Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 75 Hunting Mission

There are also adventurers in the Shiranui Gym, and there are quite a few of them, six in total.

This is mainly because this is also a mission trigger point. As a member of a small team, these six guys are here to trigger the hidden mission.

In fact, it is not easy to trigger the hidden mission of the Shiranui Gym, and it can even be said that the conditions are very harsh.

First of all, you have to be able to fight, or be hardworking enough, and your talent must be high enough, so that you can attract the attention of the gym owner Shiranui Hanzo.

Secondly, you cannot know any martial arts and skills, because it has never been easy to learn from a master, let alone want to join a sect immediately.

Even Andy, who is as talented as Andy, was tested for a whole year before he was able to join the Shiranui sect and become a direct disciple.

These requirements directly blocked the possibility of most people wanting to join the sect.

Not to mention that Shiranui Hanzo will only accept one person as his personal disciple, and he won't accept more than one. Therefore, this hidden mission can only be triggered once. If someone succeeds, others will never be able to join.

Therefore, when they saw a plot character they had never heard of, they actually brought the main plot character Mary to mess up the scene and successfully attracted the attention of Shiranui Hanzo, who wanted to accept him as a disciple.

The other six adventurers who had been in the gym for more than a month had their faces black as pot bottoms.

That's right, the six of them had arrived a month in advance, and this was because they used special props to make their debut in advance.

Originally, these people had planned well, through hard training and showing their talents, one of them even learned a Shiranui ninjutsu skill in advance and pretended to use it by himself.

Originally, their behavior had successfully attracted the attention of Shiranui Hanzo.

As long as they put in a little more effort, they would be able to trigger the hidden mission in nine out of ten cases, but who would have thought that someone would have intercepted them halfway!

Which bastard is messing around again! What a butterfly effect! Lead the guy who didn't appear in the plot here!

Even led the plot character Mary here!

Isn't this deliberately disgusting!

In the courtyard, the six people gathered together with a miserable expression, and for a moment they didn't know what to do next.

After discussing for a long time, they could only come up with a very simple remedy, that is, to find an opportunity to secretly kill the plot character when he was doing the task.

As long as he died, then Shiranui Hanzo would have to find a new apprentice, and they still had a chance.

So quickly figuring out the specific character and strength of the enemy this time is the most important thing now.

Just when the six adventurers gathered together to plot, Qin Ming, who followed the plot character into the room, also officially received the hidden mission from Shiranui Hanzo, the owner of the gym.

That is to kill people!

That's right! Kill people!

As the descendants of ninjas, the Shiranui clan's assessment method is not a gentle way to let you challenge someone.

They are a family that engages in assassination, and the way they assess their disciples is very simple and crude, not to mention that the old man Shiranui Hanzo has a very strict and cruel personality.

So this time he asked Qin Ming to kill someone to prove his ability.

As for who to kill?

Looking at the form handed in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Mochizuki clan?"

Hearing this name, Shiranui Hanzo, who was kneeling opposite, frowned obviously.

"Yes, it's Mochizuki clan, the mortal enemy of Shiranui clan."

On the form on the table, there were a lot of names written, and they all started with the word "Mochizuki".

And the name at the top of the form was called Mochizuki Shuangjiao.

Reaching out and clicking on the form, Shiranui Hanzo's expression was extremely serious.

"Go kill a disciple of the Moon-Watching Sect on the form, anyone can do it, to prove your strength. I don't care who you kill. Anyway, I will consider how to teach you based on your performance. The better you perform, the more I will teach you. If you can kill the current leader of the Moon-Watching Sect, the Moon-Watching Shuangjiao, then you are the candidate for the next leader of the Shiranui Sect!"

Staring at Qin Ming in front of him, Shiranui Hanzo became more and more satisfied.

No sect, but special bloodline, the most important thing is ruthless, decisive, and merciless.

This is simply the most perfect heir to the Shiranui Dojo! A body of abilities that perfectly match the moves of his own school!

Now the Shiranui lineage has declined, and only this old man and his granddaughter Shiranui Mai are left.

The little girl Shiranui Mai is not a good seedling for killing. Fighting and acting as a gym facade is okay, but it is difficult for her to do things like killing.

Originally, he had already selected a suitable successor, Andy, who had a blood feud with the master and was determined to learn the art of assassination.

After accepting him as his disciple, he found that he was indeed very talented and studied very hard.

But the problem was that guy had no intention of inheriting the Shiranui Dojo. He just wanted to use the dojo as a stepping stone to learn martial arts and leave after using it.

This made Shiranui Hanzo lose hope in Andy instantly, and gave up the idea of ​​teaching him the strongest secret of the Shiranui lineage, and began to look for a new successor.

Originally, the new guys in the gym performed quite well. One of them even learned the move of Ninja Bee without anyone teaching him. He was a genius.

Hanzo Shiranui had planned to contact that guy and give him a task.

But now he suddenly met Qin Ming, who was more talented and performed more fiercely, and he changed his mind instantly.

Staring at Qin Ming, the old man Hanzo Shiranui spoke in a low voice, completely ignoring his granddaughter's little move to pull him secretly.

"Go, prove yourself with actual actions, don't let me down."

Hearing this, Qin Ming nodded slightly, without saying anything more, but got up and left directly.

Seeing this, Mary hurriedly followed with the dog.

For a while, only Hanzo Shiranui and Mai Shiranui were left at the place.

Watching Qin Ming leave, Mai Shiranui pursed her lips, her expression still very indignant.

"Grandpa, are you really going to take him as your apprentice?"

Hearing this, Hanzo Shiranui nodded slightly with a stern face.

"What? Is it not possible?"

"We just met him! We don't even know who he is! How can he suddenly...?"

"Xiao Wu, a person's personality can be faked, appearance can be faked, identity can be faked, but this style cannot. No matter how carefully disguised, the instinct that has been integrated into the muscles will still prompt people to display their best fighting skills at a critical moment. And this kid is indeed just a third-rate fighter who knows military boxing. There is no doubt about this."

"I'm not talking about his style! It's him......"

"He hurt Andy, right? That's why you are hostile to him, even hate him."

Silently glancing at Mai Shiranui, looking at this only relative left, Shiranui Hanzo suddenly sighed with melancholy.

"Xiao Wu, I've said it many times, that Andy is unreliable, you can't choose him."


"He joined our sect just to learn our skills and use us as a stepping stone. Once he has learned everything, he will kick us away. You are also familiar with his personality. Do you think he will really accompany you to revitalize the Shiranui Gym? Will he be willing to stay here with you forever?"

Shiranui Hanzo's words made Shiranui Mai couldn't help but bow her head and fall into silence.

Shiranui Hanzo, who saw this scene, shook his head and slowly stood up.

"I'm old, and I don't have much time left to live. The gym will be handed over to you next, and you are not the type to be the boss, so you need someone to help you and support you, but that Andy, will he really choose to help you wholeheartedly? Don't be silly, kid, face can't be eaten, beauty or handsomeness, they are just things to pursue when you are safe. When you really encounter danger, the feelings gained by these things will be shattered in an instant. Sooner or later, you will understand this."

Shaking his head with his hands behind his back, Shiranui Hanzo turned and left.

Only Shiranui Mai was left there, kneeling there, lowering her head and saying nothing...

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