Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 74: Hidden Mission of Shiranui Gym

Looking at Andy lying on the ground, Qin Ming's eyes were wide open, and there was no intention to stop at all.

With the swing of his arm, he threw several sonic hand knives forward again.

Seeing this scene, Mai Shiranui, who was fighting with Mary next to her, couldn't help but screamed, and threw out the flower and butterfly fan in her hand without thinking.

With a snap, the flying flower and butterfly fan collided with the first sonic hand knife, and both sides died together.

However, the second and third sonic hand knives that followed closely were not something Mai Shiranui could stop remotely, after all, she only had a flower and butterfly fan in her hand now!


Seeing the scene in front of her, Mai Shiranui was so scared that she screamed, and she never expected Andy to lose.

She wanted to rush over to save people, but because the distance was too far, it was too late.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the room and quickly landed in front of Andy who was lying on the ground.

With a flick of his sleeves, the man blocked several attacks while the fire was boiling.

Then he swung his arm to the side, and the fire above dissipated. He couldn't help but frown.

"Well, don't be nervous, Xiao Wu. This skill is just average. It can scare people, but it can't kill Andy."

As he spoke, the man had put his hands behind his back and looked up at Qin Ming in front of him.

And this guy was a vicissitudes of life old man wearing a red ninja suit.


Mai Shiranui quickly gave up the fight and ran over. After rushing over and hugging the old man's arm, she raised her hand and pointed at Qin Ming opposite with an angry face.

"Grandpa! Him!"

"Okay, I'm not as skilled as you. This time I lost because Andy underestimated me and approached me recklessly. You can't blame anyone else."


"Okay! You can't always win in a fight! It's okay to lose! You can learn a lesson from losing!"

Looking at his granddaughter pouting, he let go of him with a look of dissatisfaction, turned around and helped Andy who was seriously injured behind him.

The vicissitudes of life old man in ninja clothes, that is, the current head of the Shiranui Dojo: Shiranui Hanzo, couldn't help but smile and shook his head, then looked up again at Qin Ming and Mary who had run to his side.

Looking up and down at Qin Ming, the old man suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Your ability is quite interesting. I wonder where your master came from?"

Hearing this question, Qin Ming looked at the attributes of the other old man, frowned quickly and clasped his fists.

"No school, self-taught."

"Oh, this is not beyond my expectations, because you practice military boxing, the moves are rigid and you don't know how to change. It's amazing that you can learn this popular boxing to such a pinnacle. Why? Have you been a soldier?"

"No, but I learned from a soldier."

"Then it seems that the soldier is also a good teacher. He can teach you so well. Of course, it may also be because you have excellent talent."

With his hands behind his back, Shiranui Hanzo looked at Qin Ming with regret and shook his head.

"What a pity, what a pity, such a good seedling actually only learned a set of military boxing, what a waste of talent, the move you bit just now should be your blood power, right? It's a bit interesting."

Speaking of this, Shiranui Hanzo suddenly paused for a second, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Ming.

"So, kid, are you interested in becoming my disciple? To be honest, you have a good foundation. If you have a good character, I can reluctantly accept you as my personal disciple and officially join the Shiranui lineage."


As soon as Hanzo Shiranui finished speaking, several identical screams rang out.

Qin Ming was screaming, Mary was screaming, and Mai Shiranui, who was checking Andy's injuries in the back, and Andy, who was treating the wound, also screamed.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the nightmare space appeared in Qin Ming's mind.

Ding Dong!

Trigger hidden task: Become a disciple of Shiranui!

Task difficulty D level!

Task requirements: Complete the test issued by Hanzo Shiranui! In this way, you can officially join the Shiranui sect! The higher the completion rate! The higher the entry status!

Task completion reward: Become a disciple of the Shiranui sect and open the Shiranui gym exchange option.

Task failure penalty: Being kicked out of the Shiranui gym.

Introduction: Use facts to prove your talent and strength, the future ninja master.

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard the system prompt.

Before he could react, Mai Shiranui had already spoken out to object.

"Grandpa! How can you accept him as your apprentice! He hurt Andy!"

Hearing this question, Hanzo Shiranui narrowed his eyes and answered coldly.

"This kid has no sect, is ruthless, and is very talented. Why can't he be accepted as a disciple?"


"Okay, it's not your turn to be the master yet. Don't worry about this matter. I have the final say."

Hanzo Shiranui, who still had his hands behind his back and retracted his gaze, looked up at Qin Ming again.

"So, little brother, do you want to worship me as your master? Of course, it's not that simple to worship me as your master. You have to complete a task and let me see how capable you are."

"Task? What task?"

Qin Ming, who was frowning and looking at the hidden task that was accidentally triggered this time, looked up and exchanged a glance with Hanzo Shiranui.

Hearing this, Shiranui Hanzo couldn't help but curl up his lips, and turned his head slightly to gesture towards the house.

"We have to discuss this inside the house. If you are interested in becoming my disciple, come with me."

After that, Shiranui Hanzo turned and walked towards the room. Shiranui Mai saw this and quickly helped Andy in with a cold snort and followed in.

Qin Ming, who was standing at the door, frowned and fell silent. After two seconds, he shrugged slightly and chose to follow.

Mary, who was standing by, quickly followed with the dog in her arms.

As the few people entered the hall, the courtyard fell into silence again.

The disciples dispersed while discussing and went back to practice kung fu.

Among them, six men and women gathered together, frowning and talking in a low voice.

"Hiss, weird, is there this big guy in the plot? Who is he? Why is there no information about him?"

"Is it possible that he is also an adventurer?"

"Impossible! Didn't you see that he was accompanied by the plot character Mary! How could he be an adventurer! Besides, how could a low-level adventurer be so strong! You saw how fierce that wave was just now! Even Andy couldn't face him head-on!"

"Who could he be? Hungry Wolf Terry?"

"Bullshit! Terry is Andy's brother! If it was really him! How could he be so cruel!"

"Not Terry? Who else could it be?"

"Who cares? I'll find a way to get along with him later. By the way, I'll test his specific strength and whether he has any shortcomings. If so, I'll find a chance to kill him!"


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