the most enthusiastic guy, to have only indifference (70) to Qin Ming's friendliness

As for Jack...

Looking at the disgust (-90) that appeared behind Jack's head in the suitcase, Qin Ming had a blank expression on his face for a while, and his palm was already groping for the revolver at his waist.

OK! It was the other party who suddenly scared him! But he remembered the grudge first, right!

That's perfect! Qin Ming still remembers the grudge of that kick! Wait until we find an opportunity! Let's settle the account carefully!

Because he had enough goodwill with Mustafa and Mais, Qin Ming quickly spent 100 friendship points from each of them and bought two white quality throwing knives from the suitcase.

The friendship points spent did not mean that they were directly deducted. At this time, the two people's attitude towards Qin Ming was still the same, but part of their friendship values ​​had turned gray and could not be used to exchange for any items.

Holding two throwing knives, Qin Ming ignored the meeting of the four people and found a corner to start his own equipment upgrade.

The two white quality throwing knives merged together and turned into a green quality throwing knives on the spot.

Then, using the throwing knives as consumables and the revolver as the base, a brand new blue revolver was born in an instant.

[Name: 2.0 version revolver]

[Quality: Blue]

[Classification: Weapon]

[Equipment requirements: None]

[Effect 1: With special bullets, it can cause 25 points of fixed damage]

[Effect 2: Recover one bullet every 30 seconds]

[Effect 3: Each time the safety hammer is pressed, the next attack causes an additional 10 points of damage]

[Introduction: One gun and one load, I am the cowboy king, I reload the revolver as soon as I shoot, we are civilized people, fellow countryman! Lend me your scalp! ]

Playing with the newly acquired equipment, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly.

As for his silly smile, the four protagonists next to him couldn't help but frown, and Jack's friendliness towards Qin Ming began to decline again, and he didn't forget to complain in a low voice.

"Hannah, why did you call this outsider over for no reason? Look at his character, what else can he do except drag people down?"

Hearing this, Hannah couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"All kinds of people are useful, and I heard that a lot of people died in the poaching organization yesterday, many of them were killed by revolvers. I suspect it was his masterpiece."

"Is he that strong?"

"Who knows? Anyway, everyone has the same goal. Calling him over to help can also take care of each other. Even if he can't fight, what loss do we have?"

Hannah smiled and teased. At this time, she smiled like a little fox, which was extremely treacherous.

As for how bad the diplomat's heart was, the other three were obviously used to it. They all shook their heads with a wry smile.

Especially the big guy Mais, he was fooled by this sweet smile and enthusiastic attitude.

This woman's words can never be trusted.

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