Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 72 Fighters Duel

She covered her chest with her hands, listening to the exclamations of the disciples around her.

Mai Shiranui, who was kicked away, looked gloomy for a moment, and glared at Mary on the opposite side.

"Oh! So you are a martial artist! Then I will be serious!"

With a loud shout, Mai Shiranui grabbed the kimono on her body and swung it hard, accompanied by the flying of the fiery red clothes. When the clothes fell, she had completely changed her outfit.

The battle suit, which was also fiery red but extremely revealing, was already worn on her body.

Rather than being a piece of clothing, it was actually more like a special costume made up of several strips of cloth, which made people imagine it just by seeing it.

And this! It is the special ninja suit for women in Shiranui Ninja!

Although this suit seems to be very wrong and does not look like it is used for fighting, it is really a special battle suit. In the hands of adventurers, it is a standard blue plot equipment!

There is a reason why it is designed to be so bold and revealing. After all, it is a ninja suit.

Such a design can greatly attract the enemy's attention when taking action, causing the enemy to be distracted, so that the wearer can seize the opportunity to kill with one blow.

The pursuit of a one-hit kill, coupled with a dress that can distract the enemy, the two complement each other and can greatly improve one's combat effectiveness.

Especially when fighting with men, this kind of clothes combined with Mai Shiranui's appearance and figure is simply too lethal. Before the fight even starts, 30% of the combat effectiveness has been directly abolished.

If this is a little less concentrated, the body will have some special reactions, and it will be reduced by another 20%!

Looking at Mai Shiranui who is showing her combat uniform on the opposite side, Mary widened her eyes, and finally knew why Qin Ming described the other party like this.

This look! The description is really right!

Before Mary recovered from the shock, Mai Shiranui on the opposite side had already launched an offensive.

Jump up! Put your feet together! The whole person spins and shoots at Mary like a high-speed head turn!

C-level skill! Flying Squirrel Dance!

Seeing this scene, looking at Mai Shiranui rushing over at high speed, Mary also quickly bent down and took an attacking stance, and chose to meet the attack without hesitation.

Amid the sound of ding-dong, the two agile masters fought on the spot, and it was difficult to separate them for a while.

Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, gently adjusted his dinosaur sunglasses, and at this moment he also saw Mai Shiranui's attributes clearly.

Name: Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury World)

Strength: 25

Constitution: 25

Agility: 40

Spirit: 25

Skills: Back Kick (D-level) Flower Butterfly Fan (D-level) Flying Squirrel Dance (C-level) Ninja Bee (C-level) Dragon Flame Dance (C-level) Super Killing Ninja Bee (B-level)

Introduction: One of the few remaining members of the Shiranui clan, a genius who has completely mastered Shiranui ninjutsu.

Basic attributes that are almost the same, the same full agility value, and a series of skills that are standard for fighters.

Mai Shiranui, the descendant of the ninja family, is almost as strong as Mary, so when they really started fighting, the two sides fought evenly for a while, and neither could do anything to the other.

Seeing this, Qin Ming did not choose to step forward to help.

After all, he knew how strong he was. He was able to suppress Mary before, mainly because this woman was good at joint skills, and fighting required close-up output, which happened to be restrained by his high strength, high body and high defense attributes.

But Mai Shiranui is different! This woman is proficient in roaming and bursting! She will not actively fight with others!

So when facing such an enemy who is fast and good at roaming, Qin Ming is a little hesitant.

So he watched the two fight, and did not choose to step forward and intervene actively. Instead, he stood by with his hands in his pockets and watched the excitement, just like the disciples of Shiranui next to him.

I have to admit that the fight between the two women in front of me is still very pleasing to the eye. One of them gets close and hugs, and the thief likes to twist others into various weird shapes.

As for the other one, she was wearing something extremely hot, and the people watching her were agitated and angry.

The two women were fighting each other now, and the scene was so erotic.

Not only was Qin Ming stunned, but the disciples around him were also stunned.

But before the two people who were fighting more and more fiercely could decide the winner, a loud noise suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.

Amid the flying wood chips, a handsome man with a full head of blond hair and a short ponytail in a close-fitting training suit suddenly rushed out of the room.

And after seeing the scene, his eyebrows frowned on the spot, and without thinking, he gathered his strength with both hands and blasted out an energy ball.

C-level skill! Flying Fist!

With a buzzing sound, the slightly fiery red energy bomb quickly shot towards Mary who was fighting, which made Mary's face change when she heard the noise, and she hurriedly raised her hand to block it.

But before the energy ball hit her body, a flaming paper fan suddenly flew over and hit the energy ball directly, smashing it to pieces.

Shiranui Mai threw out the flower and butterfly fan to forcibly offset the flying punch. She put one hand on her waist and held the fan in the other hand. She bent down and nodded in the direction of the blond man in dissatisfaction.

"This is my fight! Don't interfere!"

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to respond, she swung her skirt again and turned it into a whip to sweep towards Mary.

C-level skill! Dragon Flame Dance!

The slender skirt with blazing fire was extremely fast, forcing Mary to take a step back.

Looking at Mai Shiranui who was charging at her aggressively, Mary's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but smile. She suddenly shouted and rushed forward.

Obviously, she also chose to be serious, ready to fight with this woman in front of her, although her appearance was not very decent, but she was very fighter-like.

Female fighter! This is very rare! I finally met her! How can I not fight her!

The body rushed forward! The two raised their arms! They hit each other directly!

Ninja Bee VS Rising Arrow!

Just when the two of them started a duel again, seeing that his special skills were broken by his companions, and finding that it seemed that someone was not maliciously destroying the scene, the blond man, Andy, one of the two main characters in the world of Wolf Legend, couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Just as he was about to say something to explain, a sharp wind sound suddenly came.

Hearing the movement, Andy's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he threw a flying punch without thinking.

The round energy ball shot out at high speed and collided directly with the spiral blade wheel that was slashing at it. The two fought to the death and completely dissipated.

Andy suddenly shook his hand and frowned and looked forward, only to find that a man was squinting at him at this moment, his palm still waving motionlessly.

The two of them looked at each other, and the next second they both made new moves!

Flying Fist VS Sonic Hand Knife!

With both hands charging, Andy came up with a long-range projection skill.

Qin Ming on the opposite side was also not ambiguous at all. He opened his arms to the left and right and threw a spiral air wheel forward with all his strength!

The high-speed rotating air blade cut into the flying fist head-on and exploded again! No winner!

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