Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 71 3D Goddess! Mai Shiranui

Japan, Osaka District, outside the legendary Shiranui Gym.

With the sound of footsteps, the Shiranui disciples who were practicing inside the gate stopped their movements with astonishment and turned their heads to look in the direction of the mountain gate.

And there, two figures staggered over.

Oh, by the way, in addition to the two people, there is also a dog.

Qin Ming and Mary, who had been waiting on the desert island for a long time without waiting for the ship to pass by, had no choice but to make their own ship.

Then Qin Ming strengthened it a little and forced a landing in Japan on a small raft.

After a little inquiry after landing, they found out that the Shiranui Gym was not that far away from here, so the two guys walked over directly.

At this time, the two of them looked very embarrassed. After all, they crashed from a high altitude and jumped into the sea to escape. They even had a scene of crossing the ocean in a canoe just now.

This makes these two guys now have messy hair, extremely messy clothes, and a slightly sloppy style of painting. From a distance, they look like two beggars.

As for taking a closer look? Hey! That's more like it!

Ignoring the astonished looks of the disciples around them, Qin Ming and Mary walked straight into the mountain gate.

Seeing the two of them approaching, the disciples around them quickly backed up and distanced themselves from them.

Just when the scene was silent, the door in front was suddenly pushed open.

The next second, a long-haired woman wearing a fiery red kimono walked out with cat steps.

Seeing her appear, the surrounding disciples immediately fell into a commotion.

"Senior Sister is out!"

Amidst the screams, many disciples quickly gathered around and said hello.

The beautiful lady with long black hair and straight hair surrounded in the middle shook her single ponytail, with a gentle smile on her face, and responded to the enthusiastic disciples around her one by one.

Just like this, she walked through the crowd and finally came to the two uninvited guests, Qin Ming and Mary. With a standard smile on her face, she spoke softly.

"I wonder what you two are doing here?"

Hearing this inquiry and looking at the oriental beauty in red kimono in front of them, Qin Ming and Mary did not give an answer immediately, but just turned their heads and looked at each other silently.

After a second of silence, with her face covered with dust and mud, Mary finally spoke.

"This is the beauty you came all the way to see, the beautiful woman with big breasts and a big butt? Where are her breasts?"

Hearing this inquiry, Qin Ming was speechless for a while.

"It's in the clothes."

"She's not wearing anything revealing, is she?"

"I'm wondering too!"

They looked at each other and fell into silence again. After two seconds, the two guys suddenly turned their heads to look at the black-haired beauty in front of them and spoke in unison.



Mai Shiranui, who didn't understand what the two were talking about at all, looked confused when she heard this.

Looking at the two extremely sloppy guys in front of her, she gradually lost her patience. She frowned slightly and spoke again, but this time her tone was much harsher.

"You two! Our dojo does not welcome outsiders! If nothing is wrong! Please leave!"

When they heard the other party's eviction order, Mary and Qin Ming quickly explained a few words.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not beggars."

"Yes, we came all the way here to visit the Shiranui Gym."

"Come from Southtown, USA."

"I heard that the two legendary brothers there, Andy, the younger brother of Terry and Andy, studied under Shiranui, so I wanted to come and have a taste of it."

As the two explained each other, Mai Shiranui, who was standing opposite, finally understood the intention of the two. She immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth with her sleeves, and her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape with a smile on the spot.

"Oh, he turns out to be a friend from Nanzhen. I'm sorry. Yes, Andy is a disciple of our Shiranui Gym. But he is not the strongest disciple. I, the senior sister, am stronger than him. What's wrong? I followed their brothers and caused so much trouble in Nanzhen last year. Haven't you heard of my name?"

Speaking of what happened last year, the smile on Mai Shiranui's face suddenly became more obvious.

She had been training at home, but last year she finally got the opportunity to go out and have a fight. She even cooperated with brothers Terry and Andy to defeat the terrifying monster Keith Howard.

This incident made her extremely proud. After coming back, she was bored and bragging about this incident to her junior brothers and sisters.

Now that she learned that the two of them were from Nan Town, she recounted her glorious deeds without even thinking.

After hearing her words, Mary's eyes suddenly widened across from her, with a look of realization on her face.

"You are Mai Shiranui?"


"That one's wearing very revealing clothes! The vase next to the Terry brothers?"

"Yes! I...wait a minute! What did you say!"

"Uh, hahahaha, no, I mean, the girl is the beauty next to the Terry brothers? She is indeed unusually beautiful!"

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Mary couldn't help but smile awkwardly and quickly defended herself.

Then she took a step back and came to Qin Ming's side, and squeezed out another sentence through her teeth.

"The exposed girl with big breasts and big butt you were talking about turns out to be her. No wonder this look sounds familiar to me."

As a private detective, Mary's intelligence investigation ability is very strong. When she was ordered to go to Nanzhen to investigate Qin's secret volume, she naturally collected information about the masters there in advance.

As for Mai Shiranui, who followed the Terry brothers and caused some mischief last year, she naturally also knew something about it.

But her understanding was obviously not complete. For example, she didn't know that Mai Shiranui, who was a descendant of the Shiranui lineage and had undergone high-intensity ninja training since she was a child, had extraordinary eyesight and ears.

Mary's whispers were clearly heard by her!

With eyes widened and expression stern, Mai Shiranui was completely angry when she learned that she, who had been famous last year after continuously challenging masters and defeating powerful enemies, was now regarded by others as an exposed woman who needed to rely on her figure to make a living.

Without giving the two opponents any time to react, she suddenly shouted loudly and threw a side kick straight towards Mary's chest.

"You like talking about others behind their backs so much! Then let me see if your skills can match your words!"

D-level skills! Back kick!

This sudden sideways kick was so fast that it was hard to guard against.

It's just that Mary is also a master of speed. At the critical moment, she reacted quickly.

He raised his hands to instantly block a frontal blow.

Mary, who successfully defended, also turned around and kicked back, equally astonishingly fast.

Skill! Mary Spider is solid!

With a bang, the two of them exchanged a move instantly.

Facing Mary's offensive, Mai Shiranui reacted equally quickly, quickly pulling away and preparing to retreat.

But she forgot that what she was wearing now was not a battle uniform, but a gorgeous but obstructive kimono.

This caused her to jump back instinctively, and stepped on the end of the kimono.

Not only did he almost step off his clothes, but he couldn't distance himself because of this, and was directly hit by Mary's kick, causing him to stagger back two steps.

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